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littlehud 10-01-2010 07:54 AM

Originally Posted by dvseals
I'm glad they passed this new law, irritates the tar outta me seeing someone driving all over the road only to see them yackin/playing with their phone. Been almost hit twice cause some fool was paying more attention to his phone rather than traffic, good thing "I" was paying attention.
I wait til I'm stopped or parked or if someone's with me I have them answer and tell the person I'll call 'm later cause I'm busy driving.

Anyway, yes it's illegal for anyone in Iowa to text while driving. You can still talk on cell phone but must use hands free device.
First 6 months they're only handing out warnings after that they'll hand out tickets. Believe they start handin out tickets Jan. 1st.
And we've got a new seat belt law, anyone under 18 is to be buckled in or in a car seat no matter where in the car they are.

I don't talk on my cell while driving but the seat belt law is new to me. It's been my rule all along but I didn't know it was a law here now.

cynde 10-01-2010 07:57 AM

Originally Posted by moonwolf23

Originally Posted by Chasing Hawk

Originally Posted by Rhonda
My DH has been telling me he saw in the news that the state of Iowa is going to ban all cell phone use while driving. I went online and all I can find is that Iowa has banned all texting while driving. Anyone know anything about this?

Any comments on your feelings about cell phones used while driving are more than welcome. I don't usually do it. I usually stop and use the phone. It annoys me to have to answer the phone while driving as I feel like I am juggling to do it. But my
DD lives on her phone with 3 kids with medical issues and one of them is her autistic son. She can only be reached on her phone. She is always on the go. So it would be a hardship for her.

While I feel for the hardship she may endure. A hands free device is what is needed. They have a system where the phone is heard through the speakers maybe that is an option for her. I carry a cell phone, but mine has an ear piece. I detest seeing drivers texting or talking while driving. I now have a permanent steel cage around my cervical spine because some lady was gabbing away while driving and rear ended me.
It only takes a minute to pull over and talk.

The problem with blue tooths, is it automatically answers. You can't screen the darn calls. I personally would rather have more control over it.

Not to mention they are expensive.

I have a blue tooth, it was not expensive, and doesn't answer automatically. I have to tell it to answer, true I cannot check caller ID, but if I'm in heavy traffic and don't want to talk to anyone I don't tell it to answer.

BC went hands free last January, and actually just did a study that showed accidents have gone up, because people are holding their phones lower to text, so no-one can see them use it. The law is a good one, it's the people breaking the law that are causing more problems.

Ditter43 10-01-2010 08:56 AM

I don't have a cell phone but I am so against people driving and talking on their phones. After watching the Oprah show last year about it I try to get all my friends and family to make the car a no phone zone....It is so dangerous to be distracted while driving! :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

Ramona Byrd 10-01-2010 02:03 PM

I drive alone all the time, I drive where and when I want, so I consider a cell phone and AAA card just plain insurance.

All my friends and family, ALL of them, know that if I do not answer the cell phone, hang up and call back in 15 minutes. That will give me time enough to find a parking place and get set to chat.

On the other hand, I can't think of many reasons that anyone would be in a rush to tell me, almost all family are out of state and know pretty well that I go a lot, so they usually leave a message on the house phone, or email me.

I spent over 28 years volunteering with our local hospital, and seeing all those broken and bloody bodies brought in really makes me firm in never answering the phone while driving.

If only others felt the same!!! I wish the laws were stricter and the fines larger, there are no reasons for everyone doing this for miles and miles, driving erratically and causing accidents more than they did with no phones in their hands.

Tussymussy 10-01-2010 02:17 PM

Here in the UK we have had to wear seat belts and not use our cell (mobile) phones when driving for a long time. It is law. However, daily we see many reckless people still using their cell phone while driving.

This is incredibly dangerous. Whilst using a cell phone your total attention is not on the road. Just imaging how the person concerned would feel if they injured or killed someone by their lawbreaking.

My cell phone is always off when I am driving or doing something that could be dangerous if I was to be distracted by the cell phone.

I am probably a bit of a dinosaur where they are concerned. Yes, they have uses when I am out and about but I do not want to tell the world my life history and personal business during that time as others can overhear. One example of this made me laugh.

On a commuter train (in a quiet, no cell phone area) a lady took and made several phone calls. During these she gave the other person a huge number of personal details. Someone else on the train took down all these details and sent her a text saying: I know your name, your address, your date of birth, the names of your husband and children, where you work, how much you earn, where you bank, how much you have on deposit plus other details.

Not one bit alarmed or embarrassed, she stood up and loudly asked "Who did that?!" She was inconsiderate to other travellers and rude but not only that was insensitive that she had breached her own privacy.

I think this is a very salutary tale about using cell phones.

What do you think?

Tallulah 10-01-2010 02:48 PM

It is a new law in my state. You can talk hands free. I am terrified that a kid will run into me texting and driving. That is against the law, too.

jemma 10-01-2010 03:05 PM

when driving you need your full attention to the task----i get to help put back together the results of inattention-some times it is just not possible to fix the damage

dvseals 10-01-2010 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by littlehud
I don't talk on my cell while driving but the seat belt law is new to me. It's been my rule all along but I didn't know it was a law here now.

It just went into effect first of July and we're getting the standard 6month grace period where they'll hand out warnings instead of tickets.

wvdek 10-01-2010 05:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Great topic and one that needs attention.

I will probably post here more than ya'all want me too. Too bad.

Oprah has done a show on texting while driving. In the age group of 16 -25, they are causing more DEATHS due to texting than anything else. Texting and driving is a whole lot different than eating and drinking, tho those should be curbed, too.
My DS is an over-the-road trucker. He has a bluetooth and uses it alot. When his bluetooth goes down and he has to use his cell, he pulls over. He says he cannot concentrate on all the idiots out there and drive while holding it.

He has had two close calls in the last three months. I will attach pics. He was driving down a four lane hiway and noticed a car weaving approaching from behind. He geared down because at the same time, the truck with trailer in front of him was slowing with turn signal on to turn at next intesection. DS said he saw movement out of left side, saw young women pass him while leaning over, she almost hit his front end as she swerved in front of him and guess what? Yep, she hit the trailer in front of my DS sending it and that truck into a downward spiral. DS almost hit her trying to stop, but managed to avoid it. Her car stopped almost three hundred feet down the road. The pics say it all. As DS ran towards her car to be sure she was ok, she jumped out and said, "It was all my fault. I am so sorry. I was reaching for my ringing phone". He assisted her back to her car as she was injured and told her to sit. He then checked the other driver. Thankfully he was ok. He was out surveying the damage.
Notice where the fire truck is. In front of the fire truck is an ambulance. In front of that is teh girls car. See how far it took her to stop!

Darn, that didn't work. I'll try again. One down, still trying. Rats, I cannot get these to load properly. Will keep working at it.

DS taking pic from truck

renee765 10-01-2010 05:46 PM

I heard on the news just this morning or yesterday morning (don't ask me what I had for lunch because I can't remember that either) that some state (also can't remember which one) had banned texting while driving, and their deaths from texting has actually gone up! Seems that when folks COULD legally text while driving, they tended to hold the phone up by steering wheel, closer to eye level, so they could keep an eye on the road. Since it had been made illegal, folks were still texting but trying to do it on their laps so they wouldn't get caught, which has caused more accidents.

Seeing people on the phone while driving scares the bejeeses out of me!

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