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-   -   Dec 2011 Weight Loss Adventure With A Prize! (the winner is mim) (https://www.quiltingboard.com/general-chit-chat-non-quilting-talk-f7/dec-2011-weight-loss-adventure-prize-winner-mim-t170255.html)

Pam H 12-08-2011 04:38 PM

Wow, meanmom. How in the world do you exercise so much? That is my worst area of discipline.

purplemem 12-08-2011 06:07 PM

I have been pretty ill for several months, since August really. I know I have not responded as I should have and I apologize and will make an effort to be better at encouragement.
Sunday night I collapsed and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. I had 3 blood clots in my right leg. I got home tonight and am back on bed rest, with doc follow up every day next week. Not everything was resolved but I lived through the crisis, which is important!

Keep on slogging through. December is a tough month, we are too busy, too stressed, and maybe don't even want to address weight or diet issues.

I know this...I have lost a total of 94 pounds now over the last 6 years, all one pound at a time. I do not believe I would alive today if I was at my top weight. Each pound I take off helps me a little bit more.

Consider what you want for yourself this month? Do you want to relax? Do you want to lose? Do you want to exercise more and enjoy the treats? Do you just want to keep up with the fellowship? Make your choice and keep with it for the month...January will come along soon enough.


purplemem 12-08-2011 06:09 PM

Cindy at Createfourpaws has offered a po box that she already has for the collection of FQs.
My vote is to send them at the first of the month, and it is a selfish vote. I have a hard time getting to the post office and if I HAVE to send it to participate, I will make the deadline.

Keep on chatting!

Jeannette in NJ 12-08-2011 07:43 PM

Hi everyone,
I missed the sign up but I will be dropping in to check on you all.
Keep moving forward, or maybe downward is a better way for us. LOL
Jeannette in NJ

createfourpaws 12-08-2011 08:50 PM

MJ - take care of yourself. Keeping you in my prayers.

Has anyone heard from Missy? She has not posted since mid- November.

I haven't lost anything so far, but I am maintaining my weight. I will be happy to maintain for the month.

pinsninks 12-08-2011 09:06 PM

Originally Posted by Rita's mom (Post 4753223)
I hope this doesn't come off sounding snarky or mean but I would like to say as far as people not sending their FQ's at the end of the month, maybe sending them in at the beginning of the month would solve alot of the problems of the winner not recieving all of their deserved FQ's at the end of the month. I know it has been an ongoing problem.

I have followed this thread for almost a year now, and for the first couple of months I didn't lose any weight but then I got really inspired by Missy and a few others that were posting at the time. Because like others on here I don't have any support or encouragement here at home, so having support from others on here(something I have never had before) made all the difference in the world, and I lost 49 pounds. I still have more to lose but have sort of stalled out the last few months.

I am not sure why so many people stop posting on a regular basis as the month goes on. As I said earlier I have followed this thread for almost a year now, so I am far from a new person. I used to post regularly, but for the past several months I have definately gotten the feeling that when I post I might as well be talking to the wall. It seems like people will post and address the people above and below my post and completely ignor anything I posted, or like anything I post somehow is not being seen by anyone else but me. It feels like there are a select few people on here who have become familiar with each other and that is the only people they care to address or support.

I know that communicating through writing is tricky because things can sound harsh or completely different than you mean them to, I know that I tend to make a joke about things that I struggle with when I talk about them and have spent alot of time worrying that I have affended someone on here because of that or that something I wrote came off sounding different than I ment it to. I didn't participate in Oct. because of this feeling and then MJ posted that they needed people to post more often and be involved so I thought that the way I was feeling was all in my head and I joined last month and had exactly the same experience as before. I don't mean this to sound rude but sometimes it feels like a little highschool clique and only a certain few are included in it and the rest are ignored until they get the message and go away. I have even sent PM's of praise or concern to two of the oldest participants on this thread because after almost a year you really do come to care about their struggles and feel happy for their successes, and they were ignored also. I don't mean to sound like I am whining I just thought I would offer the thought that others may have had simular experiences and stopped posting/participating because of it. It is just a thought and I hope I haven't offended anyone by what I have said it is just my experience on here not nessesarilly anyone elses.

I had participated 3 months, but my experience was just like yours. I felt 'invisible' as well. I would comment, encourage, even ask a question and all the responses were directed to the people all around my post. I felt as tho what I had to say wasn't important enough to anyone else. I dropped out and noone noticed.

Pam H 12-08-2011 09:55 PM

Pam, sorry you had a bad experience. There are several new people now so maybe you should try again. It might be better for you.
Please pray for my grand nephew, Ethan. He is starting a new diet to try to control his seizures. The diet is high fat, medium protein and very few carbs. His body will produce ketones and this should reduce the number of seizures. He has been in the hospital since monday and is having a very rough time adjusting to the diet. They had to put in an IV tonight. One of his meals consisted of butter, mayonnaise, green beans, chicken breast, an apple and heavy cream to wash it down. I think I would be vomiting and getting dehydrated also. He is 3 1/2. While on this diet, 35% of children have their seizures reduced by 90%. I sure hope that is the outcome for Ethan.

purplemem 12-09-2011 05:07 AM

Pinsninks, welcome back. I am glad to see you.
Pam H, that is an icky diet. After a week of hosp food, I thought I would like anything, but, no, not that. I am praying for Ethan.

I am finding the only way for me to respond to each poster is to have a split screen with the full thread on one page and the response thread on another. I will make sure I leave no one out today.

I tried to call Missy from the hospital and there was no answer. I will try again today.

Murphy1, I would love to see your table topper. I love to see what folks on this thread are working on and I encourage you to post here in this thread.

Kathy T, I am blessed to not particularly care for cookies, but homemade candy??? yikes! And yes, whatever forbidden foods we desire DO multiply in the dark.

Pam H., I am glad you are here. What quilty thing are you working on?

BettyKay, 1/4 a pound a month is 12 pounds a year...

Createfourpaws, (Cindy), thanks for your support and pms. I hope your pt is helping... we are still working on the ph issues for me, but I have a new pulmonologist who is taking me seriously and I am grateful.

Beachbound, I love your blue quilt. I really want to start one for me.

susan..., Winner for November!, this challenge has been a lifesaver for me. Just knowing that someone else cares I am struggling makes a difference.

Irish, Keep on walking with the babies. They love it and so does your body!

Dotski, welcome back! I found the board transition very difficult.

Every month I list the thread on the last day of the month. I list it by MONTH, then YEAR, Weight Loss Adventure, etc. If you use the SEARCH function it will be one of the first to pop up, Dec space 2011 space Weight SEARCH will find us. In January it will be Jan 2012 Weight, etc. On the last day of the month, or actually the day the winner is announced, I have PatriceJ close the previous thread and change the title to Dec 2011 weight loss WINNER IS .... That way, no one can post on the wrong thread AND from the title you can see who won without PMing someone. Also I post the winner at the end of the month's thread that closed along with the link of the new thread. If you look at my posts on weight loss you can find the answers there for both.

JeanneH, How is Sunday morning going for you? Have you figured out your routine to accomodate for the goodies? I know it was quite a struggle for a long while...

ljs-Lisa, So glad to see you here. I know it is an effort for you to be here. Are things working out for you now?

This is all for a while. I need to rest and then will post again. I got through post #14 and will keep on later.

ljs317 12-09-2011 05:45 AM

Hi All!

Thanks purplemem for the update about your health. I worry about you and pray that you will regain your health.

Thanks also for asking about me, things are better for me, and I am back on track with my weight loss goal. November I fell so far off the wagon I couldn't even see the wagon. lol i am more determined to loose now.


ljs317 12-09-2011 05:48 AM

Hi all

I just had a thought! Amazing isn't it!

Would It help if the winner posted who sent their fat quarter. then it would keep everyone accountable.

Just a thought see what you think.


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