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-   -   December 2012 Weight Loss Adventure with a Prize!!!! (https://www.quiltingboard.com/general-chit-chat-non-quilting-talk-f7/december-2012-weight-loss-adventure-prize-t207308.html)

Pam 304 12-15-2012 08:53 AM

Originally Posted by CountryHouseQuilter (Post 5720566)
I'm back!! Came home yesterday. I have 4 holes in my belly and no more gallbladder!!!! Doc said the surgery went better than he expected, and he expected it to go well. Said my gallbladder was inflamed and full of stones, but no other organs were comprimised with the removal. He also got to look around and said my stomach, pancrease and liver looked good too. I'm pretty sore right now, and only able to sleep in our recliner. Going to give the couch a try in a couple days, just afraid I won't be able to get off of it right now, with out a lot of pain or hurting something. No bed, as we have a waterbed and I'm really scared I won't get out of it. Doc said I can walk, stairs (limited amount), eat anything, no lifting over 5lbs. I haven't really eaten anything other than soup, eggs and toast. Not in the mood I guess. Tomorrow I'm going to do some sewing, keep myself occupied. For now, I'm back to the chair for a nap. Nite ladies!!!!

When I had mine I rolled in the bed how I wanted to lay. No turning over in the bed for awhile. Couldn't drive for a week but only missed 12 or 14 days. Started back in slowly on night shift. Worked in a group home with adults with profound mental handicaps.
Oh by the way if you move heavy furniture or have to wear a lifting belt it will hurt. The clip still gets sore sometimes.

Shadowirish 12-15-2012 10:02 AM

CHQ glad you're back and doing well.

I want to thank all of you for the inspiration and motivation I have found on this thread everyday. I started my journey a year ago at Thanksgiving time having been told by my dr that I was borderline diabetic. My DH is diabetic and is on meal time insuline.......I don't want to go there! So by Aug of this year I had lost 45# and then hit a wall. I hadn't gained any back but had lost my mojo for losing and I still need to lose 35 to 40. Thanks to all of you, I'm back on track,WooHoo! It seems like a long road but I'm doing it one day at a time.
Happy Holidays everyone!

CountryHouseQuilter 12-15-2012 10:11 AM

Shadowirish - glad to hear you're back on track. We're all here for you!!!!! I know it's a tough row to hoe, but, we can do this!!!! I have faith, and everyone here to keep me motivated. And we're all here to keep you motivated. I'll be glad when I can really get back in the swing of things and walk. I'm bored just walking around the house, although I do have my course planned out. DH laughs when he sees me come walking through, but he knows I'm doing what I'm suppose to, so I don't get any blood clots. So Shadow, we're rooting for you!!!!!! You can do this!!!!!!

Thanks for the well wishes ladies. I think when I can get one full night of sleep I'll feel a lot better. Mayb tonight I'll give the couch a try. We'll see. Now I'm off to walk some laps and then do a little knitting. Tomorrow my DH will light the pellet stove in the basement and let me go down the stairs......oooooo, I'm sooooo excited!! (He's a tough nurse...LOL).

Jim's Gem 12-15-2012 10:58 AM

Glad that your surgery went well!! Make sure that you do not overdo!!!!

I have had some digestive issues since I got back from Florida. Not eating a whole lot. Unfortunately the scale is not reflecting that I'm not eating much!!!!!

Vanogay 12-15-2012 01:07 PM

CHQ, glad you're back and on the mend. Know once the pain stops, you'll be glad you dit it (the surgery) - and of course, once you can get back to your sewing, you'll be on the mend quickly. But, as advised above - don't overdo it!!
Shadowirish, welcome aboard. Not one of us has really started to lose weight and kept on going - I think each one of us has had some sort of set back. Just keep the chin up - and the mouth closed (LOL) and we'll be here for you.

Shadowirish 12-15-2012 02:19 PM

Originally Posted by Vanogay (Post 5722091)
CHQ, glad you're back and on the mend. Know once the pain stops, you'll be glad you dit it (the surgery) - and of course, once you can get back to your sewing, you'll be on the mend quickly. But, as advised above - don't overdo it!!
Shadowirish, welcome aboard. Not one of us has really started to lose weight and kept on going - I think each one of us has had some sort of set back. Just keep the chin up - and the mouth closed (LOL) and we'll be here for you.

Vanogay....LOL.....and keep on quilting...can't eat and quilt at the same time!

sewNso 12-17-2012 05:09 AM

CHQ, welcome back. hope you have a speedy recovery. we snuck off to n.c. for a long weekend. took the DD's bed rather than get a motel room or bring the motor home. home with the 3 yr old GD today. she is getting my mystery quilt in judy's mystery quilt, we just did. (the 2nd one, cause the lst went somewhere else) under the tree until christmas, tho. more squeezes in, if we stay right here. I have decided to get off the wt. loss wagon till after the lst of the yr.but will try to stay mostly good. see you all in a couple days, back in michigan.

Vanogay 12-17-2012 09:21 AM

we'll miss you SewnSo, enjoy your holidays, but remember the trials of losing what you regain!! They don't come off as easily the second, or third time around. I'm really going to keep with it and see just what I can do through the holidays. Got weighed at the doctor's office this a.m. and so far, it's the same as I started the month with, but no gain - that's good. If I can just keep my mouth closed - around food that is, I'll do alright.

irishrose 12-17-2012 06:42 PM

SewNso, you can still post - we just won't ask about weight loss. I started wrapping today. Yikes! There is a mountain of gifts, then comes the fun of keeping each family's separate until they are picked up or delivered. I was ill this morning so wrapping was a non strenuous activity for today. I did walk Cheech and Chong and go to a BB game. Thank goodness it was in town, not 90 miles away.

The bowl of oatmeal with walnuts that I just had was my first food besides pineapple juice for today. Too bad I won't lose any weight.

I'm so glad I'm not sewing this year. I do miss sewing, but I don't miss the pressure. I almost sat down to work on my train mystery quilt today, but I really can't or Sunday and Christmas will be here and I won't be ready. One year I went on strike. My ex-husband loved holidays and my last child at home did, too. I informed them it's easy to love them sitting around looking at all the pretties and going to/ having parties. I opted to do the cooking and anything else that got done was up to them. My husband did the cards, my son helped me with the baking, they cleaned the house and put up the tree and decorations together. It was an eyeopener for both of them. Wish I could go on strike now. I do love Christmas, but it's time consuming.

Back to the wrapping. Have a good evening.

Edit: D's motel had a fire last night. He told me the only things he grabbed on the way out were his wallet and his birthday quilt from last year. Smart boy.

Vanogay 12-18-2012 12:56 PM

Okay - Taboo Tuesday. Holiday luncheons are here. I'm doing this because I just came from a pot luck/buffet luncheon at my quilt guild. There was food enough to feed most of East Tennessee!! This is for all of us who will be going to other luncheons in the coming days - remember we're watching our intake so - Choose Only One Dessert - not a mixture of everything that's on the table. Now, that being said, don't say, okay, I'll just have this one type of dessert and pick up 2 pieces - Only One serving of One Dessert. I have two more luncheons this week, so this will be something for me to remember. Desserts are always calling out my name - all of them!

meanmom 12-18-2012 02:54 PM

Well I talked to the principal today about my issues in the classroom. She was kinda shocked at what I said. I told her I am so frustrated and upset that some days I cry on the way home. (I am not a cryer) I have a mouth guard because I have been gritting and grinding my teeth in my sleep. I bit thru it the other night. I just decided enough is enough. I hope I didn't start something I am going to regret. I feel like the teacher hates me. I told her I feel like I could say the sky is blue and I would get a look like "what the hell are you talking about." I told the principal I need to bet out of there and have been applying for jobs elsewhere. I feel like I could walk out today if I didn't need the health insurance.
She is going to talk to the director of special ed and see what she can do for me. She isn't making any promises because there aren't any jobs out there. Hopefully this will help and not make it worse.

Pam H 12-19-2012 07:44 AM

Meanmom, good for you to stand up for yourself. I know that took a lot of nerve. I will be praying that something good comes out of this. You deserve a much better job.
I find I do much better about snacking if I spend the evening in my sewing room. :) I made 2 pillowcases that will be going to the students at Sandy Hook.
My son had his surgery. All went well but the Koreans have some strange things that they do. They keep you awake for the first 2 hours after you come out of the anesthesia. Otherwise your brain could stay "under". Coma? There aren't many nurses so his girlfriend had the job of keeping him awake. I don't know what would have happened if she wasn't there. I was in contact with his (Chinese) girlfriend and I think something was lost in translation because she had me scared that he was dyeing. Monday night was a very bad time for me. They took a ligament from his thigh to replace the torn ACL and also repaired his meniscus. They don't believe in using much pain medication so he was in a lot of pain. He was able to skype with us last night and sounded good. He is in a room with 4 other men. Do we even have any non private rooms here anymore? He thinks he will get to go home on Christmas day. Here it is outpatient surgery.

Vanogay 12-19-2012 03:11 PM

Pam, hope your son heals quickly. He is young and hopefully in good health to bounce back. Yes, the overseas hospitals are not like ours here in the US. Maybe they want the patient awake because of the type of anesthesia they use? I was in a military hospital in Europe back in the early 70s - run by the military, but still not quite what the US had.
Meanmom, good luck with your school problems. My DIL in MO is a special ed teacher and tells me of the problems she has with the school counselors and the principal - guess some of these issues go both ways. In any case, good luck.

Pam H 12-19-2012 03:17 PM

He is 28 and in good health but has Type 1 diabetes so I worry about his healing. He has been diabetic for 12 years.

Vanogay 12-19-2012 03:23 PM

Oh, my. Even more, I can see why you worry. More prayers going up for him, you and all his caregivers.

Pam H 12-19-2012 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by Vanogay (Post 5729929)
Oh, my. Even more, I can see why you worry. More prayers going up for him, you and all his caregivers.

Thanks, Kathleen!

Everose 12-20-2012 06:17 AM

Have not been posting, although reading what is going on. November was very hard on me and as usual I ate through it. But then had to give myself permission to do it because the anger was hurting me mentally.

Mom passed away yesterday in her sleep. Complications from Alzheimer's. Have cried buckets, but also had a great closure that I needed. DD is here today and then has to go back to Fargo until Sunday when she will come back for a couple days. No service, but cremation will take place and then family burial sometime in the summer. I have always heard say "I love you" because you never know. I did on Monday when I saw her and it almost seemed like it gave her permission to die. Was in Fargo visiting DD when I got the call. I was so glad that I was with DD and not here alone as DH was out on road for work.

Wishing all a blessed Christmas. Keep those near and dear close to your heart.

Shadowirish 12-20-2012 06:24 AM

Prayers for comfort and healing for you and your family.

Vanogay 12-20-2012 12:15 PM

Yes, Prayers, Everose. It is hard to lose a parent - and close to the holidays, as well. But you know too well, she is better off where she is now that in that closed mind the Alzheimer patients suffer from.

Jim's Gem 12-23-2012 05:46 PM

So sorry to hear of your loss Everose. Even if it is expected or a relief, it is still hard. You will still miss her. Glad you got to say "I love you"
I have been AFK I was out of town the whole first week of December and on the 20th my newest Grandson was born.
Daughter called us at 2:45 am and we were out of the house and on the fwy heading down past Los Angeles by 3:10am. We got to the hospital in Anaheim in record time, cause there was no one on the road!!
Little Joshua Peter John Alvarez was born at 8:04 am weighing in at 8 lbs 8oz and 21 inches long. I was there in the delivery room from about 4:30 am and got to see him born. He is so precious!!! They have my other grandson, Isaac, who is 19 months old. I just got home from spending a couple days helping them out. That was Thursday. On Friday my father had some surgery, I was staying at my parents house so when I wasn't at my daughter's I was helping them a little. It's a 45 min drive with no traffic between their houses. I'm tired!! Glad to be home for 2 nights then back down to my parents house on Christmas day. Hopefully traffic won't be bad on Christmas and it only takes us 2 hours to get there. We'll spend the night at my in-laws (about 15 min from my parents) and come back home Wed evening. I will probably go back down and help my daughter after her DH returns to work on the 3rd. My daughter does not have room for me to stay there unless I want to sleep on the couch. That's why I stay with my parents.
Well, enough rambling, DH just walked in and I have not seen him for a few days.

Pam H 12-23-2012 07:19 PM

Congratulations Grandma Gayle! You will have to update your signature since you now have 3 precious grand babies. Enjoy them this Christmas season!
I just got home from visiting my mil. My fil passed away 2 1/2 yrs ago and she will not allow herself to have any joy in her life. She is not much fun to be around. I hope someday she will quit punishing herself and have some fun. She even stopped going to church. She was a pastor's wife for most of her life.

createfourpaws 12-24-2012 11:29 AM

wow we hae been a very quiet group this month.

Everose you have been in my prayers.

I just got back from spending time with my son and daughter in law down in Houston. I had a great time.

Prayers for all who need them.

Merry Christmas every one.

Vanogay 12-24-2012 12:07 PM

Taboo Tuesday is early, but you do understand with tomorrow being Christmas and all - anyway - taboo is that 3rd drink. Have a second one if you must, (space them apart), but not that third. What is that saying? Drink responsibly.
Merry Christmas everyone - enjoy the holidays.

meanmom 12-25-2012 06:01 AM

Merry Christmas everyone. Santa found our house again this year.

Jim's Gem 12-25-2012 09:22 AM

Merry Christmas Everyone!!! I pray your day is full of blessings as we celebrate the birth of our Lord

meanmom 12-26-2012 05:08 AM

I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas. It is sleeting and snowing at the same time here today. We are under a blizzard warning. I guess I am staying home today. I mounted my new tv shelf and a quilt rack in my sewing room yesterday. I guess I will hide up there all day. Most of my leftovers from my family Christmas party here on the 23rd are either sent home to school with my DD or gone. I feel gross like I have gained 20 pounds in 3 days. Clean eating and exercise today. My other DD went to visit her DH grandma, way out in the country. They may get snowed in for a while.

Shadowirish 12-26-2012 08:42 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hmmmmmm.......I think DH knows the quilting bug now inhabits our home! Though I've dabbled for years,it's only been since this spring I've gotten really serious about learning and improving my skills at quilting.....
this was one of my Christmas gifts!

sewNso 12-26-2012 03:53 PM

hope everyone had a nice christmas. it's the nite of the 26th here, and we are suppose to get up to 6 inches before morning. windy, and blowing.
hope you all are alive and kicking after all that good christmas food.....me?........ i'm ready to cut out all sugar again. can't stand the thought of anything else.

Vanogay 12-27-2012 05:12 AM

Well, the weather has been miserable here as well. I tried to sew yesterday and got so cold. My machine is in the corner and my chair is right next to the sliding glass door going out to the small sun room - which is no good when the sun isn't shining! Anyway, the wind was coming through the cat door (which I had closed off) and the regular doors themselves. I was very uncomfortable. This morning, I am going downstairs and trying to reconfigure my sewing room. I have a group of ladies that come over 2x a week, so need as much room for them as I can get. I have a good size space, but cabinets against wall can't be moved - in any case I have limited space to work with. Should work off a calorie or two today. Eat healthy everyone - and if anyone wants to come over and help move, come on.

meanmom 12-27-2012 06:42 AM

I was snowed in yesterday. We got about 5 inches of snow and ice. I got a lot done. Cleaned my sewing room a little and sewed most of the day around loads of laundry. I am going out today to spend my Christmas money. I got a gift card to Hancocks and a 20% off coupon online. I am going to go get some reduced Christmas fabric. I printed the coupon twice because JoAnns should honor it too. I am also heading to the LQS. DH gave me $200 to spend on anything I want. I am sure I can find something good. They are having an inventory reduction sale:) The other shop I want to go to is way out in the country and I am sure the roads aren't cleaned up yet. Maybe tomorrow.
I have eaten so much junk food I have nearly made myself sick. I threw some cookies in the garbage and still thought about them. I dumped coffee grounds on them. The more I eat the more I want. Salad for lunch today. Broccoli soup for dinner. I am making a venison roast for dinner but I don't like venison. I am heading upstairs to the elliptical. My knees are killing me from lack of exercise. I will eat healthy today.

CountryHouseQuilter 12-27-2012 08:37 AM

Wow. I've been out of touch with the holidays and everything. This group has had a lot going on. Prayers for all, seems a lot of us need them. And congratulations on the new little one!! What a joy, and at Christmas.

I've been recovering, and was super busy getting things ready for Christmas. I have the whole family in for dinner on Christmas. What a joy. That was the best gift ever. Having my family and my husbands family here and being all together!!!! I hope everyone else had a wonderful Christmas!!

Weight wise, I'm not holding my breath. I've been experimenting with different foods, see what I can eat and all. Weight has gone up and down. Once all this good food is gone out of the house I think things will be much better. Right now I feel ok, but I have days of nausea and days of running to the bathroom and bad cramping. Hoping that gets better and isn't going to be the norm. I won't be back to work until January 11th, as my doc won't release me till the 8th, then I have to get cleared through Occ. Health at work, and my next shift day would be the 11th. What a long vacation I get to recover. I'm trying to enjoy it to the fullest. Today a couple friends and I are going to the movies and then dinner. Tomorrow I'm going to PA shopping!! Then I think while it's snowing I'll be sewing on Saturday.

Have a wonderful day Ladies!!!!

meanmom 12-27-2012 01:03 PM

CHQ glad to hear you had a wonderful Christmas. It is great getting the whole family together. Hope you are feeling better soon. After i had my gallbladder out I had trouble with roughage- I couldn't eat too much salads or vegetables for a while. I hope you digestion issues settle soon.

createfourpaws 12-28-2012 05:13 AM

Good Morning ladies........wow where has this month gone. I had a great Christmas, went to Houston the weekend before Christmas to spend with my son and daughter in law. She graduated on Friday with her bachalors degree in English Lit from the Univ. of Houston. We had her celebration on friday night, then had our christmas on Saturday......with my son taking me with him to finish up his Christmas shopping for his wife. DIL made homemade lasagna and a salad of course with garlic bread. And yes I only had 2 drinks with dinner. We then went to Moody Gardens for their christmas light display.

Came home on Sunday afternoon so I could spend CHristmas with mom and dad. Best thing that happened is we had the first white christmas in about 20 yrs. It snowed here in dallas on christmas day. It was great.........glad it is gone. Roads were cleared up when I had to go to work.

I will be posting the new thread over the weekend. Everyone please join us again.

Now to finish getting ready for work. Have a great day.

sewNso 12-28-2012 07:08 AM

yeap, me tooo everyone. glad all the sweets are out of the house. got on the scales, and i can live with it. up a couple lbs, but it'll settle off in a couple days. i've read, that when sugar is in your body, it just makes you crave more. it sings to you all the time--'more, more, more'. I have an egg allergy, so a lot of the baked goods are off limits to me, but believe me, when i say that i know what doesn't have eggs in it.
hubby wanted a loaf of home made bread, so it's in the bread maker. hope i can stick to just one slice. when we went to n.c. my daughter later informed me, that she had had her best week at WW even tho, we were there, and it had been christmas time. Little did she know, that it had been on purpose. when i cooked, i baked a chicken, and had cooked a head of fresh cauliflower and made green beans.(no southern grease in them,etc.) and of course others stuck their noses up at the fresh caulif. and dug into the mashed potatoes, and homemade biscuits. sooo, she and i had lots of caulif. for us. :thumbup:
CHQ--glad you are healing.:) mean--enjoy shopping. :) V--no drinks for me, ever...my body doesn't like alchol.
cindy, thx, for the pm. happy new yr. alll.

Vanogay 12-28-2012 11:32 AM

I weighed yesterday, too. Up 1 lb, not bad I guess. tried my hardest to keep everything down to bare minimum - but with all the 'buffet' style eating we've been doing, it was hard to judge everything. I didn't have those drinks either, no alcohol - personal preference. Thinking of what our Taboo Tuesday might be to get us through the New Year - sparkling juice perhaps instead. I'll post something early on Monday to get everyone ready for their festivities. I'll have to post it twice, once on the December post and once on the January post when it's up and ready.
What's everyone having for New Years dinner? We're having mixed greens and black-eyed peas (supposed to be good 'mojo' and bring prosperity in the new year). I won't cook corn bread for the meal though, cutting back on the breads and I could eat the whole pan if I make it. Eat healthy everyone.

meanmom 12-28-2012 11:42 AM

YOu guys are brave. I am afraid of the scale. I will step on to it on the 31st. My husband says it is good mojo to have sauerkraut on New Years so we will probably have that. Very high in sodium but low in calories. I drink an occasional drink but don't drink much alcohol either. We have a Christmas party Saturday night and are probably go out on New Years. New Years(if we go) is a pretty far drive out into the country so no alcohol for me. I always have to be the designated driver. About once a year when a couple of drinks sound good I make my DH drive home.

Jim's Gem 12-28-2012 06:35 PM

Ok, everyone, For the third time last night I had some bad stomach cramping. I'm wondering if it could be gall bladder issues. This has not been fun. What are some of the symptoms of gall bladder issues?

CountryHouseQuilter 12-29-2012 08:03 AM

Gayle - I never had stomach cramping. I did have a muscle spasm issue that feld as if it was right above the stomach area on my left, but right below my ribs. That seems to have gone since surgery too. My main symptoms were extreme bloating all across my middle and up under the center of my ribs, sometimes making it hard to breath. Of course gas, heartburn, a little reflux, and pain in my back, under my left shoulder blade and across to my right. Oh, plus I was getting dull headaches, which I never get. Usually all my issues happened about an hour or so after eating my evening meal. Got to the point I was just eating a bowl of soup, or crackers. Seemed everything but that gave me issues. Thanksgiving about killed me as I thought God or someone would give me the holiday off to enjoy myself. Hahahahaha.....boy was I stupid. Layed in bed all night in misery trying to get comfortable.

I went to the gastro doc who sent me for blood work and an ultrasound. That confirmed it!! Gallstones and a diseased gallbladder. Surgeon said when he went in it was enflamed. And I feel so much better now. None of the old symptoms. Just some new ones that I don't mind. My body has to get use to the change and adjust. Learning what I can and can't eat when i go out, so I don't have a bathroom issue.

Hope you feel better and find out what the issue is!! I know that stuff like that is no fun!!!!

Jim's Gem 12-29-2012 12:57 PM

I'm still trying to figure this our. I have a lot of cramping, or pain just under the ribs, though it seems central. No pain in back or shoulder. No headache. There is bloating, and I belch a lot. It has happened three times when I have had some Chips and salsa. Though last week I had some without issue, as well as Christmas day. The second and third time I really wasn't hungry and I ate anyway. I suppose I should call my Dr after the first. I am going to be really careful how I eat this weekend. I don't want to go thru that again!!! From the beginning I have felt that this was no flu or bug or even food poisoning. Right now I am totally relating it to corn tortillas. Though, I have never had a problem in the past. I have had a cast iron stomach!!!
I sure hope this does not happen again. Maybe it is not gall bladder, maybe something else....

Pam H 12-29-2012 03:06 PM

Gayle, maybe you have developed a corn allergy?

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