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Pam 304 12-15-2012 08:53 AM

Originally Posted by CountryHouseQuilter (Post 5720566)
I'm back!! Came home yesterday. I have 4 holes in my belly and no more gallbladder!!!! Doc said the surgery went better than he expected, and he expected it to go well. Said my gallbladder was inflamed and full of stones, but no other organs were comprimised with the removal. He also got to look around and said my stomach, pancrease and liver looked good too. I'm pretty sore right now, and only able to sleep in our recliner. Going to give the couch a try in a couple days, just afraid I won't be able to get off of it right now, with out a lot of pain or hurting something. No bed, as we have a waterbed and I'm really scared I won't get out of it. Doc said I can walk, stairs (limited amount), eat anything, no lifting over 5lbs. I haven't really eaten anything other than soup, eggs and toast. Not in the mood I guess. Tomorrow I'm going to do some sewing, keep myself occupied. For now, I'm back to the chair for a nap. Nite ladies!!!!

When I had mine I rolled in the bed how I wanted to lay. No turning over in the bed for awhile. Couldn't drive for a week but only missed 12 or 14 days. Started back in slowly on night shift. Worked in a group home with adults with profound mental handicaps.
Oh by the way if you move heavy furniture or have to wear a lifting belt it will hurt. The clip still gets sore sometimes.

Shadowirish 12-15-2012 10:02 AM

CHQ glad you're back and doing well.

I want to thank all of you for the inspiration and motivation I have found on this thread everyday. I started my journey a year ago at Thanksgiving time having been told by my dr that I was borderline diabetic. My DH is diabetic and is on meal time insuline.......I don't want to go there! So by Aug of this year I had lost 45# and then hit a wall. I hadn't gained any back but had lost my mojo for losing and I still need to lose 35 to 40. Thanks to all of you, I'm back on track,WooHoo! It seems like a long road but I'm doing it one day at a time.
Happy Holidays everyone!

CountryHouseQuilter 12-15-2012 10:11 AM

Shadowirish - glad to hear you're back on track. We're all here for you!!!!! I know it's a tough row to hoe, but, we can do this!!!! I have faith, and everyone here to keep me motivated. And we're all here to keep you motivated. I'll be glad when I can really get back in the swing of things and walk. I'm bored just walking around the house, although I do have my course planned out. DH laughs when he sees me come walking through, but he knows I'm doing what I'm suppose to, so I don't get any blood clots. So Shadow, we're rooting for you!!!!!! You can do this!!!!!!

Thanks for the well wishes ladies. I think when I can get one full night of sleep I'll feel a lot better. Mayb tonight I'll give the couch a try. We'll see. Now I'm off to walk some laps and then do a little knitting. Tomorrow my DH will light the pellet stove in the basement and let me go down the stairs......oooooo, I'm sooooo excited!! (He's a tough nurse...LOL).

Jim's Gem 12-15-2012 10:58 AM

Glad that your surgery went well!! Make sure that you do not overdo!!!!

I have had some digestive issues since I got back from Florida. Not eating a whole lot. Unfortunately the scale is not reflecting that I'm not eating much!!!!!

Vanogay 12-15-2012 01:07 PM

CHQ, glad you're back and on the mend. Know once the pain stops, you'll be glad you dit it (the surgery) - and of course, once you can get back to your sewing, you'll be on the mend quickly. But, as advised above - don't overdo it!!
Shadowirish, welcome aboard. Not one of us has really started to lose weight and kept on going - I think each one of us has had some sort of set back. Just keep the chin up - and the mouth closed (LOL) and we'll be here for you.

Shadowirish 12-15-2012 02:19 PM

Originally Posted by Vanogay (Post 5722091)
CHQ, glad you're back and on the mend. Know once the pain stops, you'll be glad you dit it (the surgery) - and of course, once you can get back to your sewing, you'll be on the mend quickly. But, as advised above - don't overdo it!!
Shadowirish, welcome aboard. Not one of us has really started to lose weight and kept on going - I think each one of us has had some sort of set back. Just keep the chin up - and the mouth closed (LOL) and we'll be here for you.

Vanogay....LOL.....and keep on quilting...can't eat and quilt at the same time!

sewNso 12-17-2012 05:09 AM

CHQ, welcome back. hope you have a speedy recovery. we snuck off to n.c. for a long weekend. took the DD's bed rather than get a motel room or bring the motor home. home with the 3 yr old GD today. she is getting my mystery quilt in judy's mystery quilt, we just did. (the 2nd one, cause the lst went somewhere else) under the tree until christmas, tho. more squeezes in, if we stay right here. I have decided to get off the wt. loss wagon till after the lst of the yr.but will try to stay mostly good. see you all in a couple days, back in michigan.

Vanogay 12-17-2012 09:21 AM

we'll miss you SewnSo, enjoy your holidays, but remember the trials of losing what you regain!! They don't come off as easily the second, or third time around. I'm really going to keep with it and see just what I can do through the holidays. Got weighed at the doctor's office this a.m. and so far, it's the same as I started the month with, but no gain - that's good. If I can just keep my mouth closed - around food that is, I'll do alright.

irishrose 12-17-2012 06:42 PM

SewNso, you can still post - we just won't ask about weight loss. I started wrapping today. Yikes! There is a mountain of gifts, then comes the fun of keeping each family's separate until they are picked up or delivered. I was ill this morning so wrapping was a non strenuous activity for today. I did walk Cheech and Chong and go to a BB game. Thank goodness it was in town, not 90 miles away.

The bowl of oatmeal with walnuts that I just had was my first food besides pineapple juice for today. Too bad I won't lose any weight.

I'm so glad I'm not sewing this year. I do miss sewing, but I don't miss the pressure. I almost sat down to work on my train mystery quilt today, but I really can't or Sunday and Christmas will be here and I won't be ready. One year I went on strike. My ex-husband loved holidays and my last child at home did, too. I informed them it's easy to love them sitting around looking at all the pretties and going to/ having parties. I opted to do the cooking and anything else that got done was up to them. My husband did the cards, my son helped me with the baking, they cleaned the house and put up the tree and decorations together. It was an eyeopener for both of them. Wish I could go on strike now. I do love Christmas, but it's time consuming.

Back to the wrapping. Have a good evening.

Edit: D's motel had a fire last night. He told me the only things he grabbed on the way out were his wallet and his birthday quilt from last year. Smart boy.

Vanogay 12-18-2012 12:56 PM

Okay - Taboo Tuesday. Holiday luncheons are here. I'm doing this because I just came from a pot luck/buffet luncheon at my quilt guild. There was food enough to feed most of East Tennessee!! This is for all of us who will be going to other luncheons in the coming days - remember we're watching our intake so - Choose Only One Dessert - not a mixture of everything that's on the table. Now, that being said, don't say, okay, I'll just have this one type of dessert and pick up 2 pieces - Only One serving of One Dessert. I have two more luncheons this week, so this will be something for me to remember. Desserts are always calling out my name - all of them!

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