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verna2197 09-28-2011 05:10 AM

I know this subject has been brought up several times but I do have questions. I have the Sony PRS-600, love it but there are a couple of things it does not have I wished it did. I would like to have a backlight and also Wi-fi. My questions to you are this. I have looked at the Kindle and from my understanding you can only get their books, is this true or can you download from anywhere. I have even looked at the Nook Color Wi-fi, reading reviews I have seen where alot of them have been sent back for repair. How many has had trouble with theirs?
I can download books from anywhere with my Sony, I just got done looking at the new Sony PRS-T1RC, does anyone have this and can you tell me does it have a backlight? Tried to find the info on the Sony site but it doesn't say anything about it.

Oh by the way I really want Wi-fi on account of me taking it to the Dr and went to read a book and forgot to put anything on it. DUH ME! With Wi-fi I could have just downloaded a book, instead I had to play Angry Birds on my cell.

Thanks for your help

Joyce DeBacco 09-28-2011 05:47 AM

I don't have an e-reader, but as an author with a few e-books out, I try to keep up with them. I know that Smashwords.com has books you can convert to Kindle compatible formats because three of mine are there as well as at Amazon. I'm sure if you log on there, they'll have more info on that. Good luck.

oldhag 09-28-2011 05:49 AM

I have the 650. It doesn't have wifi but where I live it would be useless. That said I have the leather book cover with it that has the light built into the cover. I live this cover and light. It uses a AAA battery and lasts a long time.

ckcowl 09-28-2011 06:04 AM

the kindle not only gives you access to millions of books (amazon is huge!) but they also have new apps that allow checking books out of participating libraries- that one seems to me to be the one that offers the most access to books...but there may be others

amandasgramma 09-28-2011 06:33 AM

I have a Kindle -- go to Amazon.com and look up "e-books"...and you'll see how many books there are. I buy the $.99 up to $5.99 books. (I save my money for fabric!)
Our library is going to be hooking up with Kindle soon -- then I'll have access to ALL their books. I haven't had any problems EXCEPT....my debit card was accessed. Had to change my debit card in the online purchasing site at Amazon. Every time I order a book I get a notice that it can't access my debit card.........I get the book, the money is taken out of our account, but I still get that message. I've become adept at deleting the message!

Launie 09-28-2011 06:33 AM

I have a Kindle 3G. LOVE IT!!! Nothing like reading in bed at 1:00 am, finishing your book, being mad the author left it on a cliff hanger, going to kindle store and downloading the next book to see if everyone is ok, all within 90 seconds! I love my Kindle and when I look for a new purse I take my Kindle along just to make sure it will fit in new purse. Kindle offers book deal of the day, and you can get some great titles for cheap. I haven't done any library books through Kindle yet, but I must say the 3G is awesome. 3G allows you to buy books wherever, as long as you have a cell phone signal...

Lisa_wanna_b_quilter 09-28-2011 06:40 AM

I work at a library and help people who have just bought an e-reader learn how to use them.

My pick would be Kindle over Nook because so many people have trouble with the touch screen on the Nook. The buttons are very small and many people end up being frustrated.

If the touch screen is not a problem for you, the Nook Color is awesome. It would be a better choice, in my opinion, if you were interested in things like quilt pattern books. They look much better in color.

Both Kindle and Nook are capable of borrowing books from Overdrive affiliated libraries as of now.

rainbow quilter 09-28-2011 06:52 AM

In addition to amazon and borrowing from the library, you can download books from anywhere and either transfer them to the Kindle from your computer or you can e-mail them to your Kindle from your computer. There's a small fee for the latter.

I did trade my Kindle in for an iPad (then iPad 2). I like the iPad much better because of the additional functionality and the fact that it is backlit. It's harder to read in bright sunlight than the Kindle but I'm more likely to read in the dark after my husband goes to sleep than in bright sunlight. I have the Kindle app so I didn't lose any books switching over.

I'm anxious to see what Amazon's tablet will be like. I've been reading good things about it on some of the tech blogs.

catrancher 09-28-2011 07:02 AM

I love my iPad.

sueisallaboutquilts 09-28-2011 07:43 AM

Love my Kindle!! My son has one and b/c we both like to read he bought me one for my birthday- it's really nice to have :)

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