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tessagin 11-16-2014 02:41 PM

A Funny Holiday Memory You'll Never Forget!
I was going through some old photos and came across one of my oldest son's upcoming first Christmas. My son was 9 months old and our dog at the time had just had a litter of 6 pups about 4 weeks prior. Well the pups got out of their box and went behind the sparkling and glittery tree with of course the shiny baubles and garland. They were followed by my son and it was getting a little crowded. Heidi (momma dog) went after her babes and I went after mine. Not going to show a photo (uncomplimentary to my backside) but finally got all the babes with Heidi's help from behind the tilting tree. Unfortunately, we had to put up a baby gate to keep all 7 babes from behind the tree. Heidi looked as relieved as I was. She was always retrieving them from under the beds. In the mornings, I would find her and her pups under Tom's bed. I left all sleeping dogs and baby alone. All puppies got gifts of little puppy toys and Heidi got her favorite "TBone". Of course Tom got more toys than any 9 month old needs!
What is the funniest you remember? The above was the first one that always comes to mind this time of year!

tesspug 11-16-2014 03:49 PM

My two nieces, daughter and nephew for years made up a nativity play to perform at the big family dinner. My parents had a raised family room so they had a natural stage. And they were hams. My nephew was the youngest by two years and the year he was five they all marched off to Grandpa's room to rehearse. About 15 minutes later we hear shouting, then my nephews strong little man voice yelling, "I am not going to be the baby again!" It got quiet and when they came out, he was Josheph and a doll was the baby.

Dyan 11-16-2014 04:46 PM

When my children were about 6 yr, 8 yr, and 14 yrs old, I decided to switch up the names on the package, any presents for Jeremy had Julie's name on it, and Jeremy had Jennifer's name, and Jennifer had Jeremy's name on it. I wrap and put present under the tree days before Christmas. My son just kept handling one of the presents with his name on it, just totally confused on what it was. When it was time to open gifts I let Jeremy go first he opened the present that had his curiosity, when he opened it there was a Barbie doll, he almost threw it saying "this is not for me" and was mad. He was 8 his little sister Julie was 6. I then told them about the names on the packages. They were not amused and pointed out it is not fair...LOL Now they laugh about it.

mike'sgirl 11-16-2014 05:59 PM

I have a picture of my oldest dd when she was about 10 with a bow on her rear end and crawling under the tree. I had told her that she couldn't get under the tree unless she was a present and was wearing a bow. So that's what she did. She's 20 now and married. Very sweet memory.

carolynjo 11-16-2014 06:21 PM

As a youngster, my son loved building and painting model toys. He was so sure he was getting a box of model paints. We wrapped an identical box containing a dozen eggs as his present. Was he ever surprised when he opened those eggs!

binthepink 11-16-2014 07:33 PM

"When my children were about 6 yr, 8 yr, and 14 yrs old, I decided to switch up the names on the package, any presents for Jeremy had Julie's name on it, and Jeremy had Jennifer's name, and Jennifer had Jeremy's name on it. I wrap and put present under the tree days before Christmas."

HA HA- One year it didn't put any names on the packages for our three girls. Each one had a specific wrapping paper, but they didn't figure it out. I was trying to camouflage one gift. It was very funny.

beadywoman 11-17-2014 03:54 AM

Santa Claus came to our church at the end of the Christmas program when my daughter was three. When she saw him coming down the isle, she bolted from my lap and went barreling down the isle to meet him, saying, "Santa Cwas, Santa Cwas, did you bwang my Bawbie doll?"

Edie 11-17-2014 04:00 AM

I remember back in the 40's when "Santa" brought me a Dy-Dee Doll (Remember them?). Anyhow, I woke up during the night and my uncle was doing something with the doll. I went back to bed and then next morning I got up to see what Santa brought me. What ho!!!!! A Dy-Dee Doll, the one that drank out of a "baby" bottle and wet its diaper. Checked that little doll out from stem to stern. Seems liked little Doll had an accident during the night --- or was it Uncle Bob and the Grey Poupon mustard he put in the diaper! I did get my Dy-Dee Doll! I was about five then.

I also remember being 1/4 snockered on Christmas Eve and had to be at church to play the organ for the Christmas program. Mom gave me a greasy pork chop "Here, eat this, you won't get sick." Well, I played "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" for the Opening of the service first and only time in my entire life without a mistake. I just got a Clavinova a few months ago. Got out my Christmas music and tried "Jesu, Joy...." and the record will stand. After all those years (December 24, 1959 to be exact) I still made the mistake. It was three weeks before that I had met my future husband of almost 53 years. Wonderful Christmas. I was 21 then.

Or the time I was Gabriel and Mom was the costume maker and the official robe, surplice and altar covers maker for the church. Anyhow, I am standing there in my white angel gown, my wings hand shaped b y Mom with gold fringe around the edges and a halo of gold attached to my head with bobby pins. I started in "Fear Not, for behold I bring you tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City a David, a Savior who is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger." I was Gabriel. I memorized Gabriel speaking to the shepherds. I was somebody! At which point, my little sister (who is now 67 and a grandmother) yells at the top of her voice - If she's an angel, how come she isn't flying?"
I had just learned what total embarrassment was. And now, of course, along with my other sister, they are my very best friends. Merry Christmas, Ruthie, you little Devil!!!!!" I was around 10 or 11.

Those are my favorite Christmases. They must have been - I remember them so clearly. May your memories be as good. I'm 76 now. Edie

quiltin-nannie 11-17-2014 08:02 AM

I remember one year when my daughter was about 10 and my son was five, they got up about 2:30 in the morning to see if Santa came. I was still up, my husband was in the shower. He had just spent about 1 1/2 hours putting together a 10 speed bike. The kids got to the living room before I could stop them, and saw Santa had been there. I was a softie and didn't make them go back to bed, but they had to wait till Daddy was done to open their presents. While we were sitting there waiting, my son asked how Santa got in, since we didn't have a fireplace. I told him he just came right through the closed front door. His eyes lit up and he said, "mom, what did you say when you saw him?" Not thinking, I told him I said "holy sh*t!" Now, I NEVER swore in front of my kids, so they started laughing, and to this day (they are now 42 and 37) I still am reminded by them of this story. Of all the happy Christmas memories, this is the one they remember!

willferg 11-17-2014 08:28 AM

When my daughter was 8 and learned the truth about Santa, she was devastated. All the magic of Christmas was gone for her. I felt terrible for her – we both cried. We got her a puppy, which she had wanted forever but my husband had always said no dogs. We carefully researched breeds and found the most adorable pup ever; she fit in the palm of your hand. We let her little brother come hand it to her Christmas morning and I tear up just thinking of it. She was so shocked – definitely some of the magic was restored!

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