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gaigai 01-09-2010 03:46 PM

I think it depends on what you're used to and where you live. In Alaska I've read the kids go out and play in below zero with no problems. I was baby sitting my cousin's kids in St. Louis, and on the way out the door dad said "It's only supposed to be 11 degrees today, so don't let the kids outdoors until later in the morning." And one of the kids actually fell through the ice on the koi pond (it was off limits) and got wet, but they snuck in the house and didn't tell me until they were dry! LOL

Cold air, per se, doesn't cause problems, unless a person has a medical condition. Don't know of any lung conditions that are made worse by cold air, but if a parent doesn't want a kid outside for a particular reason, and has put it in writing, the schools should respect that.

MistyMarie 01-09-2010 08:04 PM

I guess my husband and I are pretty protective of her because she has had some close calls with her lungs. She spent a lot of time in the hospital with breathing problems and lung infections. We almost lost her when she was a month old and again when she was two.

My sister stopped breathing and her heart stopped when she was five. My mom called the neighbor (who had been a medic in Vietnam) and he was able to get her breathing again before the ambulance arrived. Then, it happened again when they were flying her out of the small mountain town we lived in. The doctors, after twelve days in the hospital, could not figure out why her heart stopped twice. After that experience, my mom was almost paranoid about the smallest health issues with my sister.

I think that we don't want to ever feel like something we did or didn't do would cause her to have more health problems. We know teachers are human (especially since I am one) and therefore make mistakes. As long as they are willing to listen and understand where we are coming from and then make the effort to meet our reasonable requests, then I am able to overlook a lapse in judgment.

gaigai 01-09-2010 08:22 PM

Originally Posted by MistyMarie
After that experience, my mom was almost paranoid about the smallest health issues with my sister.

I think that we don't want to ever feel like something we did or didn't do would cause her to have more health problems. We know teachers are human (especially since I am one) and therefore make mistakes. As long as they are willing to listen and understand where we are coming from and then make the effort to meet our reasonable requests, then I am able to overlook a lapse in judgment.


I understand where you're coming from, Misty. But put it in writing so that it has a little more "oomph" if you know what I mean.

The thing about your sister reminds me of a patient I had at Children's in DC years ago. That patient had a very rare familial heart problem that baffled docs for years. Finally a good pedi cardiologist figured it out.

Good luck with your munchkin. Sounds like you're a great mommy!

earthwalker 01-09-2010 08:41 PM

Duty of care and a large dose of common-sense should be mandatory for all persons in care of children. Some good advice here and I understand perfectly how you feel about your little one....wish all parents were as competent and caring as you obviously are.

Judith 01-09-2010 11:17 PM

Our students were out for recess when it was -31*C with the wind chill. (about -25*F). They are allowed to come in as needed to warm up, but most of them were running around having a great old time. If we kept our students in when the weather was below freezing temperatures, they would be in for five months and everyone would have long ago gone nuts! The next two days, it was too cold for them to go out -37*with the wind chill. Everyone can hardly wait for the weather to warm up a bit.

watterstide 01-10-2010 04:17 AM

Looking ahead to the next school year, you need to get a note,or speak to directly, to the actual teacher about the issues with the childs health. My DD is a third grad teacher..and they don't get all the info they should on each child. my grandson was a preemie and has lung issues..when i babysit a couple days a week..we go outside here in michigan, it was 22 on friday, and we were in the backyard for 1/2 and hour. we had fun..he loves it. he is not in any distress..he gets sick from being cooped up in a daycare with sick kids, not from being outside.
When my son was in 1st grade, the school let them outside in winter (here in michigan).the problem i had with it, is they let them play on the swings and slides..so dangerous, so slippery, Joey fell off the slides steps and hit his head,and ended up in the Peds ICU..for 3 days. now that was just plain wrong..

Pam B 01-10-2010 07:01 AM

Wow! I agree with the previous poster. I teach kdg in a public school. First, let me say that I think children today are too pampered! Going out (well-bundled, of course) for a few minutes can be rejuvinating! However....the parent's request should ALWAYS be followed. Unfortunately, as a kdg teacher, I do not generally have the health information conveyed to me. Our students' medical forms go directly to the nurse...let me emphasize...very RARELY is anything ever conveyed to me. That is why, at the beginning of the school year (or whenever a new student moves in), I give the parents a short student info sheet to fill in for me...so they have the opportunity to tell me these things. I know that parents think that by filling in the medical forms that the teachers will know the background for the child...that is just truly not so. I am in no way criticizing you for being upset, please understand that. But, I can see how the teacher may not have known about your daughter's health background. Also...I don't take my students out very much at all in the winter...unfortunately, many parents today do not dress their children appropriately for the cold weather. It has been in the single digits here this past week and windy and snowy...over half of my students were not wearing gloves/mittens or any kind of hat/hood. Very, very sad. I hit the dollar store yesterday and bought several pair of mittens and hats to take into school with me tomorrow. Personally, I would never take kids out unless it is over 20 degrees with very little wind...I don't want to be out there, myself! Still, I worry about my little ones as they walk from the bus stop to their houses.

watterstide 01-10-2010 07:12 AM

Pam, how true and sad...the last few years i made/cut simple fleece scarfs for my DD 3rd graders, i got the fleece all on sale at JoAnns, a few friends got together and we cut them all out....for some we went to Kohls, and they provided coats for alot of the kids..it was a blessing.
68% of the school is on free or reduced lunch..a sign of the layoffs and parents out of work.
i also buy gloves from the dollor store and keep them in my car,hand them out when i see people walking without gloves.. my husband was laid off for 8 months and i don't work. so i know how hard it can be. I get blessed back in many ways..
My Daughter does the same thing..she sends out a kids questioneer..to start tthe new year out..

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