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Pam H 06-08-2013 07:58 PM

Wow Cindy! You are doing great! Your numbers are so much better! You'll be back to your lower weight soon.
My daughter is moving into her first house this weekend. It is so much work. Her house is fabulous and huge. She should be able to live there for at least 30 years - until they want to downsize for retirement.
I do plan on having a quilty week. I will be at a quilt retreat from monday through wednesday. Hopefully I will get some time tomorrow to get my stuff ready for that.

meanmom 06-09-2013 05:18 AM

Wow Cindy your numbers are great. I had to come home from Hilton Head. Unfortunately all vacations must come to and end and I had to return to reality. I had an awesome time. I only gained one pound. Not too bad considering all of the bad things I ate. My brother and SIL spare no expense when they travel. I am not used to traveling like that. They eat at only the best places and only stay at the best places. Not exactly in my budget. We had to have nachos every day at the beach, OMG are they good. Nachos topped with pulled pork, melted cheese, sour cream and jalapenos. I don't even want to know the calorie count of that. Plus lots of dinners out etc. I guess the long walks on the beach and water aerobics saved me.
My dad continues to hang in there. He seems a little bit worse than a week ago. He has lost a ton of weight, he was skinny to start with. He eats and drinks almost nothing. I just hope this doesn't drag on too long.

createfourpaws 06-09-2013 06:24 AM

I washed my strawberries and blueberries in the vineagar/water mixture and so far there is nothing happening to them as in the past. This is a good thing, I also washed my cilantro in the vineagar mixture and it is doing well.

I may have to keep doing this when I buy the strawberries from costco since I am the only one at home. LOL they have gone bad before I could enjoy them. I think I am also going to freeze some of them once i slice them up.

Off now to work on a few projects I have to get done this week.

meanmom 06-09-2013 06:56 AM

I never seem to have trouble with my fruit going bad since we eat so much of it. I could eat a pound of strawberries at a sitting. I find they last longer if I wash only what i plan to eat and only cut what I will eat at a time.

Pete 06-09-2013 01:19 PM

Count me in, hopefully to win! I just came in from eating Baskin Robbins ice cream cake --- a belated BD cake, so I just had to eat it. Love the frosting!!!!!! Found a new recipe to marinate thinly sliced cucumbers, onions, and tomatoes. The marinade is 1/4 cup cider ninegar, 1/4 cup splenda, and 1 cup water. I use portions of this on lettuce for a good tasting salad or just eat the veggies as a side dish.

Am reading "Mindless Eating" by Brian Wansink. Really great reading. Some things he points out: Always be the last to start eating and pace your self with the slowest eater. I am a fast eater and tried this with the cake....ergo, I did not have seconds. I noticed that the fastest eaters did have seconds.

JuneBillie 06-09-2013 09:34 PM

Sounds like all are having many positive things to report. That is greatI am not working toward the prize this time, but to just see how everyone is doing, and enjoy. Oh, and to one who ask about the cake part, yes it is to be baked before putting the other things on top.

Beachbound 06-10-2013 04:21 AM


Cindy, that's a big whooohoo for you & the happy numbers!

What ratio water/vinegar do you use? I've been thinking about doing that too. We go thru a lot of fruit! When strawberries were in season here I bet my husband & I ate at least 4 flats! They were so sweet this year I never needed any sugar. Now watermelons are in & they are pretty tasty too. Don't forget to wash the outsides before you slice them because they can carry nasty germs too. The knife will carry them right into the meat.

createfourpaws 06-10-2013 06:19 AM

Originally Posted by Beachbound (Post 6113991)

Cindy, that's a big whooohoo for you & the happy numbers!

What ratio water/vinegar do you use? I've been thinking about doing that too. We go thru a lot of fruit! When strawberries were in season here I bet my husband & I ate at least 4 flats! They were so sweet this year I never needed any sugar. Now watermelons are in & they are pretty tasty too. Don't forget to wash the outsides before you slice them because they can carry nasty germs too. The knife will carry them right into the meat.

I filled the sink with enough water to cover the fruit, then added about 1 cup of vinegar. Soaked for 20-30 minutes. What I am liking is in the past, I would already have them going bad if I had not done anything with them. I buy way too much for 1 person (so far none have gone bad) after cleaning in this mixture. It has been 4 days since I bought them.

I even did this with my cilantro and it is doing well also.

Pete 06-10-2013 07:11 AM

Originally Posted by createfourpaws (Post 6110686)
A lot of you ladies, have been praying for me with my diabetes. Well I went in yesterday for a follow up, lab work done last week. In January, my A1C was 13.9, it is now down to 7.6, cholestrol was over 350, it is now under 200. Weight is going down very slow but that is ok, I went from 180 up to 223, now I am back down to 202 since the beginning of the year. I was started back on insulin which caused the weight gain. Now that I am much better regulated it is finally going down. I had put that weight on in less than 2 months. So was getting very fustrated and fightng depression. The only thing the doctor wants me to add to my plan of action is more exercise, which should help bring the weight down more.

Well I am off to try something new, I saw that if you soak your strawberries in a vineagar/water mixture, it helps keep them fresher longer. So I am going to try it and will let you know how it goes.

Have a quilty weekend.

Congrats on your progress! You are getting me more inspired!!!! Way to go!

By the way, we put all veggies and fruit in those green bags ..makes them last forever!

QuilterMomma 06-10-2013 11:35 AM

Checking in ladies. I had a very productive weekend, finished an oven mitt, pin cushion, two dqs (one was supposed to be a mug rug oops to big), four baby quilts, two scrap quilts, and the customer quilt, plus my row robin while helping dh with computer, gardening, making potatoe salad, yes I had some could not help self for some good potatoe salad and running child. Well, I got on the scale and I lost two pounds this weekend because I was up and moving so much burning those calories while still eating only positive foods. That is a total of 3 so far. Well off and running some more at office. Lots of bindings to finish up, oh darn sit down work. LOL

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