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-   -   Lets hear some pet peeves...(probably been done before) (https://www.quiltingboard.com/general-chit-chat-non-quilting-talk-f7/lets-hear-some-pet-peeves-probably-been-done-before-t33848.html)

Dora Taggart 01-11-2010 07:22 PM

LOL somone who uses the last of the toilet paper and the roll and does not replace it with a new roll

Lisanne 01-11-2010 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by Boston1954
Mine is hearing Massachusetts, and February mispronounced ...

So, do tell, what is the correct pronunciation? I've always said "Mass-uh-choo-sess."

And for February, I was taught that we say it "Feb-u-air-ee" - specifically, that the "r" is not pronounced. But so many people say the "r" that now I do, too. So which way is correct?

minnow895 01-11-2010 07:38 PM

i never heard those two pronunced wrong much but even tv announcers get buena vista wrong or my maden name wrong bainbridge

gramqlts 01-11-2010 07:56 PM

"Cliques". We have 4 girls at work who think they are so special. They baby each other, go out of their way to be kind and considerate of each other, very friendly to each other, offer to come in early or work for one or the other, etc etc etc......but they treat everyone else like dirt. Very rude, incosiderate, gossip and make up lies about others, etc etc etc. And then have the audacity to bring up in staff meetings that there are cliques in our office who need to grow up.....Give me a break....we know who needs to grow up.

My dad raised me to believe that you are no better than anyone else and never ask someone to do something you would not be willing to do yourself. My grandma said "If you can't say something nice about someone, keep your mouth shut."

If everyone lived by the scripture....Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", this world would be alot better place.

Quilter7x 01-11-2010 07:59 PM

Originally Posted by gramqlts
My dad raised me to believe that you are no better than anyone else and never ask someone to do something you would not be willing to do yourself. My grandma said "If you can't say something nice about someone, keep your mouth shut."

If everyone lived by the scripture....Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", this world would be alot better place.


My mother also raised me not to say anything if you can't say something nice. Do unto others ... is one of the best sayings ever.

minnow895 01-11-2010 08:00 PM

to people that have nothing good to say i just look at them and say god be with you

Lisanne 01-11-2010 08:01 PM

I have many pet peeves.

1. Being lied to. Just level with me. Just be honest.

2. Businesses that have answering systems that never give you the option to talk to a person. You know, "Press 1 if you want to...; press 2 if you want to..." but none of those lead to anything but more automation. Dialing 0 no longer gets you to a person in these systems. Pressing nothing gets you "We are unable to direct your call." and the call is disconnected.

3. Overseas customer service and tech support. They are fantastically polite, but they have no understanding of how to help for more than the most routine inquiries - and I don't need to call for routine things. Hey, I paid an American price for an American product - so I want American service. Can't "vote with my feet" if every company's doing this.

4. Those grocery baskets with the car attachments for kids to ride in. They take up a ton of space, and parents seem to feel they have a special right to make 180 (or 360) degree turns in them and everyone else should stop what they're doing and move their own carts out of the way so they have more room...

5. Being unable to find 100% cotton clothes. I don't like stretch fibers woven into everything I wear. Underwear was stretchy where it needed to be before Spandex was ever invented. Denim doesn't feel like denim with the 1% stretch fibers in it. On and on.

6. Which leads me to my quilting peeve: It's very hard to find 100% cotton thread, and the good brands are ridiculously expensive. How hard is it to make decent quality all-cotton thread?

7. On the English language front, I so hate it when people write "alot." It's two words - "a lot" = and we all learned that in first grade!

8. Employers who give you their full contact information at the nterview, invite you to call to follow up, and then won't take your calls or return them. Hey, just tell me you hired someone else. Or have the secretary or HR say the job was filled. And don't invite me to call in the first place if you're not going to talk to me.

9. Twentysomething interviewers who "love" my skills and experience, but hire some other twentysomething for "fit" meaning they found the younger person someone they'd rather hang out with after work.

10. Smokers who hang their cigarette arms out of their cars so I can't open my car window to enjoy fresh air.

11. Smokers who litter their butts. There should be some equivalent of pooper scooper laws for this.

12. People who stand in the doorway while they're holding the door open for you, so you have to squeeze past, then get angry when you suggest they just go through.

13. I was just about to write one last peeve, and it slipped my mind. No, it wasn't forgetfulness, though.... <sigh>

canmitch1971 01-11-2010 08:19 PM

One of my biggest pet peeves is someone who drives really slow on the highway and holds everybody else up. Why can't they pull over and let the other cars pass? This really bugs me.

Debra Mc 01-11-2010 08:27 PM

How about those idoits that don't get their behinds out of the right of way & into the turning lane.

Lisanne 01-11-2010 08:36 PM

Oh yeah, I remembered my baker's dozenth (is that a word? I know it's not) pet peeve.

Being told to relax or calm down when I'm ... shall we say, peeved. How about just hearing me out? How about focusing on why I'm upset?

Especially if you're a customer service rep and that's your job. If I'm not shouting - and speaking with an emotional or even an angry tone of voice is not the same as shouting - and I'm not cursing you out, telling me to relax or calm down may well escalate the level of my voice and my agitation.

MistyMarie 01-11-2010 09:00 PM

Originally Posted by pookie ookie

Edit: Another one. I prefer anyway to anyways.

I agree with this one! As an English teacher, this has to be right up there. Anyways is not a word. You won't find it in the dictionary either.

I think my biggest pet peeve is being called "Miss" by my students. My name is Misty and having students call my "Miss" is like a derivative of my first name. Not only that, but it is laziness on their part. I learn their names; they need to learn mine (Mrs. Monreal) and use it.

dlf0122quilting 01-11-2010 09:27 PM

I have pulled up next to policemen who are on the cell phone...who is arresting them for breaking the law here in California?

LindaR 01-12-2010 05:36 AM

Originally Posted by Admin
Mine is people posting in the wrong section of the forum.
LOL. Sorry. Couldn't resist.

I think I got it Admin

LindaR 01-12-2010 05:38 AM

Originally Posted by Admin

I think I have only done that once...lesson learned!
Initially, she posted this thread in the Main section. That was the funny part for me.

explain please, NO I mean it explain...this was really non quilting
wasn't it???

My face is red, not I get it, sorry :oops:

JJs 01-12-2010 05:57 AM

I think I have another pet peeve - in fact, I know I do....
atrocious spelling and incorrect English! Their, there, your, you're, we're, were, here, hear, to, two, too, basic stuff that we all learned in GRADE school. People have a major tendency to claim that it "doesn't matter, people know what you mean". Do they? I went to school in two different states and both taught English, Spelling, Grammar, all through grade school and high school - all required subjects. Why would anyone who went through school be so willing to post in a public forum and not make at least an effort to check their spelling? Why show the whole world that you don't care about how you present yourself? Who decided that "spelling doesn't count"?

I see major mistakes on news broadcasts, in newspapers, on billboards - it's getting ridiculous....

Off my soapbox now...... (and let's all hope I didn't make any spelling errors LOL)

LindaR 01-12-2010 06:02 AM

I swore I hit "General Chitchat" but guess not...not awake probably LOL

I think the winners are unruly Kids, cell phones and bad drivers....I agree with all of them

minnow895 01-12-2010 06:09 AM

to err is human-my pet peeve is everone thinking that everone is the same i am brain damaged and had to learn a lot all over again i guess my pet peeve is those that are so stupid to think everone should meet up to there standards

Admin 01-12-2010 06:11 AM

My face is red, not I get it, sorry
Don't worry about it :)

minnow895 01-12-2010 06:12 AM

many pople have no understandinng of other the secon part of that quote is forgive is devine i forgive you

MistyMarie 01-12-2010 06:20 AM

Originally Posted by JJs
I think I have another pet peeve - in fact, I know I do....
atrocious spelling and incorrect English! Their, there, your, you're, we're, were, here, hear, to, two, too, basic stuff that we all learned in GRADE school. People have a major tendency to claim that it "doesn't matter, people know what you mean". Do they? I went to school in two different states and both taught English, Spelling, Grammar, all through grade school and high school - all required subjects. Why would anyone who went through school be so willing to post in a public forum and not make at least an effort to check their spelling? Why show the whole world that you don't care about how you present yourself? Who decided that "spelling doesn't count"?

I see major mistakes on news broadcasts, in newspapers, on billboards - it's getting ridiculous....

Off my soapbox now...... (and let's all hope I didn't make any spelling errors LOL)

For some CRAZY reason, we are no longer teaching spelling in upper grade levels. We are not allowed to drill grammar at all. Worksheets to teach punctuation, capitalization, and syntax are a thing of the past. I am so disgusted with how limited I am in being able to teach my students proper grammatical skills. We focus on the ideas and the content, not on whether they can spell correctly. When I talk about the need for more grammar being taught, I am told to work with each kid individually on the errors they need to correct. Hello... have you seen my class of 37 kids? How am I supposed to sit down with each kid individually and teach them grammar? What do I do with the other 36 seventh graders while I am working with one? Well, I am told that if I was a better teacher, my students would be sitting there actively engaged with their writing while I could talk to individual students. In fourteen years of being in classrooms, I have never seen a teacher able to do that for more than about ten minutes. I shudder to think about what our next generation is going to do to the English language since they don't seem to care if they can use it correctly or not.

My own children are not going to a public school because it seems we are about making the kids feel good about themselves, not providing a quality education. It is worth the $10,000+ I pay a year (just for grade school) to give them a chance to get a quality education.

scrappylouisa 01-12-2010 06:46 AM

My pet peeve is grocery baggers. I hate having my food and non-food items stuffed in the same bag. I recently had Irish Spring soap put in the same bag as my bread.......when I asked the young lady to place the soap in another bag she copped an attitude! I politely told her that I would rather bag my own groceries. She looked and me and said, "Whatever!". She went to the next checkout area and started throwing anything and everything in the bags to fill them.

Debra Mc 01-12-2010 06:49 AM

Most stores teach checkers not to put chemicals in with food. Guess she was absent that day.

peabee 01-12-2010 07:36 AM


Lisanne 01-12-2010 07:41 AM

Originally Posted by MistyMarie

Originally Posted by JJs
I think I have another pet peeve - in fact, I know I do.... atrocious spelling and incorrect English!

For some CRAZY reason, we are no longer teaching spelling in upper grade levels. We are not allowed to drill grammar at all. Worksheets to teach punctuation, capitalization, and syntax are a thing of the past. I am so disgusted with how limited I am in being able to teach my students proper grammatical skills.

I agree, but I've resigned myself to the fact that most of the world does not care.

You say you're no longer allowed to teach lessons on grammar and punctuation in the upper grades. Back in the mid-'70s, when I was in high school, we had one last class on this, and then it was literature and academic-type composition. The composition teacher would put errors from students' papers on the board to use as teaching examples. For example, she's spend a few minutes explaining subject-verb agreement by using a sentence from someone's paper where it was incorrect. No worksheets, though you could make some up and hand them out individually to students needing extra help in those areas.

It does grate on me, especially when I see it on business signs and in professional writing.

minnow895 01-12-2010 07:48 AM

i agree with dog owner to go a little further on that one i am a resposiable dog owner when taking dogs out of the yard for a walk i carry small bags to throw in the trash i cant stand other dog owners that just let there dogs run and they get in my dog fence and take my dogx toys and chew bones it is expensive to replace thaqt stuff my dogs a small theres are large they could hurt my dogs so i had to get a taller fence more expense

pittsburgpam 01-12-2010 09:46 AM

My pet peeve is also incorrect English. I may sometimes make mistakes but I know there is a difference between your and you're, and there, their, and they're.

I cringe when I read, "it peaked my interest." ARRRGGGHHH!!!!

Baren*eh*ked_canadian 01-12-2010 10:09 AM

Originally Posted by Shadow Dancer
My only pet peeve is children who are holy little terrors! Especially the ones who run around stores throwing tantrums, screaming and wreaking havoc.

Makes me want to smack the parents! lol

YES!!!!! OMG!
I'm sure my children won't be perfect, but JEEEEEEEEEEEEEZUS, get a grip on your kids!
More than once I've had to stop children from running around like monsters in my store and tell them this isn't a playground, and the parents look at ME like I'm a piece of crap...

MistyMarie 01-12-2010 10:16 AM

Originally Posted by scrappylouisa
My pet peeve is grocery baggers. I hate having my food and non-food items stuffed in the same bag. I recently had Irish Spring soap put in the same bag as my bread.......when I asked the young lady to place the soap in another bag she copped an attitude! I politely told her that I would rather bag my own groceries. She looked and me and said, "Whatever!". She went to the next checkout area and started throwing anything and everything in the bags to fill them.

I think all baggers should work for tips. That way, if you are unhappy how they bag your groceries, you don't tip them. (Similar to a waitress in a diner.) I shop at the military commissary and the baggers are not paid employees, but work only for tips. I rarely get poorly bagged groceries and they load them into my vehicle for me. This is nice because I am getting kids buckled in at the same time.

Lisanne 01-12-2010 10:21 AM

Originally Posted by Baren*eh*ked_canadian
... and the parents look at ME like I'm a piece of crap...

I don't actually see out-of-control kids very often. But when they are, and the parent isn't doing anything, and I try to say something, the abuse that comes out of those parents' mouths, like I'm the one who's at fault...

Mostly, kids are better behaved than their parents, IMO. It's the kids who move carts out of the way; the parents just ignore you. It's the kids who say "Excuse us" after their mother pushes her way past...

Baren*eh*ked_canadian 01-12-2010 10:28 AM

Ok, I'm not going to list them all, but spelling and grammar used incorrectly drives me up the wall. I mean, basic words, here, nothing complicated.

I think what drives me really crazy is when I'm driving. Everything bothers me. If I'm the one who's driving, shut up and don't tell me how to drive ('he's too slow, pass him', or 'you're tailgating' or 'the limit is 100, you can go at least 120' You know what? Shut up! I'm the one driving, it's my car, and if you don't like it then you can get out and walk.
The cops around here are the WORST for traffic violations, them and taxi drivers. I've seen sooooo many cops cruising around and then when they come to a red light or stop sign they put on their lights in order to get everyone to move over for them, and as soon as they cross the intersection they turn them off and go normally. ARGH!!!! And on top of everything, they must have some kind of code or something, because I have seen many MANY occastions where a bus driver, or taxi driver does something totally rediculous and the cops ignore it, while we get pulled over for the most mundane 'offences'.
People who drive up behind me and flash their high beams in my face so I move out of the way (I'm usually going between 15-20 over the limit anyway) and then SLOW DOWN as soon as they pass me... WTH?? People who don't signal, cut me off, drive like idiots, do american stops, don't give pedestrians the right of way, and go 30 under the limit IN THE FAST LANE on the highway also bother me. Freakin' people, UGH!!!

JJs 01-12-2010 10:35 AM

Are we having a bad day???? LOL.....

Baren*eh*ked_canadian 01-12-2010 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by Lisanne

Originally Posted by Baren*eh*ked_canadian
... and the parents look at ME like I'm a piece of crap...

I don't actually see out-of-control kids very often. But when they are, and the parent isn't doing anything, and I try to say something, the abuse that comes out of those parents' mouths, like I'm the one who's at fault...

Mostly, kids are better behaved than their parents, IMO. It's the kids who move carts out of the way; the parents just ignore you. It's the kids who say "Excuse us" after their mother pushes her way past...

Or, the parents tell them to stop just to hear themselves say it, they don't really mean it. Most children who get away with being brats normally don't listen to their parents when their parents DO tell them to behave, however, if a stranger scolds them, or even just asks them to settle down, they tend to take it more seriously. In my experience, anyway...

I have to agree with you about lots of children being better behaved then their parents. I think this is the case with most people, but what we notice the most are the bad ones, and I guess we blow things out of proportion. There aren't THAT many bad kids in my store, but the only ones that really stick out in my mind are the bad ones.

Baren*eh*ked_canadian 01-12-2010 10:39 AM

Originally Posted by JJs
Are we having a bad day???? LOL.....

Not really, actually, lol! I live in Montreal, so many of these traffic bugs happen just going down the street to the grocery store! It's an every day occurance, not just things that bother me once in a while.

grammy Dwynn 01-12-2010 10:41 AM

My PP's are ~

people have a group conversation in doorways and isles .... move to the side so people can walk by!!!

kids (and parents) who think any restaurant is 'Chucky Cheese'. I was leading a blind friend in Olive Garden (you know how close some of the tables can be) and this kid was running around mom's table, mom was oblivious OMG I wanted to ......

This one I know I'm a minority but .... I'm a smoker smoking outside the building next to the astray that the business has provided. But it is FULL of garbage not cigerette bu*ts .. hello the garbage can is 2 feet away.

Baren*eh*ked_canadian 01-12-2010 10:43 AM

Oh, I just though of another peeve of mine. People who bring their buggys out of the grocery store, load the car up, and LEAVE THE BUGGY THERE. Then, someone else comes along and goes to park in that spot, but there's a buggy in the way, so they have to circle around again and find another spot, or stop in the middle of the way, get out of the car, bring the buggy back to it's little buggy shelter, go back to the car and park properly. ARGH!!!!
It's so annoying, because it's always in the good spots too. You show up in the parking lot, and you're all happy that there is a good spot available and when you turn into it, you realize that you can't even park there because some dummy left his buggy in the way.

Oh, and what about people who show up an hour and a half late for a meeting, constantly, keeping everyone waiting and making everyone late for the rest of the day, just because they're too *&%#@ lazy to get up on time and get to where they're going. If everyone else can get there on time, so can the person in question.

Baren*eh*ked_canadian 01-12-2010 10:47 AM

In general, I'm a pretty tolerant person, even with all these pregnancy hormones raging through my body at the moment. I'll put up with people who chew loudly, eat while they're doing the groceries (before paying for the food they're eating), people who try on clothes and leave everythig on the floor in the dressing room, leave their garbage all over the table in the food court (like, how hard is it to pick up your tray and throw out the garbage?)
I'm not going to say these things (and mroe) don't bother me, but I'm not going to stomp my feet about it.

Ok, I'm going to go to work now, because if I just sit here, I'm going to write a whole book on people who p!ss me off, lol!

adrianlee 01-12-2010 11:35 AM

Originally Posted by redquilter
People talking really loud on their cell phones in public places. Not all of us are interested in what's going on in their lives. Oh and people at buffets who load up their plates and throw most of it away, then go back and get more! Grrrrrr........!

Couple years ago I was at a buffet restaurant, a plump family came in, parents & 3 children. They loaded their plates, sat near us, they ate everything, went back for 2nds and 3rds while we were still on our first and only plates. The one little boy then went outside, there was a bush near the door, I saw him make himself toss his meal. He than came back in and reloaded a plate. I just could not believe my eyes. Makes you wonder what kind of kids will these youngers someday will have.

redrummy 01-12-2010 11:49 AM

Originally Posted by Shadow Dancer
My only pet peeve is children who are holy little terrors! Especially the ones who run around stores throwing tantrums, screaming and wreaking havoc.

Makes me want to smack the parents! lol

I have to agree with you. I hate hearing screaming kids and then see the parents give in to stop the screaming. Don't they know they are making it worse?

adrianlee 01-12-2010 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by Baren*eh*ked_canadian
Oh, and what about people who show up an hour and a half late for a meeting, constantly, keeping everyone waiting and making everyone late for the rest of the day, just because they're too *&%#@ lazy to get up on time and get to where they're going. If everyone else can get there on time, so can the person in question.

Before I retired, this is one that really peeved me. Folks late for meetings and then expect to be brought up to date of what went on. That never happened on meetings I went to, as soon as the person(s) sat down, the meeting moved on. They could find out from someone after the meeting on what they had missed. One program manage said, "good thing this wasn't a sinking ship, you would have missed the life boat".

Honey 01-12-2010 12:09 PM

Originally Posted by MistyMarie

Originally Posted by JJs
I think I have another pet peeve - in fact, I know I do....
atrocious spelling and incorrect English! Their, there, your, you're, we're, were, here, hear, to, two, too, basic stuff that we all learned in GRADE school. People have a major tendency to claim that it "doesn't matter, people know what you mean". Do they? I went to school in two different states and both taught English, Spelling, Grammar, all through grade school and high school - all required subjects. Why would anyone who went through school be so willing to post in a public forum and not make at least an effort to check their spelling? Why show the whole world that you don't care about how you present yourself? Who decided that "spelling doesn't count"?

I see major mistakes on news broadcasts, in newspapers, on billboards - it's getting ridiculous....

Off my soapbox now...... (and let's all hope I didn't make any spelling errors LOL)

For some CRAZY reason, we are no longer teaching spelling in upper grade levels. We are not allowed to drill grammar at all. Worksheets to teach punctuation, capitalization, and syntax are a thing of the past. I am so disgusted with how limited I am in being able to teach my students proper grammatical skills. We focus on the ideas and the content, not on whether they can spell correctly. When I talk about the need for more grammar being taught, I am told to work with each kid individually on the errors they need to correct. Hello... have you seen my class of 37 kids? How am I supposed to sit down with each kid individually and teach them grammar? What do I do with the other 36 seventh graders while I am working with one? Well, I am told that if I was a better teacher, my students would be sitting there actively engaged with their writing while I could talk to individual students. In fourteen years of being in classrooms, I have never seen a teacher able to do that for more than about ten minutes. I shudder to think about what our next generation is going to do to the English language since they don't seem to care if they can use it correctly or not.

My own children are not going to a public school because it seems we are about making the kids feel good about themselves, not providing a quality education. It is worth the $10,000+ I pay a year (just for grade school) to give them a chance to get a quality education.

AMEM :!: AMEN :!: AMEN :!:

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