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JuneBillie 05-09-2015 10:13 AM

Oh I love the cherry tomatoes.

Pat you do sound like you are doing well since your surgery.

My son is usually gone to South Carolina for the Joe Nall Annual Fly In during Mother's Day. He also takes the photographs for the magazine that covers it. The event is for those from all around the world that fly remote control planes. Many invest thousands of dollars on their hobby. These remote control planes are not the kiddie version. Anyway, he usually has us over for a special dinner and gifts when he and my daughter in law get back home. He usally combines it with my birthday which is this month also. We always have a great time. I am always happy on Mother's Day knowing he is enjoying himself, because he and my daughter in law are always so busy working.

I am trying to drink more water today.

Here is wishing all of you a wonderful Mother's Day. :)
I will be thinking of my dear mother and mother in law who are here with us in heart and spirit. :)

meanmom 05-09-2015 02:33 PM

Lynne are you having both knees done at the same time? I know some people do. I only had one done. I overdid it yesterday and am paying for it today. Nothing bad. I am just a little bit sore and overly tired. I was on my feet way too much yesterday. All of the nurses,PT's and others in the hospital all keep saying that my surgeon is who they would have operate on them. I have been so lazy all day. I have no energy. I still need to do my PT exercises. I also have a CPM (continuous passive motion machine) I am supposed to use 6 hours a day. It is getting really old. I am hoping when I go to PT on Tuesday I can stop using it. I know it is really good for my range of motion. I need to be able to bend my knee to 120 degrees to get rid of it. I am realy close. I was at 110 degrees last week.
MY eating has not been very good. My granddaughter's first birthday party is tomorrow. My Japanese DIL will have so many gooies it will be insane. Then we have a party with my brothers and sisters and mom after that. It will be hard to behave. I WILL BEHAVE ON MONDAY!

Leann 05-10-2015 04:34 PM

Hi Pat, I will be having a 'staged procedure'; right knee on Monday, left knee on Thursday, then I should be released on Tuesday. Did you have to do pre-op exercises? Those are taking me an hour each day, so I have decided to split them up over two days. Are you in the CPM all 6 hours, or can you break up the time? I am impressed that your pain level is so low. Best wishes for your PT visit this week.

Just a little curiousity survey - what is your favorite color in a quilt?

CindyA 05-11-2015 02:45 AM

@Leann, color: my favorite color, in general, is green. But when it comes to quilts I enjoy everything!! I love using 'new' colors that I normally don't surround myself with. It's so nice to buy a piece of fabric that is a color I would never buy for something like curtains or clothing but am happy to work with when making quilts. :)

OK, back on track today before I have to buy a larger size of pants just to finish out the school year!!! Oatmeal for breakfast, lots of water today. Zumba tonight (dreading it, but it will be good for me).

Jim's Gem 05-11-2015 10:00 AM

Hello All!
So glad to hear that you are doing so well Pat! I have been told that I need a knee replacement as well. But since I have so much trouble with a foot, I can't walk long enough to really get my knee pissed off enough to move ahead on that.
I have been so very busy. I am on our Women's ministry team at our church. We decorated the church and provided snacks on Easter morning. I left that afternoon for 10 days for a trip to Texas to visit my husband's father. All my children and grands made it on that trip!
Then we always do a big luncheon the Saturday one week before Mother's day. For that luncheon we hang quilts all over the auditorium as decoration. The quilts are then moved and hung the day before Mother's day to decorate the sanctuary. I had quilts to finish, food to cook, decorations to buy and planning details to work out. After cleaning up from the luncheon, we had a wedding that evening that my DH officiated. The next morning I had to provide breakfast for our Sunday School class (about 55 people) I did this with another gal on the ministry team. I was thoroughly exhausted!
Then I had another queen size flannel quilt that I had started 12 years ago that I quilted and bound and turned in to be hung for yesterday. We also went down to OC to visit our mother's for Friday and Saturday.
Oops got to go, grands just arrived

Leann 05-11-2015 04:08 PM

My goodness Gayle! I am exhausted just reading what you have been doing! My aunt always told me that a busy woman gets things done, which was why she was always calling on me! I am hopeful that talent will return once my bionic knees are set.

We are about to wash away here in central Texas, yet many areas are still in drought status. I think I'm gonna piece a Burgoyne Surrounded block this week. I've been cutting scraps into usable pieces - something I tried to do last year. It takes so much more time to piece that way.

Cindy, my fav is blue-green or maybe even a turquoise. I also like teal. That said, I don't have any of those colors in my fabric pantry, only a bunch of turquoise jelly fishies on a black background. Saving that for something special, I suppose. I can't bear to cut it.

Oh and Ms. Pat, I got my 3 skinnies in the mail to you this morning.

Pam H 05-11-2015 06:41 PM

Pat, good for you with the progress you are making with your new knee! Were you able to get rid of the bending machine?
I like quilts with red in them. Also blues and greens - together or separate. Also teals and aquas. Ooh, a bit of yellow or orange really pops too. There's not much I don't like when color is involved!
Boy, did it get cold here! I was pretty cold when I started my walk this afternoon but I was sweating by the end. I've been doing pretty good with walking lately. I think I've walked 18 miles in the last 8 days. I have a good friend/neighbor who has walked most of those with me. Now if I would just stop putting so much sugary foods in my mouth.

Annaquilts 05-12-2015 12:06 AM

I like scrappy quilts and all kinds of colors except pink and white. I am also not big on quilts with just two or three fabrics or colors but might occasionally like two tone quilts especially if made with scrappies.

Leann 05-12-2015 03:45 PM

Good evening everybody,
Have not had a good day - eating is terrible. Makes me feel bad too. Will start fresh tomorrow.

Anna, my plan is to make all my next quilts from my scraps. After making 11 quilts last year for Christmas gifts, that pile exploded! Since everyone has a new quilt, I can take my time and make quilts to keep at home.

Annaquilts 05-12-2015 11:24 PM

Originally Posted by Leann (Post 7193761)
Good evening everybody,
Have not had a good day - eating is terrible. Makes me feel bad too. Will start fresh tomorrow.

Anna, my plan is to make all my next quilts from my scraps. After making 11 quilts last year for Christmas gifts, that pile exploded! Since everyone has a new quilt, I can take my time and make quilts to keep at home.

Hmmm...got to use that big pile of fabric I already got laying around. Fortunately I do like both designing scrappies and making them.

coffeegirl 05-14-2015 03:14 AM

Can't believe this month is half over, what the heck?? I have been doing pretty well. My son graduated from college on Saturday and at the graduation party I DID have a piece of cake...shhhh, don't tell anyone! Hopefully I walked it off taking pics around campus with the grad!

meanmom 05-14-2015 03:49 AM

Ok so I hope my record keeping is up to date this month. I have FQ from the following for May. Meanmom, coffeegirl,heart of Dixie, Pete, MaryChristine, Anna Quilts, Jeanne49, JimsGem, PamH, Raggiemom,CindyA. If I have missed anyone please let me know.

meanmom 05-14-2015 03:51 AM

JuneBillie I got ready to send your FQ today and realized I need your address. Can you PM it to me please.

Leann 05-14-2015 12:11 PM

Hello everyone from the beautiful Texas Hill Country,
Coffeegirl, congrats to your son's accomplishment! You showed remarkable control with one piece of cake - what a joyous celebration. Where is he off to now?

I am in Austin again with my son. We take 2 steps forward, 3 steps back. I know he is making progress or I would be here 24/7. It will get better.

Ms. Pat, I mailed my skinnies on Monday, have no idea how long it will take them. What used to take 2 days to my mother now takes a week.

Pam H 05-14-2015 02:34 PM

Did I tell you gals that I am going to quilt market in Minneapolis? I am so excited! It is for shop owners and businesses but I found a way to go too. I will be helping out at a booth so the owner can take potty breaks. I get to meet up with some old friends and will probably make a few new ones. I'm not sure if I will get to actually buy anything but I should get to see some fun new stuff. I had planned to leave at 7 pm. My DGD did not cooperate for me to get much done today so I might have to leave a bit later. No biggie. The poor thing fell off a chair at church and hit her head on the hard floor. She has a goose egg. I feel so bad. She wanted me to leave her there eating her chips while I did the work I needed to do. I think someone went over and talked to her and made her all nervous so she fell. That woman really felt bad. She even cleaned up the vomit mess from Allie getting so upset. This little just turned 2 year old can make herself throw up. She finds it helpful if she doesn't want to go to bed. Little stinker! Well, I'd better pack some clothes and do a little picking up and figure out what's for supper. Have a good weekend, all.

JuneBillie 05-14-2015 02:43 PM

Pam your trip sounds like a lot of fun. You will have to tell us all about it. :)

meanmom 05-15-2015 03:44 AM

Lynne hope you son is doing better. My knee continues to do really well. I am allowed to quit using the CPM machine. It is soooooo boring. They are picking it up on Monday. Woo Hoo! I am out of books to read while I use it. I will continue PT for a long time. She worked me pretty hard yesterday. I had a bunch of stops to make on the way home so I stopped at McDonalds. I had it all figured out what I was going to order, but when I pulled up to order that isn't what I ordered. I had a Big Mac, so yummy, but so bad. Back on track again today.
It is supposed to rain off and on the next 3 days. I will have to time my walk between the rain drops. I am teaching a class sometime at the LQS making the Gravity quilt. I have been drooling over the pattern since November. It was supposed to come in back in February. It finally arrived mid April. I finally started it last night. I finished the first step. Hoping to finish 2 more steps tonight. I can't wait to finish it.

JuneBillie 05-15-2015 02:14 PM

I have done not too bad today, but it won't be that way tomorrow due to my birthday. Hubby said he is making things to eat. We plan to see dad too, and who knows.

coffeegirl 05-16-2015 03:38 AM

Thanks Leann for your kind words. He graduated (with distinction) on Saturday, had an interview Monday, offered the job on Thursday! He is a high school biology teacher! AND...he will be close to home which I never expected and is so wonderful! He is getting married in 7 weeks, so life as an adult starts!

#1piecemaker 05-17-2015 05:32 AM

I hope everyoneelse is doing better than I am. I can't seem to get my eating under control. We have been going to the Senior Citizens Center every day for lunch. They feed so many starches. But, DH is addicted to the Mexican Train dominoe game that follows lunch everyday. So, we usually go out and eat too. We do a lot of volunteer work there. So, we are regulars anyway.

Leann 05-17-2015 05:49 AM

Wanted to say good morning before I head out the door.

Piecemaker, I am right there with you with the lack of control. While I'm not going out like you, bad food is here. At my son's apartment, he gathered the things 'off limits' for him and sent them home with me. Like you said,,,,,,,,,,,,starches, starches, starches! We WILL get better.

coffeegirl, wow! A biology teacher - impressive! My son is not a fan of biology, preferring chemistry. He is a math major @ UT-Austin and also wants to teach. I am pleased for you that he will be close!

JuneBillie, happy belated birthday! What did your hubby make for meals? My DH is a pretty good cook too. Who wouldn't be with real butter and Velvetta?

meanmom, glad to hear that you continue to improve. Thank you for all your advice. I am collecting ideas of things I can do while in the CPM - maybe hand piece, edit movies, scan negatives - things I would sit to do anyway. Just gotta have things set up first.

We have had so much rain this month - I love it but feel for people that it causes problems for. I will be back in Austin tomorrow for 2 days. Really feel for my DH who will be taking care of me plus our son, who is an hour away. It is not like this is an emergency for me - at least not the way it is for our son, and things never happen in our time, do they?

I wish everyone the best for this day!

Annaquilts 05-17-2015 09:50 AM

As I am loosing weight I am starting to swim in some of my clothes mainly my jeans and some tops. So how often or after how many pounds do you get some new garments? I will be loosing more hopefully so I do not want to invest in a lot of clothes. Also do most of you get rid of out grown garments so you will not grow back into them or do you hang onto the clothing just incase? I did not anticipate spending money on new jeans or many clothes or at least not till I got to my goal weight. It looks like I will need some in between clothes till I get to my goal weight.

Also I am going from plus sizing to regular sizes. Not necessarily bad but I have a tummy because of some medical issues and the tummy will stay to some extend even if I loose weight. Regular sizes generally do not have much space in the tummy area and also are shorter. I wish I was handier with altering garments so I could use what I have.

coffeegirl 05-18-2015 03:49 AM

Annaquilts, I have lost about 50 pounds and have had to get some new things. I found a consignment store and not only did I find some great buys there, but I am packing up some of my larger clothes to sell there for store credit, so it's a win=win! good luck and great job!

Annaquilts 05-18-2015 09:27 AM

Originally Posted by coffeegirl (Post 7198875)
Annaquilts, I have lost about 50 pounds and have had to get some new things. I found a consignment store and not only did I find some great buys there, but I am packing up some of my larger clothes to sell there for store credit, so it's a win=win! good luck and great job!

Great idea coffeegirl. I am not sure if there are consignment stores in this area that take plus size clothing but I know the stores where my daughter lives do and I will be visiting her in June. You did a great job on loosing. I have at least that much to go and some more. How long did it take you to loose the weight so far? What diet and exercise do you follow and what do you think has been the most helpful?

CindyA 05-19-2015 04:07 AM

I was back at Zumba last night. Hopefully, I'll think of how hard that is and it will help me control what I put in my mouth today.

I've got a bunch of Smart Ones in the freezer. They're fast and easy to grab for lunch. Add a piece of fruit and I'm good to go.

Have a great day, everyone.

Leann 05-19-2015 03:11 PM

Poppin' in to say hello. I am back home from Austin - DH had burgers and fries ready for me. sigh To his credit, he passed on the Oreos that were marked down to $1. He said he had picked up 6 packages, then put them back. We can't go forward without breaking these bad habits.

JuneBillie 05-19-2015 08:57 PM

Leann hubby made me a lasagna that was really quite healthy. Real butter is yummy, and I remember well the Velveeta cheese.

Great weight loss Coffiegirl.

Anna quilts I would at least get me a few new clothes, because they will encourage you too that they are smaller.

My daughter in law made me a wonderful homemade strawberry short cake for my birthday. Yes, it was very good made with real strawberries. She also made a very tasty pot roast with potatoes, carrots, and onions with some corn bread sticks.

CindyA 05-20-2015 04:12 AM

Leann, you're right. Need to break all the old bad habits. The was a little thing (passing on the Oreos) yet a BIG thing!! I'm going to focus on logging every bite I take on WW today and remember to drink all my water.

Irishrose2 05-20-2015 07:16 AM

Leann, burgers are good with lettuce leaves replacing the bun. Thank your husband for leaving the Oreos. They probably have high fructose corn syrup in them and that stuff is so bad in general, but especially for weight loss.

Pat. it sounds like you are doing as well as my daughter did with her knee replacements. She didn't have the machine as long as you've had it. She is 8 months out and enjoying buying all the fancy shoes she couldn't wear when her knees were so bad.

I delivered a table runner and a baby quilt Saturday and didn't get a picture of either one. I'll have to ask the recipients to send me pictures. The Spicy Spiral runner is so easy, but it is impressive at a shower. Another burgundy to brown one.

It sounds like you are all doing well. The downfall here with asparagus in season is an asparagus spear wrapped in a cream cheese covered slice of ham. I've never eaten raw asparagus before, but it is surprisingly good. No more. Plain steamed is delicious, too. I like the stuff and the season is so short. Such is life.

Annaquilts 05-20-2015 07:00 PM

Originally Posted by JuneBillie (Post 7200973)

Anna quilts I would at least get me a few new clothes, because they will encourage you too that they are smaller.

DH went with me and I picked out some tops at Walmart. Also I passed a big stack of jeans down to my DD, who is 3 inches taller then me and is also loosing weight but is more shapely and needs the leg space. She was happy and I was happy. She now is getting rid of her jeans that are too loose. We are all vouching not to grow back into our big clothes.

I also looked online how many calories my maintenance weight needs and plan not to ever eat more then that in a day. I really need to rethink my eating habits, too much starch even if it is whole grains, and portion size. My MD says I am prediabetic and need to get my Body Mass Index BMI below 25. Hope everyone is doing well. It is nice to have the support from this group. Thank you for sharing your story, progress and encouragement. I find it harder to do it on my own.

Leann 05-21-2015 05:23 AM

Good morning to a fabulous group of losers,

Anna, so happy for your progress. Sounds like a win-win with your DD. It is also easier for me to be part of a group that is also working on the same goals as me. Now, if I would just get my **** together!

Irish, you are right about the lettuce leaves and I do that sometimes. I am also trying to evict HFCS from my life entirely - a hard thing for a Dr Pepper addict. I love fresh asparagus - canned will do in a pinch, but it does not have the flavor nor the texture.

Cindy, have you been successful with logging your food? I wish there was a faster way to do that. I think back years ago when I would use the archaic pencil and paper and look things up in a calorie book to log macronutrients. I do not find the digital method any faster than the physical method.

Susan, wow, lasagna. (mmmmm - donuts! Anybody watch Homer Simpson?) I agree that Annaquilts should get a few new clothes - gives her a glimpse of things to come!

meanmom, how is the recovery progressing? Did my skinnies arrive?

We are in our 21st consecutive day of rain - this only happens every few decades. Lots of prayers being answered for those who have asked the lakes be filled. They should have been more specific and asked it be spread over a few months instead of it happening - tomorrow. We have been in severe drought since I left Houston 3 years ago. I know many other states are also thirsty.

What is everyone working on? Irish, I hope you get photos of that Spicy Spiral - I'd love to see it. This week I plan to make a caddy for my walker - a suggestion from meanmom. I am trying to decide what I can work on while in the CPM. I started some hexies last year before I had my insane moment and decided to make everyone a quilt for Christmas. I'd like to get back to those, so I need to gather my squares and print off my shapes.

Kick it today ladies!

meanmom 05-21-2015 03:26 PM

I received 2 FQ from Leann. Sounds like a lot of good advice on here. Anna I am glad you got some new clothes. You look a lot better when your clothes fit and it will encourage you.
Irish nce to hear frrom you again. My dr and Pt are thrilled with how my knee is doing. I had the CPM machine 2 1/2 weeks. Not sure I needed it the last 1/2 week. The goal in PT is to bend to 125 degrees and I met that today. I am allowed to get rid of my cane now. I have only been using it for the last week for long walks. She said to use it only when I get tired and it feels like it is dragging.
I had PT this morning and worked it pretty hard. I spent the rest of the day at the mall trying to find a dress for a wedding. I need 2 dresses, it is a big fancy wedding. I only own one. I can't find anything I like. I am worn out.It is an Indian wedding and I'm not sure there is any budget. The invitations alone cost over $3 to send. It is covered in silk. The wedding is in Orlando Florida. I am taking my mom. We are going to the beach for a week before the wedding. I can't wait. Sounds awesome.
I am working on my Gravity quilt, by Jaybird Quilts. I am teaching a class on it starting in July. I hope to finish it this week. I eyed this quilts for months before I was able to get it. Can't wait to finish it. My DD has asked for a quilt for her living room. I was going to make her a quilt for her birthday, June 28th. Not sure it will be finished by then. I hope to have enough made by then so she can see what it looks like.

JuneBillie 05-21-2015 06:16 PM

Hi all! I have done good the past couple of days. I cannot believe my brain being out somewhere besides where it needs to be, because I have not sent my skinny quarter. (I will send it off tomorrow) I have been finishing up on my May mini quilt.

Hugs Everyone!

Pam H 05-21-2015 07:28 PM

I made a quilt for my niece's baby girl. I got to see her and deliver the quilt monday. She was born 4 weeks early and had a rough time at first even though she was a big premie at 6 lbs 15 oz. I also made a table runner for a friend who wanted to give it for a wedding gift. Now I need to work on some tote bags for the church.
Quilt Market in Minneapolis was pretty awesome. The displays that some of the venders put together were very impressive. There wasn't a whole lot of things for sale that you could take home. Most things you had to order in bulk. Makes sense since it is for shop owners and businesses. I was able to buy some fabric from a couple of different places and also a thread collection from Aurofil. One of my favorite things was book signings. Many different authors/designers gave away books. I was able to stay in a friend's apartment. It was so nice and was within walking distance to the convention center and also to Nicollet Mall. I didn't really need to be there for 3 days but it was nice to spend time with my friend who flew there from Massachusetts. I was there thurs night until late sunday. Monday drove back to Minneapolis with my DD to see the new baby. Tuesday I babysat. Wed back to Minneapolis to do a shop hop with a knitting group. That was a lot of driving!
I got some new walking shoes yesterday and already have 6 miles on them.

Leann 05-22-2015 05:42 AM

Happy Friday to all,
meanmom, are you sure there aren't 3 FQ's - two are blue and another is lime, I think? I am so encouraged by your progress and recovery. Sounds like you would do it again - that is always my measuring stick.

Pam, sounds like you had a lot of fun and got tons of walking in as well. That is the kind of quilt show I need to visit - one where I can't buy much! lol

Susan, sounds like you are gonna finish the month strong. Go You!

It is wet again today, weather.com says the worst is yet to come. That will keep boats off the lakes this holiday weekend. I am headed out for my cardiology visit, then I will be clear for surgery.

JuneBillie 05-22-2015 06:56 PM

Leann I hope your cardiology visit goes well. :)

meanmom 05-22-2015 07:41 PM

Leann, I didn't open the plastic wrap, so there could be 3 in there. Hope the cardiology visit goes well. I walked 1 1/2 miles today. My knee feels good after the longer walk. I would like to switch to the elliptical. I will ask the PT next week. I also would like to ride my bike. I am going to Hilton Head at the end of June and we like to go for long bike rides. I will see what she says I do ride an exercise bike for 6 minutes at the beginning of therapy.
The subdivision near me is having a community wide yard sale tomorrow. I am planning on going early and hope to find some goodies. Not sure what I need. I would like to find a nice exercise bike. That way in the winter and can switch back and forth between it and the elliptical.
I hope everyone is doing good with their exercise and eating.

Pam H 05-23-2015 01:46 PM

Chocolate cake for breakfast! I think I could do this diet!

meanmom 05-24-2015 04:47 AM

Pam I love that diet. Unfortunately I have been doing that for years and the scale keeps moving in the wrong direction. It sure would be great if it worked.
It is a beautiful weekend here. It is about 70 degrees, cool at night. It was a little cloudy yesterday but nice. I went for a walk on the apth along the river. It was really nice. I saw lots of birds and wildlife. I saw some deer and a coyote, a red fox and lots of small animals. I walked 3 miles. I didn't intend to go that far but I did. My knee is fine this morning but my feet hurt. I know I need new walking shoes. I ordered some last night.
We are heading to my DS today for my grandaughters birthday. I am not sure what we are having for dinner. I made a tres leche cake and rhubarb pie for dessert. I have never made a tres leche cake before, hopefully it is good.
I guess I have run out of excuses around here for not cleaning the house. I will have to get going on that. I am so far behind from surgery. My DH has been so busy at work he hasn't had time to help. Time for my PT exercises and my daily walk. Last night at 11:45 PM I looked at my fitbit and realised I was only 250 steps shy of my daily 10,000 steps. So i walked around the house to make it. First time making 10,000 steps since several weeks before surgery. I am going to try again today.

coffeegirl 05-24-2015 06:57 AM

Sounds like you're doing great meanmom! Your progress is encouraging. I will have knee replacement in the future and it's nice to know how well your progress is going. I have been stuck on the same number this past week and yesterday we went to a wedding. I did have a small piece of wedding cake, couldn't pass it up! I got on the scale this morning expecting trouble and I'm down a pound! What the heck? Seems like when I'm good, I don't lose and then all of a sudden lose after being "bad." I don't get it, but I'll take it!

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