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merchjag 08-07-2011 05:39 AM

I have heard that if you have a bumper crop of acorns ao crab apples you are in for a bad winter.
thunder in the fall no winter at all

Jo Mama 08-07-2011 05:40 AM

If you have a wart, bury a dish cloth. When it rots, your wart will go away. My Mom told me that it worked for her. :shock:

Jo Mama 08-07-2011 05:42 AM

Originally Posted by DogHouseMom
Oh!! My husband has one that he taught me when I went to England. It's about Magpies. We don't have Magpies here where I live so the first time I saw one in England I exclaimed 'oooh! look at the pretty bird'! He saw it and said "look away quick!". I guess one Magpie is bad luck as they are usually seen in pairs.

Those darn birds .. every time I've seen a Magpie in Englands I've *A* Magpie.

And his mother would put sheets/blankets over the mirrors if someone passed away. My comment was "well, *someone* passes away every day", hubbies response "that could explain Mom's lack of skill in the makeup/hair department".

Oh that is funny. We sat Shiva for my Jewish FIL and covered the mirrors. We weren't supposed to wear make-up either but I didn't want to scare anyone so sneaked some on.

laalaaquilter 08-07-2011 05:57 AM

If you see a penny on the ground that is heads up, pick it up for luck. If it is tails up it is bad luck to pick it up, turn it over but leave it there for the next person to find and they'll have good luck.

If you give a knife as a gift, include a penny for luck so it doesn't 'sever' your relationship with the receiver. If they give you the penny back they have 'purchased' the knife from you and it isn't a gift anymore and the relationship is safe.

Don't sweep the floor after dark, especially not out an open door.

It sure wasn't good luck for the cricket to be found in the house...I had a cat who would sing at the door to lure them in (he used a kind of 'chirpy' noise) and then he would rend them limb from limb (but never actually 'eat' them ;-) )

Mama told my sister once that to change into a boy (my sister was the only girl in a house of 5 boys for nearly 13 years, and HATED it) she should kiss her elbow. Luckily it isn't possible to kiss one's own elbow (I guess unless one is a contortionist) because I am lucky to have the BEST sister EVER!

Never cut the ribbons on wedding gifts, pull them off the package instead (more severing relationships stuff)

Don't wear sparkly jewelry to cemeteries so you don't attract attention. I've extended that to not wearing jewelry other than wedding ring to funeral services whether they are at graveside or not.

I've enjoyed reading everyone's responses! Thanks for posting :-)

Sheila_H 08-07-2011 06:50 AM

My nana was very superstitous if a tea towel fell she said company is coming, and she would put a pot of tea on, and someone would show up - weird.
A bird flying into the house meant that there was going to be a death.
Same thing with fore runners if you heard 3 knocks on your door, and I remember that happening, mom would go to the door and no one was there. Then she got a call her brother passed away.

IrelandDragonQuilting 08-07-2011 07:32 AM

Oh I forgot one,
Never give anyone an empty wallet for a gift, always put at least a dollar bill in it, if not it was considered bad financial luck.

laalaaquilter, those poor crickets!

ptquilts 08-07-2011 07:33 AM

My MIL did this too, put a penny in a new purse she gave me.

Roberta 08-07-2011 07:58 AM

Never rock and empty rocking chair or someone will die.

Never open an umbrella in the house,

Don't ask, I have no idea why my Grandmother felt so strongly about those but I find myself saying the same things.

katzak 08-07-2011 08:03 AM

My sweet little Grandmother would ALWAYS leave by the same door she entered the house when she came for a visit. Old-time Czech superstition?

Colbaltjars62 08-07-2011 08:05 AM

If your nose tickled then you would Kiss a Fool.

If your ears were ringing, someone was talking about you...

If you tickled a baby's feet, it would make them studder.

Never leave a cat in a room with a infant. It will suck the life from it. :shock:

Find a heads-up penny, put it in your shoe. For good luck.

Never start a trip on a Friday, you'll meet mis-fortune.

If the bottom of your foot itches you will take a trip.

Freckles are caused by being under the cow too long.

A sudden chill means that someone is walking on your Grave.

Those are just a few my Mom came up with... :roll:

BTW... 13 "IS" my lucky number. My Son was born on the 13th.. :D

1234Irene 08-07-2011 08:25 AM

Love these comments. My grandmother always said that when cleaning out your hairbrush, wrap the hairs up in something to keep the birds out of it. Meaning that if a bird happened to use your hair in it's nest, you would get pregnant.

Another, never kill a cricket, or bad luck would come.

Breaking a mirror is worth 7 years bad luck.

Will have to try and remember some more, she had lots of them. Many were already mentioned, lol.

QuiltE 08-07-2011 08:26 AM

Never pass someone on the stairs.

Never walk under a ladder.

Marysewfun 08-07-2011 08:31 AM

Originally Posted by kberry
If you spilled salt with your left hand you have to through it over your right shoulder and if you spilled with your right hand you through it over your left for good luck.

My mother used to do that constantly - - - and while not particularly superstitious - - I do it too - by habit!! :mrgreen:


Honeynga 08-07-2011 08:31 AM

Yes, it WAS the pully bone ! Back in the day my mom would cut a whole chicken up and was able to cut the front portion of the breast that housed the wishbone, and the most tender meat, this would always be my piece ! Then we would take the pully bone, hold it under the table leg and break it, can't remember if the longer or the shorter bone got the wish !

QuiltE 08-07-2011 08:34 AM

Sing at the table, and you'll cry before you go to bed.

Something old, something new,
Something borrowed, something blue,
These things a Bride should do.

Marysewfun 08-07-2011 08:47 AM

1234Irene's comment on "break a mirror = 7 years bad luck":

A big, big mirror "sitting" on the dresser (we had just moved and he hadn't fastened it up yet) got knocked over by the cat - -- my husband and I wondered: 7 years bad luck - or 14 for that big thing!!

This is a fun topic - love it!


ptquilts 08-07-2011 08:54 AM

We broke a big mirror moving into our new house 21 years ago, have had nothing but GOOD luck. SO there. :mrgreen:

crazy cat lady 08-07-2011 09:01 AM

Never called it anything but a "pulley bone" :lol:

llamalady 08-07-2011 09:06 AM

Never say thank you to someone for giving you a plant or slips of a plant because it will die. My mother and all of the neighbors swore by this.

butterflies5518 08-07-2011 09:11 AM

shoes upside down in closet - you will have a bad day, Mine are all right side up!

Also, never give knives as a gift - severs relationships.

SEVEN1384 08-07-2011 09:45 AM

MIL was from Portugal and every time I had a baby and the cord fell off she would burn it in the fireplace. She said if a cat got it my child would have nothing but bad luck all of it's life.

quiltmagnet 08-07-2011 10:32 AM

I have no idea where I got this but if I hear a "hoot"owl near our house it means a death in the family. This has really happened several times. My youngest daughter doesn't want me to tell her when this occurs.

arimuse 08-07-2011 11:07 AM

I grew up hearing if a bird hits your window someone in the home will die -

10 yrs ago now, a girl I worked with had decided to start a business and were planning it for months. We drove to lunch together and were laughing and talking and a bird hit the drivers side window, and I joked I was glad it was her car and her window cus she was driving, cus the bird was for her - we laughed.
she left work early for a dr appt, and later in the afternoon I heard her calling me to the work floor - I thought she'd come back for something, so I went out of my office and asked quite a few people where sandy was, cus she had called me but I couldnt find her, no one saw her and no one heard her. I finally thought I was just working too hard or going crazy, and at the end of the day the CEO came and told me her husband called.

She was turning left into the drive of the lady who babysat her kids - one of them had the dr appt. - and a semi - who had to take a detour down this country road - tried to fly by her and he plowed over her car and she was killed instantly.

I have never ever forgotten that lunch and that afternoon at work when I heard her calling me. sharet

arimuse 08-07-2011 11:11 AM

[quote=Tussymussy]Seaweed can predict the weather. My grandmother swore by hers.

Dry and there would be no rain.

Wet and it would rain.

Scientists have just proved this is correct.

could you explain the saeweed thing?? Is it out of the water and you just look at it?, cus if its seaweed isnt it always wet? sharet

sak658 08-07-2011 11:32 AM

Slice a potatoe, rub the wart, put the potatoe back together and bury it under the front step. Wart will come off.
Don't count the cars in a train, or there will be a death in the family.
Drop a dish cloth, someone coming dirtier that you are.

katydidit 08-07-2011 11:36 AM

Originally Posted by ptquilts

Originally Posted by QuiltE
if there were bubbles when we poured tea into your tea cup, my MIL used to scoop them up with a spoon and eat them. If you did, you were supposed to have money coming your way.

I can just picture this!!LOL!

speaking of superstitions, everyone knows about the wishbone and making a wish. How many grew up calling it a "pully bone"? I had a friend down south who called it that.

It IS a pully bone. What else would you call it? LOL

sandwich child 08-07-2011 12:03 PM

Originally Posted by JenniePenny
A wive's tale that I heard while pregnant:

If the mom-to-be has a lot of heartburn, then she will have a curly haired child.

I do have a curly haired child, and I did get some heartburn in the last trimester, but I also was married to a curly-haired man, so don't know if I can put any stock in the old wives' tale.

I was told the same thing. When my son arrived he looked like a gorilla!

carolynjo 08-07-2011 12:49 PM

When I lived in NC, the mountain saying was--put a bean in a pot for every August fog. That will be how many snows you will have in the winter. Take a bean out of the pot every time it snows and see if they come out even!

CAS49OR 08-07-2011 01:27 PM

Originally Posted by QuiltE
Red sky at night, sailors delight.
Red sky in the morning, sailor take warning.

Weather predicitions for the coming quarter are based on the day before, the day of and the day after the change of season

Example -- Spring to Summer

If June 20th was wet, then the first month, will be wet.
If June 21st was clear and warm, the 2nd month.
If June 22nd was extremely hot, then ... you got the idea!

Likewise for the rest of the 1/4's.

I was just going to share that! It is true.

jane65us 08-07-2011 01:53 PM

Originally Posted by Cheri_J
A slice of raw potato will get rid of warts

this is true, I did it and it worked.

jane65us 08-07-2011 01:57 PM

Originally Posted by IrelandDragonQuilting
If you eat black eyed peas with your dinner on New Year's Eve you will have a properous new year.

If your right palm itches, money is coming
If your left palm itches, money is leaving

A cricket in your house is a sign of good luck.

If a ladybug lands on you, good luck is coming your way.

My favorite one is, what you do to your parents, your children will be ten times worse.

I think that is what is meant by WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND my daughter hates it when I say that LOL

ButtermilkMama 08-07-2011 02:01 PM

To QuiltE::: Was there soap in the cup??? Just kidding.

ButtermilkMama 08-07-2011 02:04 PM

To: QUILTE Was there soap in the cup??? Just kidding.

ButtermilkMama 08-07-2011 02:04 PM

To: QUILTE Was there soap in the cup??? Just kidding.

ButtermilkMama 08-07-2011 02:04 PM

Sorry for all the duplicate printing.

olgaflowers 08-07-2011 02:11 PM

has anyone ever heard if you have a statue of a elephant,
having the trunk upwards is goodluck, downwards is badluck.
Just curious.I once gave my mother a stuff elephant, trunkdown,
she never put it out on display, hmmm

IrelandDragonQuilting 08-07-2011 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by Olga,quilt's
has anyone ever heard if you have a statue of a elephant,
having the trunk upwards is goodluck, downwards is badluck.
Just curious.I once gave my mother a stuff elephant, trunkdown,
she never put it out on display, hmmm


jollyquilting 08-07-2011 02:25 PM

If the sky has blue in it while raining, will rain the next day too.

Sun dogs in sky needs change in weather.

kberry 08-07-2011 05:48 PM

Originally Posted by IrelandDragonQuilting

Originally Posted by Olga,quilt's
has anyone ever heard if you have a statue of a elephant,
having the trunk upwards is goodluck, downwards is badluck.
Just curious.I once gave my mother a stuff elephant, trunkdown,
she never put it out on display, hmmm


I heard that if you get elephants you should face their trunks the same direction for good luck.

cherrio 08-07-2011 06:49 PM

spiders do that all the time here and its tooo dry. we just don't notice em (thank goodness) unless it'sdewey in the morning

Originally Posted by janallyn
when i lived in north carolina, that was close to wanchese, on the outer bankds, they said if the spiders built a web over the grass that we were in for a nor easter, now i did not have a camera then, but i will tell you that the spiders built these funnel webs, and darn if we did not have bad weather, and the when i lived/moved to marshalburg(look up the ponies schakleford/or carrot island) island) /ottway it was just 4 miles from harkers island (with is down east from beaufort north carolina), bonnie the hurricane came over us 5 times, back and forth.
is anyone familiar with the term, i have been mommicked?
very much a nc term
just wondering

key board is not working rite, will change it out

jan in palatka

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