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irishrose 11-17-2012 05:01 PM

Ouch, that's worse than my duct tape. I've sewn a finger, but never a lip.

I was cleaning out a drawer and found my measurements from last Nov. I bet I am back up to there. I will measure when I don't have on heavy jeans. Dec and Jan were down - what happened? I'm on track today and I'm going to bed early so I only have 4 more hours to eat. I'm going to church 1 1/2 hours early until Christmas and I need time for my hair to dry. I can't blow dry it.

Took the dogs to the lake today through the woods. There are so many downed branches and small trees that I felt like I was marching. Haven't done that since high school and the woods have no relation to a football field, plus I do not have on a short skirt. Oh, I helped my daughter with her baton corps, so I guess have marched more recently but even that was 35 - 40 years ago.

I haven't finished that list of questions from McCall's magazine yet. Remember
1) Do I really have to have this?
2) Am I even hungry right now?
3) Is this food splurge worthy?
and the new ones
4) How will I feel after I eat it?
5) Is it the end of the world if I don't have it?

Interesting thought for this week, "Almost all the pleasure you get from a high fat or high calorie food comes from the first few bites. After that, it doesn't have the same reward." Edward Abramson, Ph.D.
In other words, you only really taste the first few bites. I used to have a friend who tried to teach me to eat only three bites of high calorie foods. She had no concept of being a compulsive overeater and I had no concept of eating three bites. She's still my best friend. I'm willing to give her idea another shot.

Be sure to plan your feast day for Thursday and jump back on the wagon Friday. I feel for those of you who will have leftovers.

Purplemen, a former leader, taught us, "If you want to meet a goal, you have to have a plan. Failure to plan means planning to fail."

Sorry about the quotes and sounding preachy, but the holiday season is upon us and we need to be ready.

As of 7:59 pm Nov 17, 2012, I, JLM, will control what goes in my mouth.

I am losing weight and getting healthier.

Pam H 11-17-2012 07:11 PM

Meanmom, we all have times like that. You must be excited about having the extra time off work next week. I know how stressful your work situation is.
I have a big problem with wanting something when told I can't have it. Needless to say, I have had chocolate every day this week. Now if you had told me eat chocolate every day I probably would still have eaten it every day. LOL That is why dieting does not work for me because I can't keep my mind off of whatever it is I am supposed to deny myself of. I went to Wendy's today and had my last Baha salad for who knows how long. Our Wendy's and the two in the next town will be closing next week. Funny how a couple divorcing can affect a whole community. I will have to go back for a burger since theirs is the only fast food burger that I like.
Irish, if we are confessing..... when I joined this group I had 25 lbs to lose. Now it is 35. I am thinking about staying away for a while to see how that affects me and my over eating problem.

meanmom 11-18-2012 07:06 AM

Judy I will have to put those quotes on my refrigerator. I just feel like I am out of control. I need to quit the goodies and get back to the gym. Pam that is why I like weight watchers because I am allowed to eat anything I want. I have to budget for it but I can have it. If I know I can't have something I just crave it more. I went to Sams yesterday and they have a chocolate truffle (only at Christmas) that I LOVE. I made the mistake of not only buying them by opening them. Now they are calling me to eat them. I was planning on taking them on our Thanksgiving trip to share so I wouldn't eat so many. I might have to take them to work tomorrow to get them out of the house.
I will go to the gym today and eat the right foods.

Vanogay 11-18-2012 09:24 AM

Well, I've been planning on our Taboo Tuesday since this is the beginning of our holiday seasons and the binges most of us cave in to. I won't tell you what it is yet, but hopefully, it is one we can all keep up with. Good thoughts presented above and good quotes.

createfourpaws 11-18-2012 10:15 AM

So who is planning a big meal for Thanksgiving?

Mom and I went to the store today to get the turkey, and we got a 20lb turkey and ad the butcher cut it in half.....split in half. Since it looks like it may only be the 3 of us and maybe 1 more. So we will freeze one half and cook the other half. I would have never thought to ask the butcher to cut a frozen turkey in half.

I will be making my homemade cranberry sauce as well. Just have to find my receipe. LOL Since some one else was in my apartment for quite awhile I have know idea what they did with some of my stuff. UGH... including some of my cookie recipes that i had printed out.

We need some more cheerleaders........those who are good with encouraging and inspiring.

I know were are in the season that is so tempting with the wrong things.........just remember you are in control of you....not those around us.

sewNso 11-18-2012 03:43 PM

we're have a small crowd compared to past thanksgivings. i think i am going to look for the smallest turkey i can find.
smaller children like to see the 'big bird' all ready and sitting on the table. so will do that for him. husband keeps saying do a big chicken. then some ham also. i think there are going to be 6 of us. compared to 20 or so other yrs.
i'm losing, just not real fast. hoping for 5 lbs anyway this month. will see. have a good monday.

CountryHouseQuilter 11-19-2012 07:05 AM

I'm getting ready to clean. My day off. Tomorrow I'm heading to PA with my Mom and a couple GFs to the Farmer's Market. Going to pick up a few things for Thanksgiving dinner. Dinner is at my house, but my Mom will cook the turkey, make the stuffing and gravy. I've been married 30+ yrs and I'm still not brave enough to cook the turkey for the "big feast". Mom loves doing it so that's a good thing. There will be 13 of us this year. I love having everyone together under one roof. It's my family - M, D, DB & DSIL, and DH's family - DB, DSIL, their friend, plus our kids, DD, DS, DDIL and granddaughter. Our families all get along so well, which is always a wonderful thing!!!! We're always together for Thanksgiving and Christmas. And it's nice we all live within 10 miles of each other.

meanmom 11-19-2012 07:51 PM

We are doing the same thing for Thanksgiving we have done for most of the last 35 or 40 years. We go rent a bunch of cabins in a state park with my whole family. This year I found a couple of big houses to rent in Hocking Hills Ohio. One has 8 BR and the other has 6. I think there will be 32 people. I am in charge of the menu and food planning for the whole weekend. I assign everyone what to bring. We don't do a traditional Thanksgiving meal since a lot of the cabins have limited kitchen facilities. This year we have a huge kitchen that looks awesome. We do a lot of hiking and just fooling around. My parents are getting old so we don't do as much hiking as we used too. Heck I'm getting old. They are 88 and 85. One of my sons won't be there since he lives in Japan. I set up a zip lining trip for some of us. I will probably pee my pants doing it but it will be so fun. Eating will be pretty good since I planned the menu and most of them are healthy eaters.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Enjoy your families and guests that is what Thanksgiving is about. Make Thursday your cheat day, just don't go nuts.

Vanogay 11-20-2012 04:06 AM

Taboo Tuesday - double pronged day - both good, just one for others and one for yourself. The good for others - this is the beginning of the holiday season for many people. The time to remember good times and things and those not as fortunate as we. Reach out to some one/some group in your community. Bring a bag (small or large) of groceries to a community shelter to help them feed the less fortunate in your community. Perhaps you know a family to help, you get the idea. Then remember them again in your grace/moment of silence/whatever around your Thanksgiving table. Now, taboo for yourself - skip the THIRD helping. All of us will cave in to temptation and have that second helping - DON'T HAVE A THIRD - oh, and only ONE dessert (this is the one that I'll really have to work on). Pick the one that appeals to you and stick with just that. It can be a cheat day, but don't ruin all your good work.

sewNso 11-20-2012 05:17 AM

vanogay. great taboo's. that's my plan. IF i have a dessert. one serving, and that's it. making eggless cheesecake for me. one small piece and that's it. i'm going to sneak and eat veggies before dinner. that way i won't be tempted to over eat when everything is done. have a nice week everyone.

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