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-   -   Oct 2011 Weight Loss Adventure with a Prize! Winner is Createfourpaws (https://www.quiltingboard.com/general-chit-chat-non-quilting-talk-f7/oct-2011-weight-loss-adventure-prize-winner-createfourpaws-t156684.html)

Pam H 10-01-2011 07:59 PM

Welcome to all the new members. You are going to love this group!
My mom has been involved with Tops for almost 40 years. It stands for Take Off Pounds Sensibly. You can follow any eating plan of your choice. Once you get your weight off you are then in Kops - Keep Off Pounds Sensibly.
Pam, maybe you could tell us what your food item is each week and we could do the same one. Even if we don't have a reward or punishment, just to be aware of and thinking about healthier eating would be worthwhile.

irishrose 10-01-2011 08:45 PM

Nancy, that was sweet of you to send a skinny quarter, but as an October member, you didn't need to. That was from September's challenge.

Pam, I'd like to learn what your weekly challenge is and give it a try. I just don't want to involve the US Mail or any guilt feelings from not making it to the P.O.

Having the flu, I've nothing to report. Exercise - minimal, food - minimal, water - OK. This is not the way I want to lose weight! Sorry if I've sounded grumpy today - maybe because I am. I handle major illnesses better than I do minor ones and this is minor. Plus, I thought I had finished a quilt last night, but spread out on the table for trimming threads, I see it needs more quilting. Grrr.

Wishing us all a good Sunday and a good start to a new week.

MissyGirl 10-01-2011 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by irishrose
Nancy, that was sweet of you to send a skinny quarter, but as an October member, you didn't need to. That was from September's challenge.

Pam, I'd like to learn what your weekly challenge is and give it a try. I just don't want to involve the US Mail or any guilt feelings from not making it to the P.O.

Having the flu, I've nothing to report. Exercise - minimal, food - minimal, water - OK. This is not the way I want to lose weight! Sorry if I've sounded grumpy today - maybe because I am. I handle major illnesses better than I do minor ones and this is minor. Plus, I thought I had finished a quilt last night, but spread out on the table for trimming threads, I see it needs more quilting. Grrr.

Wishing us all a good Sunday and a good start to a new week.


I am so sorry to hear you have had the flu. That is a yucky thing to have!

I have set a goal for this week. I am going to drink my water (8 8oz glasses) before I drink anything else. My one downfall right now is that I am drinking way too many calories. So, I am hoping that by eliminating the things I drink in the early part of the day that that would boost my weight loss. I am contiuing to lose weight but I think it will go a tad bit faster if I eliminate the liquid calories.

Oh and a HUGE victory! I have walked every day this week 2 miles. YES. I DID say 2 whole miles!! It was not all at once but continuing to walk throughout the day. I have not been able to walk more than a quarter mile in YEARS. I am sore but am going to make it. This, next to finally being able to handle my
own personal hygeine, is so huge to me.


MissyGirl 10-01-2011 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by irishrose
Nancy, that was sweet of you to send a skinny quarter, but as an October member, you didn't need to. That was from September's challenge.

Pam, I'd like to learn what your weekly challenge is and give it a try. I just don't want to involve the US Mail or any guilt feelings from not making it to the P.O.

Having the flu, I've nothing to report. Exercise - minimal, food - minimal, water - OK. This is not the way I want to lose weight! Sorry if I've sounded grumpy today - maybe because I am. I handle major illnesses better than I do minor ones and this is minor. Plus, I thought I had finished a quilt last night, but spread out on the table for trimming threads, I see it needs more quilting. Grrr.

Wishing us all a good Sunday and a good start to a new week.


I am so sorry to hear you have had the flu. That is a yucky thing to have!

I have set a goal for this week. I am going to drink my water (8 8oz glasses) before I drink anything else. My one downfall right now is that I am drinking way too many calories. So, I am hoping that by eliminating the things I drink in the early part of the day that that would boost my weight loss. I am contiuing to lose weight but I think it will go a tad bit faster if I eliminate the liquid calories.

Oh and a HUGE victory! I have walked every day this week 2 miles. YES. I DID say 2 whole miles!! It was not all at once but continuing to walk throughout the day. I have not been able to walk more than a quarter mile in YEARS. I am sore but am going to make it. This, next to finally being able to handle my
own personal hygeine, is so huge to me.


quilthappygail 10-01-2011 10:23 PM

HI all,
Well only lost 1.5 lbs this Sept. so I'm sending my FQ off to Kalvert real soon. I will be in again for Oct and have hopes of doing better. Welcome to all our new sign ups and good luck to all. I also like the idea of checking in once a week to encourage and give updates on progress
I've been away for a few days so hope all is well with those that have had problems this last month. Prayers for a better October and much success in our journey to better health.
Hugs to all

BettyKay 10-01-2011 10:38 PM

OK I'm in. Hope that this will work for me.

nancia 10-02-2011 12:28 AM

this thread works best if you genuinely want it to, and are willing to put in the work and time. by signing up you are showing you want to do this and we're glad to have you! i like the idea of the food item a week. i also am for checking in every week.
missy--woohoo!!! i'm so happy for you. has your mom finished the tournament? did she win?? hope so!
irish-- how long does it take you to roll out a sleeping bag? that's all i need. in fact, i'll bring my own, just clear me a spot! 8)

JHolm 10-02-2011 02:33 AM

Good Sunday morning everyone.

Welcome Sue (Tussy Mussy) and Betty Kay. The more the merrier. We enjoy newcomers because they have new ideas and add more encouragement.

Missy - so good to hear from you. It's wonderful that you can walk two mile and take care of your personal hygiene. What a huge accomplishment! It is a good idea to increase water and reduce high calorie beverages. When I had my weight loss surgery years ago the high calorie beverages was my downfall. They didn't measure in my little stomach so the more I drank the less I loss and finally started to gain. How'd your mother do? Is she rich now?

Judy, Sorry you still have the flu. That's such a miserable illness. Prayers are with you.

I like MJ's idea of posting low cal healthy recipes if we just can't think of anything else to post that week. Having to post every week isn't that much - it's only 4 times a month, we should be able to come up with something to say in that amount of time.

I've only been on my new meds for a day and a half but haven't had any negative side effect. I'm still holding my breath, I know it takes time for those things to show up.

My prayers continue to go out to those who are ill, I'm thinking especially MJ and Cindy. Hang in there everyone.

It's Sunday again and I'm off to church. We have several people scheduled to work in the kitchen today so maybe I won't have to spend much time in there.

I can do this "One Day at a Time"

oldcottontop 10-02-2011 05:19 AM

Good morning to everyone and welcome to the new ones this month. I was MIA a lot in Sep but only have one trip this month and then I should be back to normal.

I think the checking in at least once a week is a fine idea...not just the same ones responding each day....although you do get good support from these folks and they are appreaciated. But the more support we have the better it is. I was going to say easier but losing weight is not easy. We all struggle day to day to lose this weight but we have to rememberr we didn't get heavy overnight and it will not come off over night. I have come to realize that I will always have a weight problem and will struggle with it the rest of my life. I am 67 so have about 50 more years to deal with it.

I was in TOPS at one time also and having a "forbidden" food is a great idea. It doesn't have to be anything oulandish, something as simple as white bread or sweets or ice cream or white rice...any food that is not good for us. The chapter I was in had each individual put in a food that was their downfall and each week one would be drawn out. If you ate that food for the week you had to put a quarter in. The money was then put into our SRD(State Recognition Day) funds. It's just another challenge we could do on here. If each of us would send to a certain person (chosen by the group) a food we have particular problems with (mine is ice cream) and then that person would pick one each week and post it on a certain day. On that same day we would say if we ate or not the food the previous week. Just a thought.

Y'all have a wonderful, blessed day :-D

irishrose 10-02-2011 05:40 AM

The flu has returned with a vengeance. It's very sad to me to have to skip my son's birthday party. He is too attached to me and isn't going to a happy camper for a few minutes. Luckily, he's intelligent and resilient, so he will get over it quickly.

Anyone have any idea what I can take for the pain in my intestines and my stomach? Morphine on an empty stomach doesn't sound like a good idea. I have Pepto Bismo and maybe some Pepcid leftover from having a ill dog. I have aspirin, Tylenol and Aleve, too. Sorry about the whining. J

nancia, plenty of open space for a sleeping bag. My living room is large and it's one room I do not allow to get untidy, though it has a lot of furniture since the vintage machine bug hit.

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