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Demshine 10-04-2011 09:50 PM

Originally Posted by Demshine
Count me in please! I've lost a total of 20 pounds in almost a year - I think I need a little more motivation!

Dang it! I forgot to weigh myself on the first! I guess I'm out for this month :roll: :oops:

Xylie55 10-04-2011 10:20 PM

A burglar broke into a house one night,he shinned his flashlight around looking for valuables when a voice in the dark said,"Jesus knows your here"He nearly jumped out of his skin,clicked his flashlight off and froze.When he heard nothing more,after a bit,he shook his head and continued.Just as he pulled the stereo out to disconnect the wires,clear as a bell he heard "Jesus is watching you" Freaked out,he shined his light around frantically,looking for the source of the voice.Finally,in the corner of the room,his flashlight beam came to rest on a parrot. "Did you say that?" he hissed at the parrot."YEP" the parrot confessed.Then squaked,"I'm just trying to warn you that he is watching you" The burglar relaxed."Warn me huh?"Who in the world are you?" "Moses" the bird replied."Moses?" the burglar laughed."What kind of people would name a bird Moses?" "The kind of people that would name a Rottweiler Jesus". This was funny,had to share.Oh,Jesus.

nancia 10-04-2011 11:18 PM

ok. xylie-- you started it.....a pirate walks into a bar and right away the bartender notices he's got a steering wheel sticking out of his pants. the bartender said, hey, ya know, you got a steering wheel stuck in your pants.
and the pirate says, arrrggh, aye, it's driving me nuts!
the more other people talk the less i can tell bad jokes! hahaha. glad to have you here, and glad to hear from you! even bad jokes if you want. laughing burns calories!!

Leann 10-05-2011 02:51 AM

Good morning everyone.

Nancia, I've missed something. What is your mri for?

Sheila H, hope you are feeling better today.

Cindy, hooray that you are home!

jlwheart, good to see you drop in.

bjeriann, what a sister you have. Looking forward to your posts.

Hi elm, welcome back.

marscrafter, hope you get better quickly. I think I am like you - crowds are to be avoided when possible.

For those of us who know NannySandy, you know that her sister was in the last stages of breast cancer. She passed away yesterday morning and it has been grueling on Sandy. I know she would appreciate a note.

I did not sleep last night, but I am determined to get the borders on this bargello TODAY. I need to get moving because the week is almost gone and there are still tons of things on my list.

hugs to all

Leann 10-05-2011 02:58 AM

Originally Posted by Demshine

Originally Posted by Demshine
Count me in please! I've lost a total of 20 pounds in almost a year - I think I need a little more motivation!

Dang it! I forgot to weigh myself on the first! I guess I'm out for this month :roll: :oops:

Hope you will travel with us this month anyway.

JHolm 10-05-2011 04:34 AM

It's another one of those days. DGS is moving out today and we are juggling vehicles. I have to run and get dressed so he can take me to quilters at church in 15 minutes. He just told me he needed my van. Sometimes you just can't plan ahead!

Will try to catch up on everybody and everything this afternoon. God Bless everyone.

Murphy1 10-05-2011 06:07 AM

Wow - You motivated me to go fill my water bottle. I will post tomorrow how many times I empty it. I have never been that motivated since it just means I have to visit the bathroom more often. As I read your journey, I weigh what you did 4 years ago. I am 5' 9". If I ever get down to what I weighed when I got married 43 years ago, I would be a new person. Thanks for the motivating words and I loved your parrot joke.
I think I might reach that 5 pound goal you mentioned by Monday. Is that when we post? As I am new, I am just learning all the procedures. As for the snack, I try to eat a tiny bit more often because of diabetes issues. I do eat the raw veggies and with it being apple season, I will munch on those. Today is rainy, I think I will make that cabbage soup you mentioned. I know that will taste wonderful on this gray day. Happy quilting, I am off to quilt a OBW of leaves I call Autumn Fallin.

Originally Posted by Xylie55

Originally Posted by Murphy1
I wish us all much success this month. I enjoy reading the posts here and hope that those in ill health improve everyday. So far I have continued the downward slope and am motivated to keep doing what I am doing. Although I do want to up the water intake. I know it will be good for all my systems.

Yes,we've all said drink,drink,drink,lots of water.It fills us up and flushes out the fat.I drink a qt in a 30 minute window 3 X a day at a minimum.That 30 minute one flushes the fat out because it's not a sip here,or a sip there.YTou may not need a qt 3 x a day.They say drink 1/2 your weight in oz of water.Like me at 250 pounds.needed 125 oz a day at a minimum.Now at 160 pounds,I only need 80 oz.But do way more than that.Because I need it.Good luck.And hang in there.You CAN do it!I did it,and so did Purplemarm and also Lynn has lost a lot on here,as well as nancia,irishrose,and a lot of others.Missy has done great.We can do it if we get tired of lugging it around and mainly for health reasons.Hang in there!!!!!!!!

Pam H 10-05-2011 06:10 AM

Jeri, is your sister still in the visiting mode? I would love to have her spend a few weeks with me!
I didn't get much sleep last night either. I stayed up til 2 am working on a sweatshirt jacket for my mil. I have it all covered with fabric. Now it is time to sew it all back together. This is where a serger would come in handy.
My daughter, Kelsey, will be home in 2 days after being away teaching English in Korea for 13 months! Woohoo!!

Podunk Princess 10-05-2011 07:14 AM

Hello everyone! Just taking a few moments to catch up on all of the posts and relax a bit. We've got a house guest so it's been really busy here. I've had to do quite a bit of cooking and it's stuff I don't usually eat when I'm dieting. Baked an apple pie yesterday and we're having Mexican food tonight. I love to cook for people but it's killing me not to eat all this stuff. I've limited my portions and am not losing right now.....but I am maintaining so I must be doing something right. I think all the housecleaning in preparation for our guest helped me to burn off enough calories to make up for the "bad" things I am eating. Only two more days and then I can get back into my normal routine. I'm missing my walks in the park!

Glad to hear everyone's health is improving.

Beachbound 10-05-2011 07:40 AM

Originally Posted by Pam 304

Originally Posted by Beachbound

Originally Posted by purplemem

Originally Posted by Beachbound

Originally Posted by Pam H
I just got home from an afternoon outing with friends. We stopped for.....yes, you guessed it......a snack! I don't know that I can go without a snack between lunch and dinner. My body doesn't like that and would most likely give me a migraine. I will have to wait for next week's taboo item.

The taboo is only a suggestion,I know I went "whoa!" when I read it too. If giving up all snacks is too hard, try for 1 less or even one day of no snacks. And make sure you PM me your suggestions so we can try those too. :thumbup:

I understand the taboo was "excessive snacks". As a diabetic I have 3 meals and 3 snacks every day. I'm sure that is not the taboo, it is to get up and graze outside of your food plan. Correct?

That makes sense to me. I just wrote what she put in her PM to me but of course there is a big difference in eating a bowl of ice cream or having an apple. Taboo tuesday may need some adjusting, lol. I was thinking also that I am a huge sucker for the ole gold star/pat on the back. Maybe those who manage to get thru the week can be on the 'honor roll' that week & we can all congrat them.

At TOPS we did specify it as no snacks except the morning and afternoon and bedtime ones. We would all go crazy.... in our group anyway..LOL LOL LOL Sorry about the confusion. Everyone was mad at the person who put in Diet Coke.. we even had on person to put tufu as a good for you food. That was just not right... and Brussel sprouts I DID NOT appreciate :-(

Hey! we need spell check on here. I can't spell

oh whew!!!!! thanks Pam for clearing that up!!! That I can deal with!

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