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-   -   Oct 2011 Weight Loss Adventure with a Prize! Winner is Createfourpaws (https://www.quiltingboard.com/general-chit-chat-non-quilting-talk-f7/oct-2011-weight-loss-adventure-prize-winner-createfourpaws-t156684.html)

Xylie55 10-11-2011 10:01 PM

Thanks everybody,especially to nancia,who slapped me back to reality the other night by reminding me to slow down and not get in a hurry to get the weight off.I wanted to drop 10 pounds in a week.But she reminded me,it would come back and bring friends.And it would!No doubt about it.I think I was panicking about the 10 pounds I put on this last week.And just wanted it off.Now my clothes are tight.Ugg!But do feel better today.I did drop 3 pounds overnight due to finely being able to go to the bathroom.Been going all day.Still going some.So was really constipated from those meds.Glad I'm done with those pills and the steroids.And yes,I too am glad we are not shy about speaking out.I know when I 1st started out,I thought I can't lost over 100 pounds,so broke it up 5 pounds at a time.I said if I can lose just 5 pounds and keep it off,I'd be happy.And I was.I'd work hard and eat salad and a smidge of dinner in the same bowl.When I reached the 5 pounds,I'd do what ever it took to keep it off.Then start on the next 5 pounds.I saw those ads on tv about the meal plans and a salad.And thought,their too expensive for me,but I can get frozen dinners and do the same.So that's where I got the idea.And it worked.The meals were low calorie and with the salads,it filled me up.I was never hungry.And if I did,I'd get a bowl of salad.So began to see results the 1st month.And stayed with it.Every pound does add up.In a year,you'll drop several sizes and need new duds like I did.I look at some of the clothes I wore back then and swim in them.They no longer fit.At 160 I can get into a size 16-18.Which I haven't seen in 20 yrs or more.Most of my clothes were 30/32 4to5X.I have no idea why I thought I could hide it.But I did.And in reality,baggy clothes made me look even bigger.But in my mind,I thought no body could tell.Of course they could.They have eyes.We think and are afraid sometimes to lose weight.Like nancia said,we dip the toe into the 190's and run back up to the 200's because it's unfamiler to us.I think that's why I was stuck at 160 for so long.But I am determined this time to kiss that 160 good buy.And like Lynn said,I too am going to never go back up the scales.This time I too 'mean it!'.My days of yo yoing are over.I think until we come to that place of "THAT"S IT!" we will never be where we need and want to be.And I don't care what you have to do to get there,but just do something.I admire missy so so much for taking the reins of her life and doing something.Cause she would of died had she not done something.My step daughter died from obesity at about 500 pounds.She was on oxygen,couldn't even lay down in a bed.It crushed her lungs,she couldn't breath.But she ate,and ate,and ate,until one night we got the call,she was brain dead and in the hospital.Her body simply gave out from over working it so much from the fat she was packing on.And she knew better.She too did all the diets,pills,weight watchers,etc.But chose to keep eating.And it killed her.Now her kids and grand kids don't have her here to see them grow up.She has 2 new ones last yr she never got to even see.How selfish of her to do that to her family.I chose to do something about it.And you all can too.Many of us here are working hard,seeing results by saying no and changing our bad eating habits.MJ said it best,it takes 21 days to make or break a habit.So break old bad eating habits and get new ones to replace it with.So you don't end up on a slab too.Do it for your family.But mostly,do it because for yourself.So you can feel better,and add yrs to your lives.And help others by setting a example that it can be done.Maybe some of your friends or family need it too.And they see you do it,they can too.I have all my neighbors losing weight because they've seen the change in me.One even said I was a exception to the rule because I'm keeping it off.She loses 30 and gains it back.I told her no,I just stay with it and keep going.Even if I slip,of which I have many times,but get up and keep going and it has paid off.Not done yet,but will keep going.That's why I say,GET ER DONE!We have to do something.Thinking and talking and wishing it to go away don't do a thing.Do something.Ok,my spew for the day.This was mainly pointed at myself.This is how I talk to myself.I'm hard on myself.I want to eat goodies too.Right now im not eating as much till this 10 pounds goes away.And when I get to 150,I want a steak dinner.I haven't had one now in months.Because for every 20 pounds I lose,I get a steak dinner.And I haven't done it.And I want my steak.I know I could have one anytime,but I made a deal with myself,and I have stuck to it.For every 20 pounds,I get a steak dinner.So,I need to really crack down and get 20 pounds off.Hopefully by Thanksgiving,I will!.Ok,so let's GET ER DONE!Oh,and thank you all for being there for me.You don't know how your words of wisdom have helped me.And I need a spanking too at times.Thanks nancia,that woke me up!Just what I needed.You all are great buds to have!Like nancia says,we're all in the same boat.Lets all take a paddle and row so we can all get there together!I am losing weight,I am losing weight!Yes!

plainpat 10-12-2011 01:11 AM


When Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Bill

When MLK was killed

The Wright Brothers Flight

The 1st space flight

plainpat 10-12-2011 02:38 AM

Here's a way to cook spaghetti squash, for those who haven't tried it.Use as you would any spaghetti pasta.
Weight Watchers Baked Spaghetti Squash Recipe
- 1 ripe spaghetti squash
- Non-fat cooking spray
- Kosher or salt and fresh pepper to taste
- 1 tsp paprika
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 1 tsp onion powder

Cut the squash in half lengthwise, scoop out the seeds and fibers with a spoon. Place on a baking sheet, cut side up, spray lightly with the non-fat cooking spray, and sprinkle with salt, pepper, paprika, onion powder, and garlic powder. Bake at 350° about an hour or until the skin gives easily under pressure and the inside is tender. Remove from oven and let it cool 10 minutes. Using a fork, scrape out the squash flesh a little at a time. It will separate into spaghetti-like strands. Place in a serving dish and serve hot. Total servings per recipe will vary depending on squash size.

Serving size is 1 cup
Each serving = 0 Weight Watchers Points

Talking about squash,Aldis has butternut squash for 59c each this wk.So easy to fix.Just put it on a baking sheet & bake in pre heated 375* oven for 45-60 mins.You can use a sq of foil under,so pan doesn't need to be cleaned.
Cut baked squash in 1/2.....serve as is or with any toppings you have the calories for.Very much like a baked sweet potato.

plainpat 10-12-2011 02:40 AM

Pretty quilt...love your colors.

glassnquilts 10-12-2011 02:47 AM

I, too, had a friend that died of complications of her weight. I have a friend now that is eating herself to destruction. I met someone that lost weight after she found out she had diabetes. I decided to lessen my chances by losing weight now. I also have been able to go off my bp meds. I have only lost 18 pounds but I think that is a great thing be working on. I am saving my family from having to take care of me.

mim 10-12-2011 03:21 AM

That is a great idea -- doing comparisons of a world happening with a similar one of ours. He sounds like a great kid with a good mind

I have some pix of Tiannamin square if he chooses that


[quote=Murphy1]How about comparing the Tiananmen Square incident to what is happening today in the Wall Street Protest? or compare the Kent State Shootings to some event in our current history. Comparing and Contrasting an event from our past to similarities and differences in a present day even would be fun and maybe out of the box, not sure what the class has done.

mim 10-12-2011 03:23 AM

reading the recipe for squash made me think -- I haven't had spaghetti squash lately. A great way to have my pasta sauce and meatballs. -- Thanks

Murphy1 10-12-2011 06:13 AM

As a retired teacher reaching for the higher thinking skills would stretch his mind. Even comparing this recession/2nd depression to the on in the 30's would be engaging. I hope we get to find out what approach he has taken. I don't know how big a project this is or how much time he has.
[quote=mim]That is a great idea -- doing comparisons of a world happening with a similar one of ours. He sounds like a great kid with a good mind

I have some pix of Tiannamin square if he chooses that


Originally Posted by Murphy1
How about comparing the Tiananmen Square incident to what is happening today in the Wall Street Protest? or compare the Kent State Shootings to some event in our current history. Comparing and Contrasting an event from our past to similarities and differences in a present day even would be fun and maybe out of the box, not sure what the class has done.

Murphy1 10-12-2011 06:34 AM

Well I can meet the challenge for the week. Soda's are easier to give up as we approach cooler weather. I hope sparkling water is okay, I like bubbles.
I am finding that the idea of a sweet to nibble on is fading. That is a good thing as I am diabetic.

I made the best soup last night. I will post the link. It is an Ina Garden recipe - Mexican Chicken Soup. Just as salads are great especially in the summer when on a diet. I think fall and winter wight loss can be helped by soup. This one has lots of vegetables in it.

I am down from yesterday and hope more loss today. Tomorrow I am going to a friends house to quilt. It will be a pot luck. I am bringing the salad.

Friday I am going to the Pacific International Quilt Festival in Santa Clara. This will be my 3rd year of attending this festival. I love seeing all these spectacular quilts all in one place. If you are anywhere in Northern California, I highly recommend it.

createfourpaws 10-12-2011 10:42 AM

I am excited to get the final results of the biopsy. All margins are clean, (they got all of the cancer), lymph nodes negative. As the surgeon said I had the best type of cancer, complete removal via surgery. No chemo or radiation will be needed. Surgery was the best option for the type of cancer I did have the research says it does not respond at all to chemo or radiation. It is fed by hormones.

The pain that I am feeling is normal according to the surgeon. Now for the healing to continue and I will be making a follow-up appointment with the pulmonologist to see if I need to do any rehab after the removal of 2/3rds of a lung.

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