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nancia 10-13-2011 10:30 PM

1. i would like the recipe for the caramel apple cider cookies
2. making 3" squares and sewing them on the diagonal , and then trimming to 2.5 is the easiest. or you could make a tube of 3" strips(2of them, right sides together) then cut right angles with 2.5" sides (missour1 quilt has a GREAT tute on you tube on how to do this, with jenny) and it is so easy, the center seam is sewn on straight of the grain!
3. you'll do it , xylie, and i'm right behind you! i hit 194 yesterday. 80's here i come!! my husband said he will buy me a *tastycake*, the philly answer to twinkies, but i'd rather pull all the stops and have a philly pizza cheesesteak wit. mmmmm, haven't had one in soooooo long. and it's mostly protein--lean steak, grilled, provolone cheese (or cheese wiz), pizza sauce ( tomatoes, vitamin c), and the wit' which is grilled onions.
4. i have been so productive in the past few days, and now my body and back are angry and hurt, they are such spoiled brats! my back is good for a few hours if i vary walking, sitting, standing, and reward it with lying down. such a pain! anyway, i designed and made a doll quilt based on a children's book, The pumpkin blanket." it's about a little girl, her favorite quilt, and a pumpkin patch. it is a delightful story, beautifully illustrated. so the quilt looks like a scrappy quilt, but, drum roll, each square lifts up to reveal a pumpkin.all different, all appliqued onto a base fabric. i am so tickled with how it came out! i will try to remember to take pictures BEFORE i give it away, and i will try to post them. the book has come in at b&n, but i have no car , so there it sits! i also finished a reversible jacket for my quilting in the new year partner. i quilted the cuffs, the lapels and lower front edge, and the stand up collar. no, don't be silly, of course, i didn't take a picture! but she wants me to make one for her daughter! she sent me a wonderful bow tucks bag! my first! i will soon have a picture of that, at least. and i've been organizing f8's in, and out, for a boomerang swap! later today i will make two dahlia pillows, unstuffed, for my qiny partner for this month. she lives in australia and i'd love for her to get it before xmas. And, today i had an ophthamologist app't, with good news--no glaucoma! ocular hypertension, so i have to be checked every 3 months so if it does become glaucoma they can deal with it right away. i can live with that! now, i am exhausted, it's only 2:30, but i think i will call it a day! see you all, much later! have a great friday, and eat on plan, drink water, and take something for a walk! when i take the dogs, my cat simon follows along. it is so cute to see him as part of our parade! sleep tight! cindy! you are looking great! i hope you feel better and stronger every day!! eat lots of veggies and protein to get built back up! y'all sleep well, now, ya heah?!

Xylie55 10-14-2011 12:09 AM

Originally Posted by JHolm
Good morning everyone. Lots of good news on the board today.

Cindy, I'm so happy that they got all the cancer. I'm sure recovery will take some time but hang in there it will come. My prayers are with you.

Missy, I don't know what to say. Congratulations. That is such a huge accomplishment to graduate from Impact to Care. Some people never get the chance to do that. You have work so hard to improve yourself in so many areas of your life all at the same time I am just so proud of you. Say hi to Cathie - My prayers are for both of you.

I've been some what frustrated with my weight and somewhat ashamed. I know I told everyone that in the early 80's I had stomach stapling surgery. It went well and I lost in excess of 100 lbs. I got down to 102 and my doctor told me that was to low and work at getting back to about 120. I did that and stayed there for several years but then went throu several stressful events in my life and ate myself back up to 233. In 2006 I was diagnosed with diabetis and decided to get serious following a diabetic diet as my dad had died of diabetis. I followed the diet and loss 130 lbs which brought me back to 103. I was happy. The doctor I see now has not said that's to low although I do look like a skeleton. But now my weight has crawled back up to around 120. So my question Do I just try to maintain at 120 or do I try to loose to get back around 103. I can't talk to my weight loss doc because he has passed away and primary care physician is happy with me at either weight. Please give advise. I scared to death that my weight will crawl up to 233 again.

Wow,I know how that is.I'm struggling now,once again.But that is just part of it.We just have to continue on.That's why it's a life time battle.But one we WILL conquer.I've done it many times,and lost more along the way.I thinke 120 is great. 103 to low maybe.But like me,don't let it climb up on you.I panicked at 170 last week.But am 164 now already.So dropped 6 pounds of excess baggage.My next goal is 150.I keep saying that,but never get there.This time I'm continuing on down the scales and this time I'm NOT going to stop.I amproud of you for losing those amounts of weight not only once,but several times.It is hard keeping it off,but we just have to be vigilant and keep an eye on the scales and what and how we eat.I know you can do it.These are but speed bumps we will cross over and not look back.Good job!

Xylie55 10-14-2011 12:16 AM

Originally Posted by MissyGirl

Originally Posted by Xylie55
Good job missy!Things are certainly looking up for you.I'm happy for you,and Kathy.How is your weight coming?What do you weigh now?Please tell Kathy hi for us.I know you'll do a great job on that quilt.Esp if you do it the easy no fail way from Sharon Schambers.She's my mentor for sure.I quilted long before I even got a computer which was just 3 yrs ago for the 1sr time ever being on one even.I can't do any fancy stuff but brows only.I spent the 1st 2 yrs on ebay.The last yr has been on you-tube and now here.When I found you-tube,I was excited as I never saw it before or even knew what it was.(I'm a late bloomer)Now I'm hooked!And with this site,I'm in hog heaven!I finely have some one to talk to.Plus love making quilts!And losing weight is the icing on the cake.30 long hanging on pounds to go!Hope to do as well as you have.You've come a long way.Congrats on your accomplishments.Your a winner already in my books!

Thank you so so much! I weigh 352.3 now. My weighed was guesstimated at about 550 when I started this several years ago. I weighed 392 when I had my surgery in May. I do not diet anymore I just simply eat several times a day focusing on protein, produce and fiber.

I so love this board! I love quilting too but to quilt and have you guys...AWESOME!!

Cathie says Howdy to all y'all!!


That is wonderful!Yeah!I know it is going to give many hope and the desire to keep going.It does me anyway.

Xylie55 10-14-2011 12:19 AM

Originally Posted by BARES

Originally Posted by Xylie55
Oh,nancia,where art thou?Hope everything is ok.Not like you to be absent.We need your enthusiasm and zeel and wit.I MISS YOU!I need you.I'm finely dropping down the scales.Thank goodness.Was 167 last night, And 165 this afternoon!Yeah!

Congrats on your "fall" :-D

Thanks,today I was 164.Yeah!another pound.My pants I bought were a size 18.I can't figure the sizes out.Their too big.Yet I have another pair I can't zip that's a 18 in another brand.Oh well I got them for $2.00 off a discontinued thrift store rack.Gloria Vanderbilt.Their comfy,so I still wear them.

Xylie55 10-14-2011 12:23 AM

Originally Posted by Gelswood
All your advice is working!!! I am finally losing!! Thank you all soooooooo much!!!

Good,sometimes like now,I still lose,then stop for a month,lose a little more,them stop.As long as I keep it off,I don't mind.But I hate gaining 10 pounds like I just did last week.I have got 6 of it back off.I went on spirutein for 2 days.That stuff really melts the fat off.Guess cause of the enzymes or something in it.Altho I did pee a lot on it,but need to.

Xylie55 10-14-2011 12:26 AM

Originally Posted by Murphy1
Jholm, I think I would strive for healthy eating and not focus on the scale at this point. I would say don't be a skeleton because if you ever get sick, you don't have the extra fat to help you through then. Hmmmm I wonder if I ever weighed 103? Not in this lifetime I am sure.

I had a nice drop in weight today. I hope it stays away and continues in the down direction all week. Today I am meeting friends for quilting. It is a potluck, I promise to continue small portions. That is what I have found to be my success. No seconds on soup, small bites at lunch. etc.

Good job.That's the key.I learned awhile back to stop eating when I take that 1st big breath.You know the one where after 6 to 8 bite you inhale,that's my Q to stop and put the fork down and eat more of it later.

Xylie55 10-14-2011 12:33 AM

Originally Posted by irishrose
Lynne, I keep coming back to my son's passion for Josh. Much more than ten years ago - the Civil War. A sad time when Americans fought Americans - and for what? Cheaper cotton? And so many in the Southern states aren't over the loss yet.

Jeanne, 120 is a wonderful number unless you are four feet tall. Embrace it, continue the exercise to become the best 120 you can be, but leave the 103 to the teenagers. How tall are you?

The formula that has worked me for years was 100 pounds for everyone, then 5 pounds for every inch over 5 feet. So 5'8" allowed me 140 pounds and there's no way I weighed anywhere near that except in the last stages of pregnancy - and the first one I didn't hit that. Now before most of you say that's an unreachable goal, add 5 pounds for every decade after 25. I have lived 4 decades past 25 (+), so I get another 20+ pounds. At 5'5 1/2" now, I can weigh 127 1/2, plus my age related 20 for a total of 147 1/2 pound. That would be a reasonable goal except I am small boned, so 138 to 140 is better. Will I get there? Maybe? Will I get to and hold 145? Yes!! Sure hope I don't lose any more in height.

My weight is holding, but higher than it was before I was sick. Grrr. How many days to the end of the month? I wrote 2 1/2 pounds for this month's projected loss. Time to get serious. Back to myfitnesspal.

I started squaring the embroidered blocks for the bazaar quilt last night and I don't have 12. Another Grrr. It may end up a square instead of a rectangle.

Have a healthy clean eating day everyone. Love hearing of your losses. Even if a loss isn't currently happening, we are becoming aware of what's going in our bodies and that's to the good. Taboo Tuesday? - I am still on last week - controlling snacks as this week doesn't apply to me.

I am losing weight and getting healthier.

Being sick is not fun.I wonder how your imune system is?Cause it must be pretty healthy.You bounce back pretty good,but your like me.I don't get sick hardly ever,but if I do,I'm deathly I'll.Most of my fevers run 106 if I get one.But haven't had cold or flu in 7 yrs now. {Knock on wood!} And we are to drink plenty of fluids they say for dehydration.What do you take for your cold and flu's? I amp up the vit C .Cuts the time in half for me.

Xylie55 10-14-2011 12:41 AM

Originally Posted by Sheila_H
Hi everyone sorry I've been off of here the last few days the darling flu bug or some variety of it has landed in our house. Started the on the weekend with my grandson, then to my daughter, now to me and I think its starting its way to DH. It's one way to loose a couple of pounds but not the healthy way.

Oh that's too bad.There is just a lot of it around.Drink lots of water or fluids and amp up the vit C's.It cuts mine in half the time.I hate being sick.I really wished they'd let mexico's pills in up here.All the dr's here prescribe Urithromycin.It dose really help too.I know they say it don't.But it does.Or me anyway.Good luck.Hope you and yours are all better soon.

Xylie55 10-14-2011 12:43 AM

Originally Posted by purplemem
I walked today at the thrift store and the quilt store. I am out of breath but resting. I got 3 pieces of scrap material at $2 ea and one spool of hand quilting thread for $5.

I am still awaiting the news from docs regarding the coumadin dilemma. It feels good not to take it, though.

I hope to sew this afternoon. It means getting up and moving, which would be a good thing.

Missy, I am so very proud of you! That is quite a graduation!

Jeanne, 120 is a good weight. I think you need to concentrate on health instead of numbers.

Remember, the purpose of our weight loss is to get healthier, not to have a special size or number.

Good job.But please be careful and don't push too hard.And of course your right for reminding us,it's for a healthy way of living,not a diet.

Xylie55 10-14-2011 12:46 AM

Originally Posted by elm
Congratulations. I love hearing good news.
Haven't been losing, but also haven't been gaining. Next week will be a bit of a challenge. I'm going to Hot Springs, Arkansas for the Documentary Film Festival. I'll be doing a lot of sitting and don't know if I'll get a chance to walk. Just have to wait and see. But, I'm really looking forward to this trip.

That's ok.At least your holding.As far as the sitting,I can't exercise and I compensate by eating less calories or by adding hot peppers to vamp up my metabolism and burn calories that way.It works great for me.

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