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BettyKay 10-19-2011 03:32 PM

No Cheese Huh!! I just made enchalatas (sp) last night and have enough left for several days. No gold star this week I'm afraid.

createfourpaws 10-19-2011 04:56 PM

Today has been an interesting day for me. I have had more pain due to the weather change, we were down in the 40's this morning and has been cold and windy all day long here in Dallas. I am praying that I am feeling this way due to the fact that I am not completely healed. The pain has been like right after surgery and yes I am taking my pain meds.

Sorry for the complaining .


MissyGirl 10-19-2011 05:03 PM

Hey guys!

I decided since I have been stewing over the results of the biopsies I had this week that I should get out of the house. Well a NSV today was that I went to Sams Club, Walmart, the mall and did not use a riding cart at all. That is HUGE for me! So that is one of my NSVs for the day.

I even decided while we were in the mall that I could stop in and get a haircut and get it styled. I wanted to do something that might cheer me up. So, in to the salon I went. The chairs looked so small and I was so scared I would not fit in the chair. So, I slowly walked up to the chair and slid into and by golly I FIT! Woohoo!!

Those two NSVs felt like MAJOR NSVs!

Now for the bad thing...I have a spot on my head that is balding. *sigh* I guess I thought that it would not happen to me. By that, I mean, I did not keep track of my protein intake and thought that it would not matter to me. WRONG! It matters a whole lot to my body. So, as is true for a lot of people that have had weight loss surgery, I am losing my hair caused directly by not getting enough protein.

So, tonight for dinner it was a piece of grilled chicken. Tomorrow it is major revamping of my diet. *deep sigh* Why can't I just be invincible?!?! Not fair. Oh well.


Murphy1 10-19-2011 09:05 PM

What are NSVs?
Congratulations on sitting in the chair. I am always anxious when I fly. I don't want those extension straps. Last time I flew Delta, I just held the strap, it wouldn't fit. I hate flying anymore. Now they want to charge you to use their potty. What is the world coming to?
Hope tomorrow is a great day for you. Remember positive thoughts on your biopsies.

Originally Posted by MissyGirl
Hey guys!

I decided since I have been stewing over the results of the biopsies I had this week that I should get out of the house. Well a NSV today was that I went to Sams Club, Walmart, the mall and did not use a riding cart at all. That is HUGE for me! So that is one of my NSVs for the day.

I even decided while we were in the mall that I could stop in and get a haircut and get it styled. I wanted to do something that might cheer me up. So, in to the salon I went. The chairs looked so small and I was so scared I would not fit in the chair. So, I slowly walked up to the chair and slid into and by golly I FIT! Woohoo!!

Those two NSVs felt like MAJOR NSVs!

Now for the bad thing...I have a spot on my head that is balding. *sigh* I guess I thought that it would not happen to me. By that, I mean, I did not keep track of my protein intake and thought that it would not matter to me. WRONG! It matters a whole lot to my body. So, as is true for a lot of people that have had weight loss surgery, I am losing my hair caused directly by not getting enough protein.

So, tonight for dinner it was a piece of grilled chicken. Tomorrow it is major revamping of my diet. *deep sigh* Why can't I just be invincible?!?! Not fair. Oh well.


Xylie55 10-19-2011 09:51 PM

Originally Posted by nancia
hello, everyone! you are all looking very good! and i say that because i can see pictures of so many! i will look for a picture to post, but i'm not into changing my avatar, so it will be like a normal posting. every time i see the quilt in my avatar it reminds me that olivia is nearly 3 months old and i've yet to 'quilt her quilt' grrr. my ability to procrastinate when i am uncertain about something ANNOYS me! and yet, i don't change it!
this weekend i went to 2 parties and i was doing pretty well until they brought out the tray with the goldfish crackers. did you know they now have a cookie one? well, my hips sure know now! i'll weigh myself next week. i feel stupid and they call fish brain food!

What?No quilt yet for our new baby?20 lashes!
Winter's comming and she needs a soft minky fabric one with a doll sized one for her head.That way she's warm all over.And you better not gain any weight back!I'm losing mine slow but sure.Am sticking with it!This is not my week.My dryer heat quit.Turns and tumbles,but NO heat!It does dry after 2 - 3 hrs of tumbling.Went to go look for one today,as I see them all the time.Except now that I need one.Isn't that the way it always is.And my computer is acting up.The programs are out dated and picked up some bugs last weekend.But have AVG the best they sell and they say everything is ok.But still went to microsoft website and downloaded the 'fixit' dr'.It's free and fixes all kinds of problems.It already helped a bunch.They now are monitoring my computer to make sure it gets the updates it needs.Plus I couldn't uninstall that stupid delio toolbar.And they did it in 2 seconds.You just download it and follow the prompts.Well I don't have any pictures as I don't do them.All I have is my drivers licence one,and not going to publish that.Somone would use it maybe.With my luck.Anyway,yes.Everybody is doing great.I met the challeng for the month of the 5 pounds.Won't be hitting 150 tho this month.So will be expecting it for next month.I think we should do a 10 pounder challenge next month to make room for the turkey holiday.Like having some extra in the bank.So that's what I'm going to do.Nancia,you can make the challeng next month too.And of course anybody can toss one in too.In fact there should be others doing smaller ones.Well stay with it everybody.your all doing great.We're gettin er done!Yeah!

Xylie55 10-19-2011 10:01 PM

Originally Posted by irishrose
Pat, we need Beachbound to clarify, but I'm not sure cottage cheese is considered cheese. I think she's talking about the block of Kraft 2% Cojack in my fridge or bags of shredded, plus Parmesan, etc. Or cheese sauce because it's made with those cheeses. There goes my box of mac and cheese - gluten free and all natural, of course. No glow in the dark orange stuff for me. The cojack isn't open so it can wait another week. I earned my gold star this week, but it's no biggy. I haven't had Coke in 18 years - maybe 5 total in that time.

Weight, holding or easing down very slowly. I guess I'd better be more careful if I want to make my 2 1/2 pounds down by the end of the month. Exercise, okay. Walks on schedule. Several missed days of the TV 30 minutes due to other commitments.

I'm very tired. I was up early to get to the church on time to work on bazaar things. Then Lily had a veterinarian app't. I went to dinner with 2 daughters and 2 grandsons and whoosh, the day was gone. I hate money spent at the vet except for the annual app't. I spent at least 5-6 yards of fabric today. Darn it. But I can't leave my beauty with an infected foot. Off to sew a bit, but it's going to be an early night.

I am losing weight and getting healthier.

Hey,your doing great!Wasn't that aweful that idiot let all those wild animals out before he checked out!I thought of that when I saw your post.Living by the forest like you do.What a shame.They can't have lions and grizzly bears,etc running amuk.Anyway,no cheese for me either.I had 2 pieces of chicken for dinner.Lean.So,should lose something.Keep it up.

Xylie55 10-19-2011 10:14 PM

Originally Posted by JHolm
Good morning everyone. I do like being able to "see" people. Nancy your avatar is lovely.

I think I can live with this weeks challenge - just have to make sure I don't eat cheese where it has snuck in cooked someplace.

I'm off early to the doc's office this morning for the follow up test to the one that didn't turn out so good in the last bunch. She said because this is more in depth it will take longer so bring something to keep myself occupied in the waiting times. Sounds like hand sewing to me. I hate waiting in doc offices.

Judy, sorry to hear your little dog is injured and you're right it's always 5 - 6 yds of fabric every time. We have 3 dogs and 1 cat so I've made several quilts over the years.

Missy, sorry to hear you're grumpy. How's that quilt coming along? I thing about you every day. You are so talented and fearless when it comes to quilting I envy you.

DH and I went to a FM quilt class last night. We're visiual, we need to be shown everything. Now it's practice, practice ,practice. We signed up for an advanced class for next week.

I have to run to get ready to get to the doc. God Bless everyone. Prayers for all. (Cathie included Missy).

Anyone hear from MJ?

I hope you will keep us up to date on this as I'm worried already about you.But know your in good hands with the lord.Of course he can change anything,so no matter what the news,we'll make sure he hears us and does just that!Good luck! {BIG HUGGS AND A KISS FOR GOOD LUCK!} Will pray earnestly for you.

Xylie55 10-19-2011 10:18 PM

Originally Posted by Murphy1
We moved here from the Bay Area (San Jose) in 05. I love where we live, nice small town feel. Did you go to school here?
The weather has been in the 80's and clear. Look forward to it cooling down some. How about you, was it a big adjustment to moving where it is cooler?

Originally Posted by MissyGirl

Originally Posted by Murphy1
Just finished roasted turkey slice with roasted potato, celery, carrots and onions. It was yummy and I ate a small portion. I can do the no cheese. Great challenge. When you say no peanut butter, I will be sad.
Hubby and I took a lovely ride in the high Sierras and took pictures of the fall colors. We are slow to getting them compared to you northerners. I will post a few pictures tomorrow. But, I had my husband take my photo with the lovely Sierras in the background. My other avatar is a few years old, taken at Daffodil Hill, so I decided to post this picture. My cheeks are a little pudgy, but I am more wrinkly too.

I don't know why I did not notice where you are located before. I lived in Sacramento for 12 years. I loved it there. My oldest daughter lives in Sacto too. I hope you are enjoying the good weather.


The weather has been beautiful down our way too.Thank goodnes.I'm always glad when we get thru Augest.Cooler weather around the corner then!

Xylie55 10-19-2011 10:38 PM

Originally Posted by grandma she she
Have you tried the greek yougurts out there? There is 2x as much protein as regular yogurt. like 12-13 grams...I don't like the yoplait, but I like the Oikos and Chobani.

Originally Posted by plainpat
Supper for me,was mainly a bowl of roasted veggies with parmesan sprinkled on & I just bought 2 good size containers of cottage cheese. It's often my protein for breakfast or lunch.Oh,wee....a Tbl isn't a huge amount.Good luck.

Originally Posted by Beachbound
Just a quick post with our Taboo Tuesday~ this weeks no no is CHEESE! Try to do without that slice on your sandwich or the shredded cheese on your salad. Do your best but don't beat yourself up if dinner has cheese as a protein ingredient.

Well I'm stiff and queeky every morning and sometimes all day long.The more I do,the more I pay for it.I'm shot all over.And I'm not kidding.My back is all but gone,my rt elbow is missing the radius head.4 carple tunnels,and a straight neck from impacts when I was younger.But once I take my meds and pain pills and thaw out I start my day.I never know if I'm going to be weilding a chainsaw,or a vacum,or a screwdriver.As I have to do about all the work around here.Never ends!Late at night like now is my only 'me time'.Everyone is in bed finely and not demanding of my attention.Oh well,for me it's just another day.I finely got hubby to ride those scooters at walmart as he just can't keep up,he's like 1/2 block behind me.But now he trots right along side of me.So,making head way there.Anyway your doing great.My picture would break the camera.I'm no raving beauty.I was in my younger days when I wore war paint like Tammy Baker,well,maybe not that much,but it did improve my looks.Now I go all natural cause it's so hot,it does no good.In fact I haven't wore any in 12 yrs now.Keep up the good work.Your doing great.

Xylie55 10-19-2011 10:47 PM

Originally Posted by MissyGirl
Hey guys!

I decided since I have been stewing over the results of the biopsies I had this week that I should get out of the house. Well a NSV today was that I went to Sams Club, Walmart, the mall and did not use a riding cart at all. That is HUGE for me! So that is one of my NSVs for the day.

I even decided while we were in the mall that I could stop in and get a haircut and get it styled. I wanted to do something that might cheer me up. So, in to the salon I went. The chairs looked so small and I was so scared I would not fit in the chair. So, I slowly walked up to the chair and slid into and by golly I FIT! Woohoo!!

Those two NSVs felt like MAJOR NSVs!

Now for the bad thing...I have a spot on my head that is balding. *sigh* I guess I thought that it would not happen to me. By that, I mean, I did not keep track of my protein intake and thought that it would not matter to me. WRONG! It matters a whole lot to my body. So, as is true for a lot of people that have had weight loss surgery, I am losing my hair caused directly by not getting enough protein.

So, tonight for dinner it was a piece of grilled chicken. Tomorrow it is major revamping of my diet. *deep sigh* Why can't I just be invincible?!?! Not fair. Oh well.


Hey,good job on your walking.And as far as the hair,well just get one of those extensions from ebay to match color.They have several pieces from small to big to snap in where you need it.It looks like real hair.You can not tell the difference,I swear.And you can have a beautician put them in and cut to your lengh or shape you need.And of course those new wigs now days don't even look like wigs,esp when their glued in all around your hairline.Plus it pulls back your face,kinda like a mini face lift for free.I need one.!

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