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nancia 10-20-2011 12:10 AM

xylie--you crack me up. can't stay down for long when you're around! thank you, my friend. i can already see you are beautiful. i don't need a photo to know that! i will keep trying. i just hit a pothole , is all. keep up the good cheer! thanks!
missy-- what is an nvs? inquiring minds want to know! if all the guys can run around with shaved heads why can't we? olivia doesn't have any hair and it doesn't bother anyone! i do think beefing (oops, pun) up your protein is a great idea anyway!
cindy--i don't know how old you are, you look young. but if you've hit 40 your body becomes a barometer and weather station. you know when it's going to rain, turn cold, have any kind of disturbance. if you can take naprosen (aleve) it's pretty effective. keep getting stronger and sttronger, and give that sweet puppy an extra skritch from me!

JHolm 10-20-2011 02:38 AM

Hi everyone!

Good news. med test came back normal so no tumor in my adrenal gland. Yah! Now if I can just adjust to the increase dose of the seize med I think I'll be home free. God is good. Would like to ask a favor though. I would like to ask for prayers for a little girl named Arianna. She is verry in and is in Childrens Hospital while they try to find out what is going on, they think maybe cancer. The parents are new to our town and are just joining our church so are just getting to know people. Thy have no family in this country so it's hard for them. Thanks everybody.

Missy, Congrats on your walking AND sitting! I remember when I couldn't fit in chairs it was so embarrassing. Sorry to hear about you hair. If you increase your protein will it start growing back? I hope so.

Xylie, It sounds like you cound use some cheering up. I think you're happier when you're supper busy. I wish I lived closer to you so we could see each other once in a while.

I already blew the cheese challenge yesterday. My DH took me out for lunch after med tests and the cook melted a piece of cheese on my egg. It was my fault because that's the way I always have it and I didn't tell them not to. I guess I was just so glad to be done being poked that I didn't think about it.

DH and I cleaned sewing area yesterday. What a job. We still have about a third of it left to go. Most of which is hubby's and he doesn't want me to touch it. SO technichally I only have just a little bit left to go. I'm ashamed to say I do have quit a few unfinished projects though. I really need to get going!

Well, I'm off for the day. Bible Study this morning then assemble church bulletins, then brunch with a friend, then home to make phone calls and work on my quilting. Thursday is my busy day.

God Bless everyone. Prayers to all.

reisingranch 10-20-2011 06:04 AM

Been doing a major overhaul on my kitchen and dining room. You would think I would be losing tons of weight. It really is not happening. I will hang in there.

ljs317 10-20-2011 06:39 AM

Hi all!

So you all know about my little car accident, and some of you know that I lived in an abusive situation for 24 years. Thats over and I will live with regret for being so stupid all those years because I was afraid. Well, yesterday one of the firemen who came to my rescue last week just casually called to see how I was doing. He thought we could may be meet for coffee or something. (I guess that loud sucking noise when he pulled me up out of the mud didn't bother him to much) I said not this week to him and he said he will call me again soon. but I don't know what to think or do. (He is pretty good looking) but what to do?

jlwheart 10-20-2011 06:44 AM

Hi all, got to therapy pool 2nd time this week!

mim 10-20-2011 07:19 AM

Are you ready to start living again?? Or are you still in the "I'm a weak sorry victim" mode?? A coffee is just that until and unless you want to carry it further.
Been there, done that

Originally Posted by ljs317
Hi all!

So you all know about my little car accident, and some of you know that I lived in an abusive situation for 24 years. Thats over and I will live with regret for being so stupid all those years because I was afraid. Well, yesterday one of the firemen who came to my rescue last week just casually called to see how I was doing. He thought we could may be meet for coffee or something. (I guess that loud sucking noise when he pulled me up out of the mud didn't bother him to much) I said not this week to him and he said he will call me again soon. but I don't know what to think or do. (He is pretty good looking) but what to do?

irishrose 10-20-2011 07:26 AM

Lisa, if you put up with 24 years of an abusive relationship,you deserve to know there are men out there who aren't like that and you deserve some happiness. No man defines me, I am me without one, but they sure make life more interesting. Is his number on your caller ID? Call him back and tell him you'd like that coffee or lunch. He has one plus already in that he is in a care giving profession - make that two since he's good looking.

Xylie, glad to hear from you. I wake up paralyzed every morning and wonder if this is the day I lose my mobility - then moving around and a hot bath and I become less painful and more bendable. My body is still surprisingly limber but I no longer would attempt to put my foot behind my head. What if it stayed there? I have some plumbing to do that will need some Gumby like movements.

Beachbound, Love the picture. You look strong and toned. I agree with Lisa - you must look gorgeous cleaned up if you look like that remodeling a bath.

Nanci, your posts are always good for a smile. Sorry your weight isn't behaving. There's always the gremlin in the back of our minds that says "What if I can't lose this?" Give him the boot. Remember last month when I was stuck and ran out of cheese and became unstuck? What is your cheese? I have lost this month's projected 2 1/2 pounds. Now to keep it off.

Jeanne, will the smaller dose of anti seizure meds be enough? You're not every big and some of our bodies are fast reactors and don't need as much of a med as others. I can't take the full dose for my nerve damage - not and stay upright, but obviously the smaller dose is working because I am better.

Murphy1, your picture is lovely. I wish I could let my hair be gray. Think how much time I'd save and I could buy another yard of fabric. I have an aunt in Sacramento. I liked the Sierras when we visited.

Lynne, very pretty new picture and what an astonishing weight loss this month.

Missy, congrats on your successes. Your hair will grow back if you change your food intake. Can you take supplements? Biotin helps with hair growth and there are others, plus you are correct in increasing the protein. Don't waste your calories. The yummy food will still be there when you are have attained your goal.

Wishing everyone a healthy eating day and a nice amount of exercise. It'll be another cold, wet walk here.

MissyGirl 10-20-2011 09:49 AM

Originally Posted by Murphy1
What are NSVs?
Congratulations on sitting in the chair. I am always anxious when I fly. I don't want those extension straps. Last time I flew Delta, I just held the strap, it wouldn't fit. I hate flying anymore. Now they want to charge you to use their potty. What is the world coming to?
Hope tomorrow is a great day for you. Remember positive thoughts on your biopsies.

Originally Posted by MissyGirl
Hey guys!

I decided since I have been stewing over the results of the biopsies I had this week that I should get out of the house. Well a NSV today was that I went to Sams Club, Walmart, the mall and did not use a riding cart at all. That is HUGE for me! So that is one of my NSVs for the day.

I even decided while we were in the mall that I could stop in and get a haircut and get it styled. I wanted to do something that might cheer me up. So, in to the salon I went. The chairs looked so small and I was so scared I would not fit in the chair. So, I slowly walked up to the chair and slid into and by golly I FIT! Woohoo!!

Those two NSVs felt like MAJOR NSVs!

Now for the bad thing...I have a spot on my head that is balding. *sigh* I guess I thought that it would not happen to me. By that, I mean, I did not keep track of my protein intake and thought that it would not matter to me. WRONG! It matters a whole lot to my body. So, as is true for a lot of people that have had weight loss surgery, I am losing my hair caused directly by not getting enough protein.

So, tonight for dinner it was a piece of grilled chicken. Tomorrow it is major revamping of my diet. *deep sigh* Why can't I just be invincible?!?! Not fair. Oh well.


Thank you so so much. NSV is a non scale victory. I think they are even more important than just weighing in.


Beachbound 10-20-2011 10:42 AM

Originally Posted by ljs317
Hi all!

So you all know about my little car accident, and some of you know that I lived in an abusive situation for 24 years. Thats over and I will live with regret for being so stupid all those years because I was afraid. Well, yesterday one of the firemen who came to my rescue last week just casually called to see how I was doing. He thought we could may be meet for coffee or something. (I guess that loud sucking noise when he pulled me up out of the mud didn't bother him to much) I said not this week to him and he said he will call me again soon. but I don't know what to think or do. (He is pretty good looking) but what to do?

You go and enjoy yourself but be careful & smart!

Jeannette in NJ 10-20-2011 02:37 PM

Missy, I love the thought of a NSV, once when I was attending WW, the leader asked us to write one down for each day. I was the only one that did. I also was the biggest looser that week. Heres to more NSVs.

Lisa, pick a public place and meet for coffee, maybe have a freind drop you off and pick you up at an appointed time. Keep us posted. I had an offer of dinner last week but it was from the son of a work client and so I had to graciously decline but it sure felt good to be asked.

Went to the dermatilogist today, did a biopsy of growth on my face, they only call if positive so if I have not heard from them in 3 weeks it is negative. I am praying for no phone call.

Jeannette in NJ

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