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MissyGirl 10-20-2011 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by Jeannette in NJ
Missy, I love the thought of a NSV, once when I was attending WW, the leader asked us to write one down for each day. I was the only one that did. I also was the biggest looser that week. Heres to more NSVs.

Lisa, pick a public place and meet for coffee, maybe have a freind drop you off and pick you up at an appointed time. Keep us posted. I had an offer of dinner last week but it was from the son of a work client and so I had to graciously decline but it sure felt good to be asked.

Went to the dermatilogist today, did a biopsy of growth on my face, they only call if positive so if I have not heard from them in 3 weeks it is negative. I am praying for no phone call.

Jeannette in NJ

Jeannette I am also hoping for great news from my biopsies to come back good.

I love the idea of writing one NSV down a day. We should all do that!


Xylie55 10-20-2011 03:05 PM

Good advise for Lisa irishrose.I am the same way.I was single for 18 yrs after my divorce and was ok.I too don't need a man to complete me.As I am secure in my own right.I love my now hubby to death.He treats me like a queen and is very easy to please and to get along with.I been with hubby now 20 yrs.So,one never knows.I wasn't looking,nor was he.We met and just clicked.I think thats great.Start with coffee,and go slow.Maybe go for walks.We fished a lot so wasn't around food like going out to dinner etc.We just aren't into that.In fact I bet we've ate out maybe 7 times in 20 yrs. Jeanie,that's good news.I kinda figured it would be as I told the lord to give me a sign,and he did after about 5 minutes.I was beginning to think the worst.But yet again,he came through for me.Sometimes he really tries my faith and patience.But I hold fast and believe.I'm hoping he'll fix my dryer.He fixed my washer once when I asked.And of course,that precious little girl has my prayers,and her family too.Well I got to go do some wash.Hopefully my clothes will dry.Hang in there everybody.And nancia,you are in my prayers too.Lets get you back up and going too.Ok,well keep your noses to the grindstone and lets get this weight off.We are all doing great.Let's get er done!!!!!!!!!

plainpat 10-20-2011 03:06 PM

Hello. Haven't been on computer today & only a few mins yest.We live 2 miles from the animal farm where all the animals were loose. Stayed inside yest, had a bunch of calls from ppl all over, wondering what was going on.The big network satalite dishes were still at the command center this morn,when I went to water aerobics.Hopefully they will pass & enforce laws against keeping the animals on private property.The 1st notice they had was of a tiger stalking neighbors horses.

This area is forested & that farm was along the interstate,very near several housing developments,McDees,a motel,groceries,5-6 schools & maybe 2 miles from town & 35 mins (by car)from the city.Why was that ever allowed? Who knows.....

Originally Posted by ljs317
Good Morning All!

Plainpat are you any where near the escaped exotic animals? I am 130 miles away so I think I.m ok but where are you?


Sheila_H 10-20-2011 03:17 PM

Sorry everyone I haven't been on here much doing ok on the weight loss not where I want to be but something is better than nothing.

plainpat 10-20-2011 03:52 PM

That's so true....something is way better than nothing.:thumbup: Will see how I'm doing come Saturday.Fingers crossed.:D

Originally Posted by Sheila_H
Sorry everyone I haven't been on here much doing ok on the weight loss not where I want to be but something is better than nothing.

:D :thumbup:

MissyGirl 10-20-2011 04:01 PM

I have been reading one of my favorite bloggers and I came across this:

"Having weight loss surgery was the best decision of my life. *It's not a solution for everyone* but it was the right one for me. It was the HEAD START I needed to change my life and I want to stress it goes hand in hand with HEALTHY EATING, DAILY EXERCISE and MOST IMPORTANTLY (and the hardest part IMHO) working on the head stuff... the why's of why I got fat. This is a lifelong war versus obesity and having surgery was just one battle... everyday I wake up and fight. “Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.” The FIGHT is FOREVER."

That was so profound to me and then I read this:

"Was I afraid of having weight loss surgery? Sure but I chose a Surgeon I had faith in and I let the expert do his thing. I also made peace with the fact that I could die. I just figured I was a ticking time bomb that was eventually going to die from one of the many co-morbidities I had and frankly even when I was living fat I was "dead" because I wasn't making the most of my time on earth. I was trapped. So I made peace with the fact that if God wanted to take me he would and that was that. I'd rather die fighting for life then passively kill myself which is what I was doing... committing suicide by knife and fork. Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin."

Wow. Powerful stuff. I just had to share this.


purplemem 10-20-2011 04:34 PM

hey! I leave the room and all the animals get out! wow! exciting times.

I've been dragging back and forth to the hospital for more tests, blah blah blah. I am sewing daily (a NSV) and working on lots of UFOs, mostly creating them!

I did get out today to the LQS and bought 4 1930 repro FQs. That was my treat for the month. I have been doing a GFG in 4 inch hexagons. It goes really fast (think very large!) and I'm enjoying the challenge.

My weight is slowly creeping down, I'm sure I will have a loss this month. That will be a huge victory as I've not lost in months. Maintained?-yes, but lost- No! This is good.

Missy, my newest drug gave me a bald spot on the front of my head so today I got a new hairdo. My new comb-over covers the spot a little, I figure I'll just go to wearing hats all the time.

I want to know the results of all the biopsies, etc., so please keep posting.

Nancia sent me the sweetest mouse in the mail, not alive, but a very happy one none-the-less. It made me smile all over. :D :D

irishrose 10-20-2011 07:54 PM

Originally Posted by Jeannette in NJ
Missy, I love the thought of a NSV, once when I was attending WW, the leader asked us to write one down for each day. I was the only one that did. I also was the biggest looser that week. Heres to more NSVs.

Lisa, pick a public place and meet for coffee, maybe have a freind drop you off and pick you up at an appointed time. Keep us posted. I had an offer of dinner last week but it was from the son of a work client and so I had to graciously decline but it sure felt good to be asked.

Went to the dermatilogist today, did a biopsy of growth on my face, they only call if positive so if I have not heard from them in 3 weeks it is negative. I am praying for no phone call.

Jeannette in NJ

Jeanneatte, I think that's a terrible way for a doctor's office to do business. Mine calls and sends a letter for things as simple as a pap test, bone scan and mammogram. Wishing you no phone call.

Anyone like to make flying geese? I need about a hundred for a border and that's if I make them good sized. If I get bored, they'll have to go in the opposite corners only because I have a short attention span and don't do well with repetitous projects. Of course, I need to learn how to make them first.

I've found that if I eat a good sized dinner (now that I can eat full meals again) and just one planned snack, that I tend not to snack as much. That's amazing because usually after 8:00 p.m. is my face stuffing time. Feels good for however long it lasts. Goodnight, all.

Murphy1 10-20-2011 08:08 PM

Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin."

That is my favorite part. Onward to a wonderful goal, Missy.

Murphy1 10-20-2011 08:15 PM

I think there is a tutorial on this site for them I make them where you have a square that you sew two overlapping squares to in opposite corners, then you cut on the diagonal and then sew another square in the corner and cut. You end up with 4 flying geese. That is fairly quick.

Off to bed, I go to bed hungry every night. I hope it makes a difference tomorrow. Yesterday I had a peanut butter urge and the scale knew it.

Originally Posted by irishrose

Originally Posted by Jeannette in NJ
Missy, I love the thought of a NSV, once when I was attending WW, the leader asked us to write one down for each day. I was the only one that did. I also was the biggest looser that week. Heres to more NSVs.

Lisa, pick a public place and meet for coffee, maybe have a freind drop you off and pick you up at an appointed time. Keep us posted. I had an offer of dinner last week but it was from the son of a work client and so I had to graciously decline but it sure felt good to be asked.

Went to the dermatilogist today, did a biopsy of growth on my face, they only call if positive so if I have not heard from them in 3 weeks it is negative. I am praying for no phone call.

Jeannette in NJ

Jeanneatte, I think that's a terrible way for a doctor's office to do business. Mine calls and sends a letter for things as simple as a pap test, bone scan and mammogram. Wishing you no phone call.

Anyone like to make flying geese? I need about a hundred for a border and that's if I make them good sized. If I get bored, they'll have to go in the opposite corners only because I have a short attention span and don't do well with repetitous projects. Of course, I need to learn how to make them first.

I've found that if I eat a good sized dinner (now that I can eat full meals again) and just one planned snack, that I tend not to snack as much. That's amazing because usually after 8:00 p.m. is my face stuffing time. Feels good for however long it lasts. Goodnight, all.

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