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irishrose 10-23-2011 05:27 PM

Good evening, y'all.

Murphy, the mats are darling and your recipe sounds good. Lucky grandchildren.

Cindy, how nice to be home. You are probably on track with your recovery. When I collapsed a lung in a car accident in December, walking very far was troublesome. You've had more done than a collapsed lung, as you well know.

nancia, I'm not Xylie, but I'll tell you to find out what your downfall is and fix it. Is the Fall weather getting to you? We've had enough rain that people with SAD may have it start earlier. I have been using my sun lamp over my ironing table so I am getting some benefits when sew. My downfall - the reason I was stuck turned out to be cubes of cheese as snacks too frequently. The dogs and I all lost weight when I ran out of cheese. Find your 'cheese', eliminate and see what happens - and get out in the sun more. Do you want to borrow Lily and Moira? As Xylie says, 'Get 'er done.'

I am feeling, "Too much to do, too little time." My bazaar quilt has become a tablecloth, but I am confused as what color sashing strips to use - doesn't sound like me. Usually I know just what I want in relation to color. The problem is it's very country with the candlewicking and calico and that's just not my genre. Then the first color I had for sky for my flying geese was terrible. It spoiled my quilt, so I had to go shopping yesterday. In the meantime, I started a piano key border for a UFO, then there are leaves to rake, dogs to walk, etc, etc, etc.

I had my last MooLatte from DQ today. It closed for the season. The MooLatte made a nice brunch after church. Ate in the sun by the lake. I found a new healthier instant oatmeal (Oat Revolution with flax) at the store today. Had one for supper as it's very chilly and my salad seemed too cold. A Southwest chicken salad with no cheese - that's cruel and inhumane punishment. How long until Tuesday?

Weight is holding, but it's holding at my projected goal for October so it's okay. Getting close to quitting time as I can see my face is getting thinner. I don't want to look like my friend who looks ill just to be slim. I may have to hold the weight and exercise the mid section more - either that realize that I'm not 30 anymore and my little waistline has got up and gone.

I am losing weight and getting healthier - now someone tell me how to get warmer. I am freezing all the time which isn't normal for me.

purplemem 10-23-2011 06:31 PM

You may have lost that "protective layer" of body fat. I suggest you wear sweat pants like I do.

Missy, I love the cookie recipe.

Whoever made the mug rugs I think they are darling. Mine are always a little lopsided...as well are most of my projects.

Today I had a friend visit and I made a pumpkin pie. Not too bad for me as I didn't add much sugar. We'll see how the blood sugar is in the morning...

Cindy, go very slowly but keep moving.

My prayers are with each of you that you have a strong constitution and a stronger determination to do what is right for you.

irishrose 10-23-2011 06:48 PM

MJ, I wish it were that simple. At 145, I'm much heavier than my old normal weight when I was wasn't cold and because I have small bones, I still have a nice fat layer. I'm guessing further thyroid problems, but my meds can't be increased because of Lupus. Or maybe have something to do with the neuropathy. Or maybe just old age. I don't really mind the cold outside - after all, I live in N Michigan, but I hate being cold inside. I also have Raynaud's Syndrome, which hasn't been bad since the temps dropped - yet.

I've never found sweat pants that warm outdoors, but I can try again. I have at least one pair in the closet. Today I put kne high support socks under my thicker socks and a camisole under my sweater. My youngest daughter asked that I not take up wearing those lined plaid flannel jackets everywhere I go like the aforementioned too thin friend does. But M has always been cold, even when she was 300 pounds. Fun and games.

nancia 10-23-2011 11:41 PM

i love the cool! i either have a cold or allergies. same symptoms. i think what's bothering me is the disability thing. i just hate it! but i'm trying to accept that it is what it is. i'm doing the emotional eating where i can't get full. and too much salt. i love mixing low salt peanuts with raisins and pretzel sticks(when i have them). my other favorite is almonds. and recently, everything that will fit in my mouth.
irish-- thanks for the offer of the dogs. i have 2 of my own that like going for short walks. monkey spent so much time in a cage in her early life that she never developed a love of play or exercise. i took her to work with me when she first came to us and two of the ladies in our office wanted to take her with them on their lunch walk. i said sure, but i had no idea how she would do. so about 45 min. later they came huffing and puffing in. monkey quit walking about 1/2 way and wouldn't budge. so they had to carry her 35lb body the rest of the way. all 3 were exhausted. i just cracked up! she still starts out great but slows down and drags the second part. it doesn't do any good to do a shorter walk, literally. kitten can go for days, she gets outside and just bounds with joy! i love watching her!! but if you throw a ball for her she thinks you're trying to hit her with it. she's had some pretty bad abuse and i do my best to be sure she never feels threatened again. after all that she has gone thru she remains a sweet loving dog. she is a part of my body most of the time! it took a long time to get her to trust us.
but this isn't really about dogs. lol. i have to get back on program. thanks for the friendly kick in the butt. 8-) i know that when i get to a certain weight i sort of don't believe it and i panic. and i prove that i can't stay at that weight. self-fulfilling prophecy!

marscrafter 10-24-2011 01:16 AM

Just checking in to say hi, hope everyone is doing well. I had a stressful busy week, so I was bad and stress ate for some of it. I seem to eat the most whenever I have those sort of times. My weight went up a few pounds, but now it seems to be back down again. I wasn't drinking enough water, so that might be why too. The last couple of days I have been eating decently again and trying to cut down my calorie intake.

It's going to be another busy week, but at least we have some good things to look forward to. Currently I am busy making Halloween costumes for our children.

I know you ladies were mentioning Greek yogurt, that's the new addiction in our house. LOL My husband picked up some and it was really yummy. The pumpkin cake cookie idea sounds good too. We have been eating a lot of crockpot meals recently which I like because I can throw a lot more veggies in our meals. Anyone have any favorite crockpot recipes?

Keep up the good work ladies!

JHolm 10-24-2011 02:17 AM

Good morning ladies! I'm exhaustested and just getting started, I have my prayer quilt to finish today (quilt and bind), I have to get my sweat shirt jacket together enough to be ready for class on Wed night. I guess I'm just feeling overwhelmed. Besides those things I have three doc appt and church circle - all before Wed night!

I just glanced back over the first part of my post and we need spell check. My spelling is terrible! Hope you can fiqure out what I'm trying to say.

I know what you mean by being cold. Since it's gotten cold and damp I'm freezing all the time. It's sweats for me almost all the time.

Well, hope everyone has a good day, I'd better get going if I'm going to get done. As Xylie says "Let's get er done"

Murphy1 10-24-2011 05:33 AM

This weekend I was not behaving when it came to eating. I will be better this week. I was down 1.5 after some ups and downs all week. I will drink more water and stay away from the carbs, I can feel the difference when I eat too many.

I read where others are starting to feel the cool weather. I want soup instead of salad, but am tired of the 80's. I checked my phone and it says 79 as the high for today. Our birches are still green, the oaks are losing their leaves, but they aren't a colorful treat anyway. I have noticed few acorns, I forget what that means.

I wish everyone much success this week and good health as well.

plainpat 10-24-2011 05:41 AM

3 Attachment(s)
We saw chestnuts for sale in the Amish area Sat. Here's a couple pics from there. They sell tons of pumpkins & other fall fruits & veggies.Our high today is 60*.Chairs on the roof are very eye catching.

Originally Posted by Murphy1
This weekend I was not behaving when it came to eating. I will be better this week. I was down 1.5 after some ups and downs all week. I will drink more water and stay away from the carbs, I can feel the difference when I eat too many.

I read where others are starting to feel the cool weather. I want soup instead of salad, but am tired of the 80's. I checked my phone and it says 79 as the high for today. Our birches are still green, the oaks are losing their leaves, but they aren't a colorful treat anyway. I have noticed few acorns, I forget what that means.

I wish everyone much success this week and good health as well.

Beachbound 10-24-2011 06:17 AM

Nancy~ I have tons of acorns this year! I mean buckets!!!! They fall on my deck & it sounds like a bomb went off. lol

Pat~ love the pictures! We used to live in Ohio & I loved visiting Sugarcreek & Millersburg. Do you ever read any of the Amish books by Wanda E Brunstetter? I enjoy them.

Jeanne~ don't worry about spellcheck! I find the mind just sees what it should if we read it quick without worring about it. Hopefully no one here has their red pencil out....if so I am in BIG trouble!

ljs317 10-24-2011 06:27 AM

Morning all!

And So another beautiful day has dawned. Hope you all find the comfort, strength, time and love you all so deserve.

Moving forward with a smile on my face this week, no matter the consequences, because this is the day I have been given and I will treat it like the present that it is.


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