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nancia 10-24-2011 10:13 PM

elm-- welcome home. i get constipated by my pain pills, so i totally understand. take a stool softener when you get up , with a glass of water. eat fruit and high fiber vegetables, like celery, bananas, oranges, and apples and believe it or not, potatoes. just don't use butter on the spud! i now eat mine with a little salt and pepper or mrs dash. i'm lactose intolerant so all i, personally, need to do is eat ice cream.lol it all goes through and has no time to leave calories. black licorice if you like it, and i'm talking the real stuff, also works well. molasses is a good natural relief, too.

Xylie55 10-25-2011 01:26 AM

Originally Posted by nancia
everybody seems to be on a high note! wonderful! i think this month has been too long for most of us! can it really be november knocking at the door? hard to believe! next thing we know it will be 2012, i used to get so excited about the new year, but not any more. wonder when and if that will ever change back. i seem to be gaining weight. guess i need xylie to set me straight again!
quilting question! i am making a dahlia pillow. how do i finsh it off? and here's the twist, i don't want it round. has anybody done this?or have ideas?

Well your going to have up's and downs.Especially with what your going through.But the main thing for me anyway was to keep going.I'd lose some,gain a little,stall then lose some more.I think the thing that helped me the most was my challenges to myself that I have to lose at least 5 pounds a month.Sometimes it was only 3,but I'd shoot for 5.Some months I lost 10.One week I lost 20 pounds while on spirutein in the muggy hot Kansas summer.I am back on the spirutein but with 1 meal a day.And by gosh it's working great.I am losing again.And it fills me up.I have a huge mug {looks like 1 qt}I put 1 scoop in with my decaf coffee in the morning with some non dairy creamer.And at night after dinner like just now I was hungry so had another one.Low calories and knocks off the cravings.I think you'll be fine.As far as your disability.most now days go through a lot quicker than yrs ago.And of course they pay you back all the way to when you 1st signed up.So if it is a yr,you'll get a yr's worth in 1 check.A biggy check.Thousands of $$.So,you'll be fine.Just remember,the soc people work for you,and you pay their wages.Most are nice and very helpful.I don't think you'll have any problems getting it.There is no way in your shape you can work.Main thing is stick with losing weight.And research your meds good.One doc put me on amitriptoline for nervs and it stimulates the hunger pangs so I gained all the 250 pounds while on it.So got off those and on buspar,which is a lot better.Ok,well I know you can do it,cause you been doing it.Don't let these speed bumps get you side tracked.Look at each one and say,I will stay focused on my goals.I look at my next goal line on the scale and strive for it.There is no way we're ever going back up that scale.I done made up my mind.Now!LET'S GET ER DONE!!!!!!!

JHolm 10-25-2011 02:33 AM

Good morning everyone.

Didn't take notes this morning so won't be able to address everybody's postings but I'll try.

nancia, sorry to hear about the situation with your mother. I'm sure in some form or another it must be stressfull for you.

Missy, Congratulations, how exciting - what a Christmas present!

Cindy, Don't push goning back to work to soon. Let your body tell you when it's ready.

Hi Xylie, sounds like your doing good right now.

DH got really sick yesterday yesterday and we had to make an emergengency run to the doc for all sorts of tests. He's home with me now but we're waiting for test results and are praying for better health. Personally I'm voting for a Lupus flair but that's such a difficult disease to predict that I don't know. I just know he has lot's of swelling and mega tons of pain and can hardly walk.

Well I better go, prayers to all, have a wonderful day

nancia 10-25-2011 02:56 AM

thanks, jeanne! and thanks, xylie! i depend on all of y'all so much! if it gets to be too heavy let me know! jeanne , i'll add you and your dh in my thoughts and prayers especially! hope the answers are good and the treatment even better!
now, cindy-- i KNOW you do not want to go back to work any time soon! you don't want me to come down there do you? how can you even think of leaving your little pup so soon? stay and get well!
i have almost finished the dahlia pillow. i left the flower part round, bound it with the background fabric and hand sewed it (the edge) to the background square. later today(it's 6 am) i will make cording and put that and the back on. there will be a slit in the back to put the pillow in. it's going to australia, so i'll let her stuff it. or do you think it would be better to send it stuffed? it already weighs quite a bit.unstuffed it might fit in a small box or large envelope. well, good night everyone! it is time i tucked in! there's a modern quilt guild meeting tonight in n.j. and i want to go. i'll tell more later!

plainpat 10-25-2011 03:10 AM

Hi,Cindy....We need a bit of fat in our diets. If I go too low on fat,have the same problem.My salad dressing is oil & vinegar,so if need be,will up the oil just a bit.One measured tsp every couple days works for me. If not having salad, will add to my veggies.A high fiber cereal or bread helps,as does the good veggies.

Originally Posted by createfourpaws
My weight has leveled out since my surgery. I have lost 17lbs so far. I am still eating healthy and several small meals a day. I dont have the energy to eat large meals. I have to increase my fiber and raw vegatable intake to help counter act the pain pills.

I have a doctor's appointment in the morning for a follow-up with the PCP since I was in the hospital. I need to see what we need to do about my insulin as I have been having low blood sugars 100 to 150. dont want to bottom out so will see what we need to change.

I am losing and in control of what I do.


plainpat 10-25-2011 03:30 AM

Sorry to hear about your husband being in pain.I hate when anyone in the family is sick,especially DH.Hope you get good news from Dr.

"DH got really sick yesterday yesterday and we had to make an emergengency run to the doc for all sorts of tests. He's home with me now but we're waiting for test results and are praying for better health. Personally I'm voting for a Lupus flair but that's such a difficult disease to predict that I don't know. I just know he has lot's of swelling and mega tons of pain and can hardly walk."

elm 10-25-2011 04:06 AM

Thanks for thinking of me, but I didn't have any constipation. I gained weight because I was eating and not getting the amount of exercise I needed. I sat most of the day watching wonderful documentaries. It was good for my mind and soul, but my body needed more activity. Even though I took walks in between movies at least twice a day, it wasn't sustained walking for a half and only lasted about ten minutes at a time. However, after just one day, I have dropped a pound. Eating at home doesn't have the salt content eating out for a week gave me.

Originally Posted by nancia
elm-- welcome home. i get constipated by my pain pills, so i totally understand. take a stool softener when you get up , with a glass of water. eat fruit and high fiber vegetables, like celery, bananas, oranges, and apples and believe it or not, potatoes. just don't use butter on the spud! i now eat mine with a little salt and pepper or mrs dash. i'm lactose intolerant so all i, personally, need to do is eat ice cream.lol it all goes through and has no time to leave calories. black licorice if you like it, and i'm talking the real stuff, also works well. molasses is a good natural relief, too.

Xylie55 10-25-2011 04:36 AM

Originally Posted by nancia
thanks everyone for the positive posts! i am trying to raise my spirit, but i think it's stuck in lisa's mud, with no firemen in sight!
i was once an excellent speller and then i became a teacher! after years of seeing words spelled wrong, they begin to look right. i do have spell check but i drive it crazy because i don't use capitals. and it won't tell me when i use the wrong word either! jeanne, i love your new word "exhaustertested". probable meaning--tired of being tested, leave me alone! i'm not laughing at you! i think it conveys a very strong message!
missy--how wonderful! i hope you will get to spend some quality time together! just knowing she is safe is more valuable than gold!
irish--have you heard of, or tried, under armor? it's supposed to be wonderful! all the young guys who were working outside for my old employer swore by the stuff! i am asking for a pair of sheepskin lined slippers this year. my feet have never had much circulation, and even tho' they felt cold to the touch (my poor husband! LOL) they didn't feel cold to me. this fall i've noticed they are getting cold. also, invest in a down comforter if you can. sorry, but even quilts are not as warm and lightweight. ooppsss, is that blasphemy?
i have no idea what my weight is doing. i am trying to get back in the groove as i feel all puffy and sausagey.(spellchecker doesn't recognize that word!)
part of my sadness is due to my mom's condition. i haven't seen her in almost 6 yrs because i don't like her. she is now in a memory unit with altzheimers and has started getting violent. she would no longer recognize me if i did show up. in a way it is more of a death than her actual passing. she is still my mother, so i still reluctantly have feelings. she was a good friend to a lot of people, but we never got along. clash of the titans! she hated that i didn't agree with her on much of anything. i hope her remaining life is short for her sake. she is 91 and wanted to die long ago. the life she has now is what she envisioned as her personal hell. i would not wish that on anyone. so, i think that's a large part of what's eating me and causing me to eat.

Nancia,we have to love our mothers,but we don't have to like them.Or what they do to us or how they treat us.I loved my mother too,but she had a streak in her that was just plain wicked.I nor my siblings are nothing like her,that way thank god.She passed yrs ago,and I still miss her at times.At other times,I was angry,but it does get better with time.You didn't do this to your mom.It's not your fault,nor your burden to carry.And it's unfortunate your mom is old and has altizmers.I know all too well what altizmers is and does to people.It's a cruel fate we wouldn't wish on anybody,even our enemies. I wouldn't want anybody to have it.We are not all peas in the same pod,and we are not all going to jive weather family or not.And thank god we're not.Or it would be a boring place.The Bible says Iron sharpens Iron.So our enemies help to spur us on sometimes to do things we might not have otherwise done. You going on a guilt trip will hurt no body but your self.And when you'r done,you'll feel worse.Many of us here have done that,emotional eating.It doesn't solve any problems,but creates more when you gain the weight back.Because the issues are still going to be there.Instead of eating,sit down and write her {mom}a letter and tell her how you feel.Get it all out.I do that,and it works.I was surprised just what therapy that was for me.Then when your done,take it and burn it.Then look ahead to the future with Olivia,who is a bright spot in your heart and tell her you will continue to lose the weight so you will be around to see her grow up and see her children.Meantime,Olivia is going to need that quilt this winter which is just around the corner. Put your mind and energy into that instead of the refridgerator.Padalock that fridge!No,you can't have that food!Sorry,That 16 pounds has a lot of hard work,sweat,and tears put into it to just toss it away like that.We can't go back and change anything in the past.The only thing we can change is our now and our future.I doubt your mom does know anybody at this stage of the disease.Sometimes,that's a blessing I think.I know when hubby had it 4 yrs ago and was in a locked facility,he at times didn't know who I was but after 3 weeks god healed him and his mind hasn't bobbled since.He has no recollection of that 2 month stay at all, nor the hospital.And I am truely thankful he doesn't. I'm sure your mom loves you.And knows you love her.In the spirit relm,you just know and feel it with out it being said.And of course, she wouldn't want you feeling guilty about anything.She'd want you to go on and be happy and do things for Olivia and the rest of the family.Your job is to go on and live life to the fullest.And to be the sharp tacked witty nancia that we all love and know here on the board.I'm forging ahead,not looking back.Is there anything I regret or would do differently?Probably.But I reached a point where I don't even look back,because quite frankly,I'm not the same person I was back then even.And neither are you.Our young girl mentality has been replaced with a mature woman outlook we didn't have back then.And it only comes from and with experience that life teaches us.The last time I looked back,I said to myself,there is nothing here for me anymore.And that was many yrs ago.And I haven't even thought about it till tonight.And I'm glad,cause I've outgrown,and overcome that part of my life and there is just no place for it in my life now.And I'm sure not going to let anything get a grip on me again to where I emotional eat over it.I've fought hard for every ounce I got off,and will continue to fight for it.You do the same.You can do it,I know you can.You just fight back and say no,you will not win.I am in control and I am losing weight.I will continue to lose too.I will not let anything control me,I am the one in charge of my emotions.

Beachbound 10-25-2011 05:00 AM

Taboo Tuesday!!!!

NO HALLOWEEN CANDY!!!! NONE! This one we can all do!!!!!

Beachbound 10-25-2011 05:06 AM

Nanci, Xylie spoke words of wisdom for us all. I suffered a really poor mother/family relationship too. As you did I finally came to the realization that I was healther without her in my life. I would get sick to my stomach when I talked to her much less saw her. I don't need to get into details but she also was mean natured. We learn from bad examples as well as good examples & change where we can. Please, please let go of your guilt!!! I will if you will, lol!!!! Just knowing that you are not alone...somehow helps!

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