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Pam H 10-10-2012 04:03 PM

Irish, I hope you talked to your doctor today. Please stay on top of this.
I had a great time at my quilt retreat. Wow, was there a lot of food.....very yummy food. I only worked on my Celtic blocks. I wish I could say I finished them but I will have to spend another day on them. Tonight I plan on just relaxing and watching tv. I may even go to bed early. I am so exhausted!

meanmom 10-10-2012 04:31 PM

Pam, glad to hear you had a good time on retreat. They discussed ours at quilt guild last night. It isn't until late March. It is amazing how tiring eating and sewing can be isn't it. They showed some samples of a few of the classes they will have on my retreat. There is one on a fractured quilt. It looked pretty interesting. Their sample wasn't a good example though. I am planning on going to Fabric Shack on Friday. Fabric Shack has a really good variety of fabric. I was there a couple of months ago and got some Paula Nadelstern fabric and wish I had purchased other colors. Hope they still have it. I sure wish they had given more info on supplies I need for it. I know I need a panel or really large design. But they didn't say how many or anything. I have seen a fractured design where you cut up 4 of the same designs. Not sure if this was the same technique or not.

sewNso 10-10-2012 05:56 PM

Irish, i heard on the news yesterday, that any of the following--go straight to the dr. STIFF NECK, FEVER, CHILLS,

irishrose 10-10-2012 08:09 PM

I didn't have any luck with my own doctor's office today. The nurses are sure the incubation period is 4 to 30 days - gee, they know more than The CDC in Atlanta that is now overseeing this thing. My doctor wasn't in. The nurse decided I could see a young hotshot at 5:40. No, thank you, I've had experiences with that one. Munson, which is the big hospital in Traverse City has set up a hot line for people who have received the injections. I'll try that in the morning. SewNso, it's okay. All I want is a blood test. I am not going to have a spinal tap. I will call the pain clinic if I don't get any answers, but I bet they are inundated with calls. Poor young doctors who only want to alleviate pain. They chose steroids from that pharmacy because they wanted preservative free ones.

meanmom, is your Paula Nadelstein fabric the panel with the East Indian looking medallions in the gorgeous colors? I saw that one at a LQS, but I'm too far behind to stockpile it. I missed the monthly sale there yesterday. One of the people I delivered a pie to yesterday is such a talker, I couldn't get out of his house in time to get to the store.

How are your food plans coming? Last month I posted two questions from an article in Ladies' Home Journal about how to avoid 'that cupcake'.
!) Do I really have to have this?
2) Am I even hungry right now?
Three is interesting: Is this food splurge worthy? There are some wonderful foods out there, but there are a lot of ordinary ones. Save your splurges for the foods that are worth it.

I have a cake to bake for a funeral Friday and cookies for a concert Sunday. I will probably use some of my overabundance of apples for the cake. Maybe something with chocolate and caramel for the cookies. While I'm baking, I'll get something out to my college students.

Bazaar quilt - the borders are overpowering the center, but I'm committed so what is, is.

I AM losing weight.

meanmom 10-11-2012 01:10 PM

Judy glad to see you on here today. I hope you are OK. The Paula Nadelstein fabrics I NEED are the other fabrics in the patternista line. But I love the one with the medallions. My guild retreat is in March and I think I want to take the class on fractured quilt block. I was looking at the medallion fabric as a possibility for the fractured block. The person who presented it at guild Tuesday was not very clear on what we needed. I do have until March to find something. I do tend to like abstract things. I plan on emailing the guild president to see if she knows anything. I looked on here for a tutorial of fractured blocks and didn't find anything. I am sure I will need tons of money at Fabric Shack tomorrow. They have so much to choose from. I am too far behind to stockpile any fabric too but probably will anyway. My DD and grandson are going with me tomorrow. I am sure we will have to go out to lunch. Hopefully they will have something that isn't too bad for me. Not sure where we are going yet.
I made vegetable soup and corn bread for dinner. The corn bread smells so good baking. We have decided we are going to start wearing hazmat suits to school. So many of the kids have snot noses already. I know I cleaned one kids face at least 15 times today with a baby wipe. Also wiped her nose tons of times. I am probably doomed to be sick thins weekend. I got a flu shot today and she sprayed me with nasty stuff numerous times today. Got me so bad I had to take off my outer shirt and wear a tank top the rest of the day. I washed my face and my whole arms after one mess. I guess I will start popping vitamin C.

irishrose 10-11-2012 02:28 PM

Pat, We always found that school employees were immune after the first year. The poor newbies caught everything the kids brought in. I guess you're taking tomorrow off if you're talking lunch. Good. Use up some of those sick days, but save some. We could only stockpile 90, but that was more than enough - the most I ever needed at a time was 20. After that the school bought them with an annuity. Then they bought my 90 days at 65% of my current rate of pay when I retired. I bought a car - not new, but very nice.

I'm still here. The young doctor I talked to this morning feels that I may well have already had meningitis, but not a bad case based on my symptoms and timing. He said the only way to be sure is the two blood tests and a spinal tap. That's not going to happen. Blood tests are fine, but no spinal tap. The news today is that because fungal meningitis is slower growing than bacterial the incubation will be extended to several months. Grrr. I feel for the people who had the injection more recently and are worriers, which I am not.

I don't like the backing I bought for the quilt, but it's what a have so I will use it. It's in the washer now, so I'd better go put the borders on the quilt.

meanmom 10-11-2012 02:40 PM

I am off tomorrow it is a waiver day. They have a new teacher evaluation system in Ohio that requires 4 days of training. They gave the schools 4 extra days for this. Since I am an aide I don't have to go. We were given the option of coming in to do busy work(scrub things, paint etc) or takethe day without pay. Duh day off for this girl. I have 154 accumulated sick days. I think the maximum I am allowed at retirement is 100. Any extra are lost. I have quite a ways to retirement, I am 55.
I forgot to say. I ran into one of our parents as I came out of the office today. She told me how good I am looking and how much weight I have lost:-) I am down a total of 48 pounds.

sewNso 10-11-2012 04:30 PM

my 6th yr teacher/daughter is not immune. she still catches crap. but part of that is/was she wasn't used to all the plants, flowers, bushes, etc. in the new state.
congrats m'mom. on 48 lbs so far. would like to lose that much. this week has been tough, but, 'one day at a time'
and today was a good day.
judy, got my fingers crossed for you.
everyone get their pap smears done. even as you age. heard bad news about an extended family member today. don't know the full details yet. but the big C was mentioned/ or hinted at. even after a hysterec.
got to sew a little today. between chores, appts, and babysitting after school. we have strep throat on the run, getting better. decided after letting a quilt age for a couple days, that i might like it after all. so worked on putting the top together a little more. eat smart these last few days this week.

irishrose 10-12-2012 06:47 AM

I don't know about you, but I do my best thinking in the night. The illness I had in Sept was caused by a reaction to wasp spray - I know I am allergic to the environment, but forgot in my zeal to eliminate a nest of yellow jackets. That means I am not out of the woods on the meningitis. All I can do is pray, take my supplements, get lots of rest and not worry. I rarely have a headache so that will be my indication to worry. The doctor said I will have 'the worst headache in the world' which I haven't had. The sad thing is I didn't want to go to the pain clinic. I'm not a fan of steroids, but my insurance company wouldn't let me see the surgeon for my SI joints unless the referral came from a pain clinic and the joints had been filled with cortisone. $700 worth of unnecessary injections and now this. Thanks, Priority.

On the road today. Taking an old friend on a road trip for his birthday, though I doubt if there are many leaves left on the trees after the rains and winds we've had. We'll try the peninsulas around Traverse. The climate is a little more temperate around the lakes and there may have more color left. Also need to drop my vacuum in TC. My new vacuum broke and Traverse City is the nearest repair place. I complained to the service department about it costing me money to take it there, but no luck.

My eating was off yesterday because I don't eat right when I'm busy. Today won't be much better. I hope some of the little touristy restaurants on the peninsula are still open. I'm tired of chain restaurants. First I have to deliver a cake to the church. Fresh apple with browned butter/cream cheese frosting. I could have eaten the whole pan of frosting - the taste is fantastic. Then I have to deliver a friend home from dialysis. She is such a sweet person, it's a pleasure to spend time with her once a week. Six of us transport her so she won't have use public transportation.

Y'all have a great day and remember this week's question - Is this food worth it? If it is, eat a small amount with great attention to what you're doing. If I could have wheat, this cake would be splurge worthy. No mindless eating - ah, there's a Tuesday Taboo in the making.

I am losing weight and getting healthier.

createfourpaws 10-12-2012 09:04 AM

I have done a fractured quilt, I have a book on it and will see if I can find it for you to give you an idea of what you need. I had fun making the fracture, made a small one and there is even a mistake in it. I haven't finished the binding on it, will find and take a picture. it was a fun class to do. I will do one again. I used a large peacock print.

Originally Posted by meanmom (Post 5576694)
Pam, glad to hear you had a good time on retreat. They discussed ours at quilt guild last night. It isn't until late March. It is amazing how tiring eating and sewing can be isn't it. They showed some samples of a few of the classes they will have on my retreat. There is one on a fractured quilt. It looked pretty interesting. Their sample wasn't a good example though. I am planning on going to Fabric Shack on Friday. Fabric Shack has a really good variety of fabric. I was there a couple of months ago and got some Paula Nadelstern fabric and wish I had purchased other colors. Hope they still have it. I sure wish they had given more info on supplies I need for it. I know I need a panel or really large design. But they didn't say how many or anything. I have seen a fractured design where you cut up 4 of the same designs. Not sure if this was the same technique or not.

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