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-   -   OK this might be a mistake but I am in pain. (https://www.quiltingboard.com/general-chit-chat-non-quilting-talk-f7/ok-might-mistake-but-i-am-pain-t21571.html)

kwhite 06-20-2009 07:24 PM

I am taking Skelaxin

tlrnhi 06-20-2009 07:28 PM

Originally Posted by kwhite
I am taking Skelaxin

Might want to tell your doc about that stuff. Have them put it on the "no-no" list for you. Drug induced nightmares are no fun.

gaigai 06-20-2009 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by tlrnhi

Originally Posted by kwhite
I am taking Skelaxin

Might want to tell your doc about that stuff. Have them put it on the "no-no" list for you. Drug induced nightmares are no fun.

Skelaxin is actually a muscle relaxer, not a pain med per se. That being said, I think I may be the cause for the nightmares, Terri. (Sorry kw). I told her to be sure and sleep with a pillow over her ribs because Evil Kitty might just jump on her while she was sleeping. (There are bed monsters too, ya know. Just ask any little kid!). Maybe she having "anticipation" nightmares!

tlrnhi 06-20-2009 07:50 PM

LOL Yea, we do cause nightmares to others at times lol

My MIL was actually the one that told me to stop taking the Vicodin. She's a nurse that works with the AIDS patients...don't know how she does it, except she gets paid very well for it, she's been doing it for about 20 years. She said that at times the docs would change meds on the patients to make them more comfortable, but the meds would cause horrendous nightmares, so they would have to stop those meds. I had talked to my doc about it and he said that yes, nightmares can be a side effect to some meds and then put that on the "no no " list for me.

k3n 06-21-2009 09:32 AM

Gai you dragon, you! LOL But well done for checking up on KW! And as for you K, I hope you get it seen to and sorted tomorrow, will be waiting to hear, you KNOW there's no escape! LOL

gaigai 06-21-2009 09:52 AM

Originally Posted by k3n
Gai you dragon, you! LOL But well done for checking up on KW! And as for you K, I hope you get it seen to and sorted tomorrow, will be waiting to hear, you KNOW there's no escape! LOL

Yeah, she can't hide. I have her address and phone number! LOL. And hey, K3n, don't think you would be safe either, if I had yours. Long distance charges be da-- oops, darned! :P

k3n 06-21-2009 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by gaigai
And hey, K3n, don't think you would be safe either, if I had yours. Long distance charges be da-- oops, darned! :P

OK my number is 0033 555 ???????? LOL not tellin! I'm scared! A good friend in England was a nurse and she was a real p in the a if you had a pain somewhere 'get it checked out asap, na na na...'. BUT if SHE was sick - NIGHTMARE!!!

Hans and I were watching a programme last night where a British paramedic had to have an op on her knee and INSISTED on a local NOT a general so she could 'supervise' the surgeon! :D

gaigai 06-21-2009 10:15 AM

Originally Posted by k3n
OK my number is 0033 555 ???????? LOL not tellin! I'm scared! A good friend in England was a nurse and she was a real p in the a if you had a pain somewhere 'get it checked out asap, na na na...'. BUT if SHE was sick - NIGHTMARE!!!

Hans and I were watching a programme last night where a British paramedic had to have an op on her knee and INSISTED on a local NOT a general so she could 'supervise' the surgeon! :D

Well, I'm kinda the opposite there. Usually I say it's no big deal, all bleeding stops eventually! :mrgreen: In fact I told my sisters that if they EVER took their kids to an emergency room for Fever, Vomiting, or Diarrhea, that I would personally bitch-slap them into the next county!

When I had a bad car wreck in January, I didn't go to the ER, I just went to my doc (saw a Nurse Practitioner), refused all xrays and just wanted a couple of days of pain meds! LOL

But, when I had knee surgery, and the surgeon and anesthesiologist couldn't agree on whether I should have a nerve block or a pain-ball, I demanded both.

The anesthesiologist came in pre-op while the nurse was starting my IV. He and I had been working together for a while, so we were good buds. Anyhow, when the nurse blew the vein, he grabbed my hand to start the IV himself, and asked the nurse for some lidocaine to numb it before the stick. I told him to just go ahead and stick, I wasn't afraid of needles, and lidocaine BURNS! THEN, he started telling me about the nerve block. (I had never had one of those!) and that he would be injecting me in my GROIN! Oh the Horror! I looked at him and said "You WILL put me to sleep FIRST, won't you?" When he looked perplexed, because, evidently they don't usually, and asked why, I told him "Well, I don't know about YOUR groin, but that is a VERY sensitive area for ME! Please, please, I can't be awake for that one!" He just laughed. But he did!

amma 06-21-2009 07:14 PM

Originally Posted by kwhite
OK OK Here I am. (on drugs so you will have to read betweent the lines and drool). I have been asleep all day and having bad dreams. As Gai said I have decided to go to the Dr. on Monday morning. Our hospital is so amazingly awful that you only go if you have NO other option. Going there could be fatal in itself. I have been taking it easy and moving very slowly. I SOOO do appreciate all of you all. Thank you for your thoughts and concern. Only a couple of you have scared me. HEHEHE.

Just to prove that I am not the evil http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-devil10.gif in disguise....I am going to be very nice and not put anything on here to make you laugh and hurt http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/s...angelic002.gif
I hope that the doctor finds out what is ailing you and can get it taken care of quickly!!! If not, that he can atleast keep you medications to take away the pain so you can keep resting well. :D :D :D

Celeste 06-21-2009 07:39 PM

Glad gai talked to you. I came in on this late and do not have to worry as long as everyone else has.

Sleep well, see the doc tomorrow and take care!

Lisa T 06-21-2009 08:50 PM

I just popped in and saw this thread and my heart was so warmed- how amazing that you guys can take care of each other like this!!! Love it, love it, love it.

And KW, I hope you feel better and also don't have anymore bad dreams! Hopefully doc will take good care of you- if he/she doesn't, you seem to have some backup on here. :0)

k3n 06-21-2009 10:17 PM

Hope you're feeling better today KW - but let us know what the doc says, OK?

beachlady 06-22-2009 01:06 AM

KW, today is Monday - call your doctor!!!!!!! XOXOXOXOXO

Quilt4u 06-22-2009 01:37 AM

Go have it checked out please. I hate to see anyonr in pain.

chairjogger 06-22-2009 02:26 AM

I read this thread and hold my breath to finish all posts hoping you have medical care for your fall. See my avatar? A fall has put me in a wheel chair ... on good days, my braces only with cane help on my best days and I have used a cane after crutches. Initial diagnosis was a broken tail bone. I agree. Hospitals are the pits at time. Misinformation, Wrong diagnosis and procedures add to simple problems.

However, as a grandchild, great grandchild and grand niece from a country doctor that rode horse back for his patients that did not have adequate roads in an Appalachia region (1920's - 1930's), bone surgeon ( 1950's - 1960's) and city medical doctor (1960's - 1970's) the doctors have the knowledge we people do not ..

Please, this is Monday. Go in get x rays, you don't have to have anything done .. don't let them talk you into anything if the hospital is crummy.. get the copies of X-rays and talk to your family doctor.

Honey, nobody should live with pain, but pain is a warning sign.

Praying for a good outcome.

tlrnhi 06-22-2009 04:49 AM


Bevanger 06-22-2009 06:01 AM

It sounds like a cracked rib hun,. PLEASE have it checked out

Ninnie 06-22-2009 06:24 AM

Hay K, hope you are at the Doctor's right now!!! I'll check back in to make sure you went>

sharon b 06-22-2009 06:36 AM

Ok.. I am waiting to see what the Doc says., like everyone else... Hope all is well

Mousie 06-22-2009 07:56 AM

OK, lady, I'm drumming my fingers here...and saying p's.
You may take pain killers, after your dr. visit, but as soon as you are able...let us know something.
Gai, I love you! thank you for caring enough to help protect, kw, from, Evil kitty*, lol! :wink:

gaigai 06-22-2009 08:00 AM

I figure if she called this morning for an appointment, they would try to work her in this afternoon. I'm not going to worry until around 4 or 5 pm CST if we haven't heard from her. In which case I'll call her again.

beachlady 06-22-2009 12:54 PM

No update yet? I do so hope everything is ok!

kwhite 06-22-2009 01:00 PM

Yep everything is fine. My X-Rays were normal. There is some bruising and that is it. He said it might take a few weeks for all of the pain to go away but I will be just fine. I really appreciate all of you and your concern. I need to take it easy for a few days but I will be back to normal very soon. Thanks everyone for your advice and thoughts. It means a lot to me.

k3n 06-22-2009 01:04 PM

Oh k - I'm so relieved that nothing is broken! I hope you got some pain killers and that you are up to sewing! Phew! Was worried!

amma 06-22-2009 01:06 PM

Thank you for posting the update!! Happy to hear that there are no broken bones!!! Take it easy....now would be a good time to be waited on :wink: 8)

Tink's Mom 06-22-2009 01:08 PM

:oops: Glad to hear that you are on the road to recovery! Last year in June, I fell out of the tub :oops: don't ask :oops: while taking a shower, and badly injured myself....took weeks to start feeling good enough to do much of anything...

Pats8e8 06-22-2009 01:16 PM

K, I just got here and read the whole saga. Wow, you have great friends on here and I too am happy that nothing was broken. Be careful not to do it again! Hope you feel better very soon!

My DH twisted his knee last week and could hardly walk. But he is going to gimp enough for us to eat out tonight for our 46th anni. We were planning a little trip, but hey, we can do that anytime. His legs are getting bad.

Mplsgirl 06-22-2009 01:18 PM

Thank goodness. Rest easy, sweet girl.

Mplsgirl 06-22-2009 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by Pats8e8
K, I just got here and read the whole saga. Wow, you have great friends on here and I too am happy that nothing was broken. Be careful not to do it again! Hope you feel better very soon!

My DH twisted his knee last week and could hardly walk. But he is going to gimp enough for us to eat out tonight for our 46th anni. We were planning a little trip, but hey, we can do that anytime. His legs are getting bad.

Eat for me too! Have a wonderful dinner!

beachlady 06-22-2009 01:21 PM

Thank you for the update - now I can go walk my dog! He has had his legs crossed all day waiting to hear about you!!!

Even bruised ribs will hurt for quite awhile. Take it easy!

MadQuilter 06-22-2009 01:31 PM

fffffffff (that was the sigh of relief). Glad to hear you'll be ok.

Bevanger 06-22-2009 01:33 PM

Oh thank Goodness. THANK YOU for going to get the xray. Made me feel better AND YOUR OK... Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Now take care hun.

kwhite 06-22-2009 01:34 PM

Yeah that is what I hear. As for doing it again that won't happen. I did it when DD was leaving for camp for the summer and we were moving her bags (large enough to get into and zip up) to the car. I was behind her and I went to step down on the step and caught the side of my foot. I went down on my side in the yard.

Ninnie 06-22-2009 01:50 PM

K, glad to hear that you alright! Now, don't you feel better after going and hearing the Dr. tell you so?
Take it easy for a few days!

Jim's Gem 06-22-2009 02:11 PM

Glad to hear nothing was broken. Make sure you take it easy like the dr said!!!!

Mousie 06-22-2009 02:15 PM

well, that's it. Your on the couch, me and amma...
truce (for now :wink: )...
she will watch Evil* kitty...ok, amma,..."innocent* kitty,...
and I will take care of booboo kitty...
um, he didn't get that name, bc he has accidents, did he? :roll:

sewjoyce 06-22-2009 02:42 PM

So glad to hear that nothing is broken -- but do try to take it easy -- OK??

gaigai 06-22-2009 04:50 PM

Glad you're going to recover! Not that I doubted it for a moment mind you! Just let SWAK protect you and all will be well!

bearpaw 06-22-2009 05:05 PM

Glad everything is ok and not too serious. Hope the pain doesn't last too long.

tlrnhi 06-22-2009 05:26 PM

Glad it's just bruising. It will hurt for a bit. Make sure you take watch for the pretty colors that will show up.

I fall down our stairs quite frequently thanks to a little furry girl that likes to get under my feet! I'm just glad it's only 2 steps that I miss and not all of them, that would really do some damage. My stairs are cement with ceramic tile and the edges are pretty sharp. Anyway....I usually get some pretty yellows, purples and blues that emerge from the bruises. I keep saying I'm going to install some pillows at the bottom of the steps lol

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