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SaraSewing 11-09-2009 07:15 AM

A good thing to remember during the flu season is that cold and flu are spread by droplets. They get on your mucus membranes, like nose and mouth. It takes them a bit to get into your system, so blow your nose a couple of times a day, and gargle. Reduces the risk that they will take up residence. That is a huge reason for washing hands, so you don't transmit them from your hands to your own mucus membranes. DON'T touch your face!

Mousie 11-09-2009 08:32 AM

Originally Posted by tlrnhi
Airborne is a tablet that is full of mainly vitamin C and other good stuff. You put it in a glass of water and it fizzles like Alka Seltzer, but tastes much better! Hubby and daughter swear by it!!

thanks Terri! I been popping vitamins and if we don't have that product, think we have something like it. ugh! have an intolerance to ascorbic acid, but I can deal with the pain and the itching better than the flu!

A good thing to remember during the flu season is that cold and flu are spread by droplets. They get on your mucus membranes, like nose and mouth. It takes them a bit to get into your system, so blow your nose a couple of times a day, and gargle. Reduces the risk that they will take up residence. That is a huge reason for washing hands, so you don't transmit them from your hands to your own mucus membranes. DON'T touch your face!

thanks, sarasewing. I have been scratchin my chin and nose with the inner side of my gown. My hubby thought last night that I was 'masking' myself against him. I told him I am trying to break the putting my hands on my face habit. Geesh, I wouldn't care what he did to protect himself from me, if I was the sick one, as long as he didn't lock me outside, lol!

tlrnhi 11-09-2009 08:48 AM

You can get Airborne at Walmart.

Ninnie 11-09-2009 09:02 AM

I have used the Airborne in the jpast, and need to get some more, don't know if it works, but will try anything right now. so much going around.

Lisa_wanna_b_quilter 11-09-2009 09:21 AM

Originally Posted by k3n
You are lucky you only have to avoid hand shaking - I have to avoid KISSING! :shock: Dreadful, unhygienic French habit! I'm afraid I fib and do the 'think I'm coming down with something' thing. Or I just hold back and let them think I'm a rude English woman with no manners! :mrgreen: Although I know the childrens' teachers have put kissing on hold while the H1N1 epidemic is on - usually, they kiss each child on both cheeks every morning. :D

#1 I would have a heart attack if everyone wanted to kiss and/or hug me. I AM NOT a toucher. The very idea of people I barely know hugging or kissing me makes me cringe.

#2 I pretty sure American teachers would end up getting sued if they kissed everyone. We must just be more standoffish than the rest of the world.

k3n 11-09-2009 09:31 AM

:lol: I don't think so Lisa - it'd be the same in the UK. If I meet a group of friends here who are some English and some French, I kiss the French and just go 'alright?' to the English! Different strokes! Kissing the English seems a bit false somehow! :shock: :lol:

Kissing once or twice on each cheek is a typical French thing. How many times you kiss who and when is very complex - still haven't got the hang of it after 5 years! :shock:

Marcia 11-09-2009 12:37 PM

We all need to be careful during cold and flu season. I also wipe down my shopping cart, wash my hands many times a day, and use sanitizer when I cannot wash. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth as much as possible.

And the doctor's office is the worst place of all---all those sick people just make you feel like you are crawling with germs. I don't go to the doctor for anything "routine" this time of year.

They now teach kids in school to cough into their bent inner elbow instead of their hands. It really cuts back on the "touching and spreading" of germs. I even saw a poster about it in the waiting room at the doctor's office. My grandkids have me trained now!!

Our church has done away with a communal cup for communion and has stopped shaking hands for the sign of peace, too, Loretta.

Moonpi 11-09-2009 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by Lisa_wanna_b_quilter
#1 I would have a heart attack if everyone wanted to kiss and/or hug me. I AM NOT a toucher. The very idea of people I barely know hugging or kissing me makes me cringe.

#2 I pretty sure American teachers would end up getting sued if they kissed everyone. We must just be more standoffish than the rest of the world.

Here in Florida, we wish the teachers would STOP at kissing!

QuiltMania 11-09-2009 03:20 PM

My younger son has H1N1 and, so far at least, I think all this drama about it is hype. Perhaps we just caught it early or he got a light case but so far the worst thing is the coughing. I've had more debilitating head colds. Just my two cents worth.
We are also teaching kids to cough/sneeze in their elbows. They remember to do that but they still put their fingers in their mouths or noses. That's what I'm working on in my classroom mostly now.

I think the suggestion to simply say, "I'm being very careful of germs during flu season" would be all you need to say.

MadQuilter 11-09-2009 03:28 PM

Do like Monk: awkwardly pull your sleeve over your hand and give a sideways nudge shake. Then start flapping your arms and yell in the most pressing tone "WIPES! WIPES! I NEED WIPES!"

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