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-   -   Rating/feedback system. Need your input. (https://www.quiltingboard.com/general-chit-chat-non-quilting-talk-f7/rating-feedback-system-need-your-input-t33832.html)

littlehud 01-11-2010 10:33 AM

I'm thinking the feedback system could backfire on some.

Admin 01-11-2010 10:39 AM

I'm thinking the feedback system could backfire on some.
Even if only positive transactions are listed? How?

k3n 01-11-2010 10:49 AM

If someone was known to participate regularly in swaps but received no feedback wouldn't this be tantamount to negative feedback? I just think that when someone sells something then the duty of care and giving value for money puts them in a position where they must deliver or face the consequences. Even if this is a one off sale. In a swap, as has been said, one person's acceptable level of work may be unacceptable to another; if that person is very active in swaps and NEVER receives good feedback, this would be obvious to all. I really think that swaps, Round Robins etc are more of a 'friendly' thing and should remain in a different 'spirit' for want of a better word, to commercial transaction where you pay X and you get Y. I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say, I didn't take my articulate pill this morning, apparently! :mrgreen:

Moonpi 01-11-2010 10:58 AM

I have heard rants in the chat room where a member had received blocks they deemed "inferior". In other swaps, members have dropped out after getting their yearly share, but left others without. Tempers run pretty high. Adding a permanent record could lead to a lot of mistrust and division.

I believe if anyone is spending more money than they can afford to lose, they should ask all questions up front, and get a tracking number when items are shipped. Deal with people you "know". Do not rely on copied photos from a website, but make sure you see what is and is not included in the sale, and do not enter into it if you do not feel comfortable. Some things that would make me decline a deal - prices to good to be true on luxury machines, no address information (either displayed from profile or as "shipped from wherever" ), no posting history except ads, and not abiding by the posting rules for that section. They are so plain, it would be hard not to see them!

I think at this point, admin, that you need to think of your mission statement and decide whether the site is for education, social, or commercial purposes. If you want it to end up a selling site, go for it. If not, then save yourself the headaches that are sure to come as soon as someone gets a black mark.

Admin 01-11-2010 11:03 AM

If not, then save yourself the headaches that are sure to come as soon as someone gets a black mark.
Yep. I'm beginning to think a feedback system would add more problems than it would solve.

Ducky 01-11-2010 11:04 AM

And wouldn't you and the moderators have to constantly be checking to make sure there are no negative responses? Seems like a lot of work.

amma 01-11-2010 11:09 AM

Admin... I see a train wreck. Whenever you buy online, we all know there is a chance of being disappointed... the fabric color isn't the same as what I see on "my" monitor, the old argument over quality of fabric, my idea of quality regarding a handmade item versus yours, etc... Do we really need to start a system that "WILL" cause more upheavals on the board?

Example: I sell 5 items on the board. I KNOW who the 5 buyers are. I only get 3 positive feedbacks. What is my recourse? I contact my buyers with a friendly reminder to post feedback and they still don't. This affects "MY" integrity as a seller, low points = less of a chance of selling my goods. Now I have hurt feelings... I resend 5 PM’s ... I still only have 3 feedbacks, and "I KNOW" that my items were of good quality, I mailed them out promptly after receiving pmt, etc... Now, what do YOU think is going to happen? How many PM’s will the seller be sending back and forth to you and the buyers insisting on getting their good feedback…emotions rolling… it being discussed with other members… Now it is spiraling out of control…
AND the 3 member’s who HAVE given good feedback, are now getting irritated/angry for being needlessly hassled…having their names bandied around…reputations bashed…all for no reason.

If the buyers want to leave a comment about a wonderful transaction, they can post pictures of their purchase(s) and make their comments there. Name names and hand out praise.

As much as this area has grown in the last few months, it is not a case of a few sales here and there... It is becoming more popular, and as the quantity of sales increase, so will the problems associated with it.

Please leave this between the buyers and the sellers.... this will turn into a train wreck, and when it does, it will affect the atmosphere of the whole board, not just that one section. There will be innocent people sucked into the fray, and it will be another upheaval that will have to be dealt with… You can’t go back and fix someone’s reputation once it has been thrashed. And some people who post in this section “will be putting their business’s reputation” on the line. And as you know from the last upheaval, once the words are spoken, you cannot undo them, the harm is already done.

tlrnhi 01-11-2010 11:10 AM

There have been many valid reasons/points to this discussion. I agree with both of them.

But, I don't agree with putting this on the board. I know that with technology or whatever comes change and some people don't accept change very well.
My opinion......I think if this were to happen, it would take away from the "family feel" of the board and turn it into eBay, Etsy or some other board with people would come in and just spam their wares. I for one, don't like that. People have signed up for the board and their first post is that they are selling something, not to mention those that sign up and their first message is "give me/send me".
Admin, I think if you did this, it would be a bad thing.
Not to mention all the headaches that you and the mods could suffer.

watterstide 01-11-2010 11:21 AM

My ebay ratings can be had by looking at my signature. So i have nothing to hide, and anyone who deals with me, has nothing to fear. But that is just me, not everyone has Ebay or another venue to check out someones ratings.

BUT, My personal opinion is:
1.no ratings system. You are setting yourself up for "deframation of character"..

2.If you have a flaker in a swap, then you don't let them in your "next" swap..with a kind note as to why you would rather they not be in it..
I have had people sign up for swaps, and flake out..a few posts here and there..and then they just disappear off the board completly..I have had to make up the blocks or items being swaped, and believe me,it is a hardship of time, money and stress.And to be truthful, i dont know if they are sick or dead, or just took on to much, and are embarrased that they can't keep thier commitment. With my swaps, i always had a Board name,Real name,address and Phone number..so if they are off the boards for a while, at least i can call to see if they are ok..and if they are still in the swap. Swap moms should make it mandatory for the swapper to check in occasionally..and let them know what thier progress is..

3.If someone has had issue with a non payment of item..then they maybe could be able to take thier complaint to the Admin and maybe the admin could act as a go between. A decision should be made about that persons membership here. And Your decision should be upheld.
If you can't afford the loss of money, don't send the item,before you are paid.

If you don't like the item you bought,then take it up with them in a PM..don't get others involved..it just causes more anger and hurt feelings. try to work it out.. if it can't be worked out..then chalk it up to live and learn..a life lesson. And don't buy/sell anything from them again.

4. I think it is important, that if you purchase something from,let's say,Me..then instead of a PM,thanking me or letting me know it has made it..and that your happy with it,
It should be done on the main thread i started with the sale or swap.."there is your feedback".So others know you are ok to deal with.
Can you search "Watterstide" and see how items i have swapped or sold or gifted, and read the posts to see how it went?
I know i am new here..and i hope i am not offending anyone by my opinions...

I currently moderate a local freecycle board,i keep a list of names,privately,of no-shows,if no communication if they can't show. And if they are requesting the item i am offering up for free..i don't choose them to receive it.

And remember, anyone can change names and get back on any board.. Kim

quiltnut4ever 01-11-2010 11:58 AM

Great idea!

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