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eightylady 06-20-2010 01:26 PM

Originally Posted by Barb M
OMG you guys are so funny lol Ok, here's a good one. And this one is from my husband, a grown man! I sometimes eat strange "healthy" things, lol, like sprouts, yummy. Hubby has always turned his nose up at healthy stuff. So a few months ago, he got curious, and pulled my sprouts out of the fridge, and he says to me, uhmmm, these are live, right? I say right. He says, that's why they're healthy, right? I say right. Then he looks at me and says, but if they're live, and i eat them, wont they keep growing in my stomache????????? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously! lol lol

Tell me this is not true! I mean about sprouts, not about them growing in your dh's stomach


tntgranny 06-20-2010 03:37 PM

I had to put a cleaner "nice" nightgown on my mother and make her bed before she would let me call the paramedics to take her to the hospital. She was having knee problems and could not walk - not life threatening - but, please!!! They don't care if your bed is made and an 88 year old woman in an imperfect older nightgown is not important

lnikkers52 06-20-2010 04:15 PM

I think we all remember the P.I.E. trucks we all thought were loaded with pie's :_

fktsewing 06-20-2010 04:28 PM

I always called brussel sprouts little cabbages and thought that they were just baby cabbages that did not get to grow.
Still love the little things.

Dorothy of Kansas 06-20-2010 04:32 PM

I was showing my 4 1/2 year old grand daughter pictures of me when I was younger and my hair was black. She said "That's not you, your hair isn't black, it's white!!!" I forgot that she has never seen me with dark hair!!! So I had to explain that my hair hasn't always been silver!! lol :lol: :lol:

mrspete 06-20-2010 05:00 PM

I'm sort of thick headed, anyway. I always take the literal translation. My dad was a lumbering quiet man. My mom was a little quick mite and she chattered all the time. Her mother and sister would say, she is going to talk herself to death. She was making applesauce and she would talk through her instructions as she went.. She talked to the Watkins man, telephone, neighbors everywhere, Lawww, she talked even to herself. I asked her quietly if she would mind not talking so much !!!! Landing on yer backsides ain't funny. I tried to explain that I wanted her to live. She told Gran that I was fey....eh? Aye, the wee twit was a bit fey! It was quite a while before I could explain it all. She still didn't believe me, she said I took long enough to think it up. If I were to take that long in answering some man to marry him, I'd be in the long rocker. My Daddy lived a good while longer than she and he never did say alot. He would say, "she'll tell you." and thumb toward Mom.


Alondra 06-20-2010 05:47 PM

That's so funny. My little granddaughter thinks her Nana lives in a computer screen, because we use Skype to visit. When she wakes up in the morning, she takes my daughter by the hand and leads her to the computer, saying "Nana, Nana!" I love it!

butterflywing 06-20-2010 05:57 PM

this isn't a misconception - this is a conception.

when our kids were small we went camping a lot. after a shower i wore a long loose-skirted dress with no undies. it was summer, right. it embarrassed my daughter to tears. i explained to her - and this is the conception - that no one would ever know unless they turned me upside down. :roll:

GrammaNan 06-20-2010 06:42 PM

When I was little I thought that as long as my mom had checks, she had money!

Alondra 06-20-2010 06:45 PM

Funny, isn't it, but a lot of people these days think if they have credit/debit cards, they have money. <g> Our kids have grown up watching us charge things, so I guess, to some extent, that's natural. Somebody along the way forgot to teach them the reality, though.

GrammaNan 06-20-2010 06:45 PM

Originally Posted by tntgranny
I had to put a cleaner "nice" nightgown on my mother and make her bed before she would let me call the paramedics to take her to the hospital. She was having knee problems and could not walk - not life threatening - but, please!!! They don't care if your bed is made and an 88 year old woman in an imperfect older nightgown is not important

OMG! I can really relate to this one. When I was 3 years old, my grandfather was supposed to be watching me. I stuck a plastic baseball bat in my mouth and started running with it and, you guessed it! I fell and rammed it down my throat. My grandma had to give me a bath and sent my mom for clean clothes before she would let them take me to the hospital!

skpkatydid 06-20-2010 06:47 PM

As a child, I thought that when you turned off the TV the programs stopped.

Barb M 06-20-2010 06:51 PM

Ok this is a good one. My husband has sleep apnea, and sleeps with a machine for it. Well he also has another problem, unrelated to this LOL, but somehow our grandaughter tied the two problems together. Ok, sometimes his denture flaps in the breeze! LOL So our grandaughter, who hasnt been told yet about false teeth, was visiting. Grandpa was sitting on the couch watching tv, and he started to fall asleep, and he started snoring, and yup, his teeth started flapping in the breeze! LOL LOL Elisa runs over and shakes grandpa and yells, grandpa grandpa wake up! Put your machine one so you don't lose your teeth!!!!! LOL LOL LOL She thought that was what the machine was for LOL

mom-6 06-20-2010 06:56 PM

One of my boys (that I used to think was at least halfway smart, but I've revised that opinion for several reasons now) apparently thought that as long as you still had checks in the checkbook you still had money in the bank!

Pins n' Ndls 06-20-2010 06:57 PM

When my daughter was very young she thought there was a little man in the fridge who shut off the light . One day upon checking it out, she got her nose caught in the door. We still laugh about it and she is 53 years old.

Barb M 06-20-2010 07:28 PM

Thanks for making me laugh so much guys. This is the most fun i've had since hubby's heart attack recovery, good thread!!! :)

Kas 06-20-2010 07:38 PM

Originally Posted by bob1414
When I was little I deposited my coin collection into the bank thinking it was "safe" there. Of course my collection was gone! (The owner of the bank was a coin collector - I bet he was happy - I had OLD coins in very, very good condition)

I also thought that if someone said "I'll call you for lunch" or something like that, that people actually mean it. I mean it but I've found others don't.

I'm sad no one in your family stopped you. My mom told me I wouldn't see that $2.00 bill again if I deposited it. Of course, now I can't find it!

Ramona Byrd 06-20-2010 07:38 PM

When my youngest daughter was little, she had cut most
of her hair off when I wasn't looking. After she stopped
crying after I scolded her, I told her that her hair would
grow out like her daddy's. She thought about that a minute,
then burst out crying. Said that she didn't want a hole on
her head like his!!

He was going bald up on top!! Took me a long time to
explain about men and women's hair growth patterns.

nwm50 06-20-2010 07:39 PM

makes two of us...cat is looking at me strange from me laughing so hard at all these stories. Now i can go to bed giggling! Thanks everybody for sharing your funny story. Too tired to think of one, have tooo many to tell!

Kas 06-20-2010 07:40 PM

Originally Posted by bstanbro
When cows laugh too hard does milk come out of their noses?

OoooH! ROTFLMAO! We need a really laughing hard Smilie!

Kas 06-20-2010 07:46 PM

I thought Captain Kangaroo could see me eating my breakfast and changing out of my nightgown when I was little. I would make Mama turn it off before I would get dressed.

bearisgray 06-20-2010 07:48 PM

When I was little, I thought there was only ONE (Ben Franklin, Montgomery Ward, Sears, etc) of these stores and that was "our" one.

rb. 06-20-2010 07:58 PM

Mine was stupid-funny when I first realized it, but after that moment it's made me very sad...

I was born halfway through the 60s. I grew up in Canada, but on the border with the US, and more than half our tv stations were American. I remember growing up, watching that little black and white tv, seeing the horrible news all the time...Vietnam, protests, etc.

Well, by the time I was about 7 or 8, we finally had a colour tv. That would have been around 1972? I remember watching tv, and thinking how cool colour was, then a show would come on without colour. At the bottom of the screen, in little black or white letters it would say "Black and White". Well, if you don't think young ones pick up on things, think again. For many years, I thought that meant that both black and white people were allowed to watch the show. That memory makes me want to cry every time I think of it.

harrishs 06-20-2010 08:27 PM

My mother told me if I crossed my eyes that they would stay that way------I tried and tried to get them to stay that way but they never did-----

lylamarie 06-20-2010 08:47 PM

When I was 14, co-joined twins had been born. They were called Siamese Twins then, anyway I was in our glassed in porch and called my mom, dad, aunt and uncle to come quick and see the siamese butterflies in our window. I never did live that one down (mating butterflies)

Barb M 06-20-2010 08:57 PM

Oh too funny lylamrie. Hmmm, let's see, when i was little, i noticed that nuns didn't wear wedding rings, and didnt have children lol. So when i saw a wedding proposal on tv, i yelled oh yuk, he put the ring on her finger, now she's gonna have a baby!!! lol Yup i thought the ring had special powers to make babies lol

craftybear 06-20-2010 09:34 PM

interesting thread, thanks for all of the laughs

Judie 06-20-2010 10:19 PM

I used to drive a lot.. and I'd take my kids along some of the time.. My son was learning what all the road signs meant.. He'd look at them and tell me what they meant... it was great fun until we came to a sign that had an arrow pointing straight up.. He could not figure out how any car could go that way!

I also had to explain to one of them what was meant by a sign that said "Dead End Campers Only" the child wanted to know what a dead end camper was? I had to turn around and go back to see what sign they had read... I laughed so much about that. Anyone ever seen a dead end camper?

stitchinwitch 06-21-2010 03:02 AM

This is great! If we keep going, hey - we could write a book - alot of laughter here!

rb. 06-21-2010 04:06 AM

This one was a neighbour's. Mom and two neighbour ladies sitting around the kitchen table having coffee in the 70s. Somehow discussion turns to feminine hygiene products. Mom and one neighbour end up talking about thank goodness we don't need those belt contraption things any more to hold things in place each month. Third woman, in her early 40s, is aghast at them. How could they possibly use those feminine products with adhesive...they hurt so bad when you pull them off! :lol:

bearisgray 06-21-2010 05:28 AM

Originally Posted by rb.
This one was a neighbour's. Mom and two neighbour ladies sitting around the kitchen table having coffee in the 70s. Somehow discussion turns to feminine hygiene products. Mom and one neighbour end up talking about thank goodness we don't need those belt contraption things any more to hold things in place each month. Third woman, in her early 40s, is aghast at them. How could they possibly use those feminine products with adhesive...they hurt so bad when you pull them off! :lol:

:lol: :lol:

mrspete 06-21-2010 05:29 AM

Conception/misconception these are all wonderful stories and I relate to many of them. Even have charlie horses in ma cheeks from laughing so much. Thanks folks. Blessings, Ruth

Pamela Artman 06-21-2010 05:47 AM

When my son was young, I drove through a fast food store and we ate in the car. He told me not to drink my coke because you're not supposed to drink and drive! When I was a teenager, my parents never talked about money in front of us kids. They thought we didn't need to know about their finances. I actually thought that a tv and a fridge and a car all cost about the same.

ctquilter 06-21-2010 06:13 AM

I was born in the late 50's, I was quite young (remember-quite young) during the Viet Nam war, and when I heard the reports of guerilla warfare I thought our soldiers were actually fighting against gorillas.

lnikkers52 06-21-2010 06:35 AM

my son calls me BC ,before color .:0

bearisgray 06-21-2010 06:53 AM

I wondered how the people fit in the radio - and how they knew to talk when we turned it on.

bearisgray 06-21-2010 08:35 AM

On older envelopes it would say "within five days return to sender" on the upper left hand corner.

I thought the recipient was supposed to do that.

(I was/am so dumb/literal-minded - wonder how I've survived this long!)

sewjoyce 06-21-2010 09:47 AM

Originally Posted by rb.
This one was a neighbour's. Mom and two neighbour ladies sitting around the kitchen table having coffee in the 70s. Somehow discussion turns to feminine hygiene products. Mom and one neighbour end up talking about thank goodness we don't need those belt contraption things any more to hold things in place each month. Third woman, in her early 40s, is aghast at them. How could they possibly use those feminine products with adhesive...they hurt so bad when you pull them off! :lol:

Now that's hilarious!! :lol: :lol:

Lynnc 06-21-2010 11:12 AM

When I was little I thought car insurance covered all repairs (engine, brakes, etc.)

Judie 06-21-2010 12:00 PM

Okay.. here we go.. I'm in my 60's and only learned today that the switch for your garbage disposer actually turn on and off the outlet for the disposer.. there isn't a switch on the disposer itself.. Gee, I thought every single appliance in the world was turned off and on at the appliance, not the outlet!! I guess you don't have to be young to have some idea that's WRONG!! (I found that out when I wanted to use the other side of the outlet under the sink for a fan! The fan would only work when the disposer was on.. so I had to ask my husband.. He laughed at me)

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