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jojo47 06-09-2010 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by ctack2
Fall - Love it
Winter - Icy Roads and Frigid temps

But I love more about the different seasons than I hate.
Summer - Blue skies, sunshine, white puffy clouds, oceans and beaches
Fall - walking through the fallen leaves, the smell of campfires
Winter - watching big wet falling snowflakes, hot cocoa, Christmas
Spring - Colorful flowers popping their little heads up, first bird songs of the season, soft spring rains

I could go on and on....the wonder of God's nature is awesome!

Carol B

Are you sure you don't live in SW MN? :wink:

jojo47 06-09-2010 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by Panda

Originally Posted by pab58
As far as the weather is concerned, I can't stand the humidity!! YUCKY, YUCKY, YUCKY!!! It makes me cranky and my hair looks like it's been in a light socket!!

Right now my biggest complaint around here is all the road construction -- IT'S ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHERE!!!! North, south, east, and west -- all at the same time!! I have to keep altering my route nearly every other day! Just when I think I have finally hit upon a good one, those little ugly orange flowers pop up!!! They are also known as barricades! I'm so thankful that all those people have jobs (since my fiance has been laid off for one year now), but enough of the dirt and gravel and sitting in traffic and wasting fuel and smelling car fumes and having stones fly up and hit my car which chips my paint and sometimes it's taking me 30 minutes longer to get home in the evening!!!!! ARGH!!!

Okay, I'm through venting now!

Now ya know, there are really only 2 seasons in Michigan right?
Winter and Road Construction! :lol:

Michigan isn't the only state with those two seasons! :D :D

Alu_Rathbone 06-09-2010 05:45 PM

Chicago has two seasons... Hot and Cold...

I hate cooking in the summer... inside or out side! I especially hate doing dishes in the summer (rather year round :P ) We don't have central air... so the kitchen is a virtual oven in the summer.

mzsooz 06-09-2010 06:03 PM

I hate winter. I hate to drive in snow and ice. Everything is dead looking. Too many deaths in my family happen in fall and winter. I also suffer from depression and fibromyalgia and everything is worse when it is cold.

My favorite time is spring. All the new life. Everything is green, baby animals...perfect temps (low 70s). And the best part of summer is NO SCHOOL!! I can sleep in! Two more years and my baby graduates from High school and I can sleep in all year long! :-D

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