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sept97 04-28-2013 04:36 AM


lol enjoy it's self explanetory

verna2197 04-28-2013 05:12 AM

I have 2 Mini LH Doxies and a Belguim Shepherd. My male doxie will chase the shepherd all around the yard. My2 doxies lay side by side with touching. My female doxie will grab my male doxies tale and drag him thur the house. When my female doxie wants some attention from me she will stare straight at me and growl real low. Not a mean growl, its just too funny.

Lady Diana 04-28-2013 06:14 AM

My daughter has a Quaker parrot. She bonded with a sweet little yellow parakeet that would lean up against the parrot a little under her wing. After the parakeet died, I made a little square pillow, cotton on the outside. My daughter placed it in the cage up against the side of it. The Quaker immediately started leaning against it when she sleeps. Now all my daughter says, is Nite Nite and the little parrot goes in her cage and snuggles against her pillow.
Recently she has taken to now leaning against the pillow and laying her head sideways over the top of it. I haven't heard of parrots sleeping with pillows....so cute.

Retired Fire Chief 04-28-2013 06:29 AM

Out of our 5 dogs Oliver is the silliest, he will be sleeping in a chair (yes, they have free range on the furniture) then he gets up, lays down on the floor, rolls on his back and goes back to sleep! And he does it almost every time he naps! I need to figure out how to post a picture to share kids with the board!

Luv Quilts and Cats 04-28-2013 12:40 PM

Most of the places I have lived had a circular route that went through all the rooms. The first two cats I had, not related to each other, and 1 1/2 apart in age, would run the circle route when I came home from work. One would run clockwise, the other counter-clockwise. And they never bumped into each other on the blind turns! It was so funny. They knew they would get fed when I got home, they were just so happy to eat they would do a pre-dinner jaunt! Too funny. The oldest cat was very vocal and had a very loud meow. One day I had to call someplace before they closed so when I came home I got on the phone right away. Well, the two cats did their run around the apartment. when the oldest cat realized the food was not forthcoming, he stood at my feet and began meowing. The lady I was talking to on the other end of the line told me she would hold if I needed to take care of my "crying baby". I laughed and said that was my hungry cat crying for dinner! She laughed and said I better feed him before he eats me! We finished the business we were discussing and only then did I feed the cats.

mommafank 04-28-2013 01:07 PM

My cat is not funny or cute---sleeps in one chair for about 12 hours then moves to another for the next 12. But my daughter has one that brings her things she finds in out of the way places---could be a lost sock or a rubber band. Once it was a binder clip and another time a pencil. She is the cleanup cat! She has 4 cats and they often line up at the food bowl and wait in line to eat---really a sight to see!

Grinster 04-28-2013 03:30 PM

We had 2 goldens and they had so many endearing behaviors. One that was unusual is they liked to drink the water from the faucet in the bathtub. The older one, Lucy, would get in the tub and if we visited anyone she searched out the bathroom and if we could not find her she would be found in their tub waiting for someone to turn on the water. Ruby wasn't so adventuresome away from home but if you did not turn on the water she would stamp her paw to let you know she wanted the water on. They are both at the Rainbow Bridge and we are hoping soon to bring a couple goldens into our home as it has been very lonely without them.

quilter2090 04-28-2013 04:28 PM

My rough coated collie will put his body across in front of mine to protect me if any of the other dogs are acting up.He's my protector. It doesn't matter that none of the other dogs would hurt me. For him,it's just how he is.

chips88 04-28-2013 04:35 PM

my avatar . his name is chips. when i make my bed he jumps in the middle. so we have to play on the bed awhile then he gets off. then i finish making my bed. he is a funny guy..

Bren 04-29-2013 02:12 AM

This is the first time I have replied to a post in quite awhile. We lost our three doxies just a few months apart. They were all quite old 15, 17 1/2, and 15 1/2, and we had them since they were babies. Sassy, my avatar, had to be put to sleep on January 6. I will never forget walking in the house from our vets office and the empty, lonely feeling; it really didn't feel like our house at all. We got her ashes back from the crematory on January 9 which released another flood of tears from both of us. We had decided not to get another pet for awhile since we get so attached and it hurts so much to lose them. The next day I came home from running errands and Larry, my DH met me at the gate with a little black dog on a leash! He had been in our front yard talking to a neighbor when the little dog ran up to him and literally jumped into his arms! She had no collar, no ID at all. We inquired around the neighborhood and no one claimed her. We put out info on our homeowner's association website, and it turns out some people had found her running loose and tried to keep her, but she kept getting out. By this time, we had kept her for a couple of days and were getting attached, but we continued to try to find her owner, took her to our vet and the animal shelter both to have her scanned for a chip. Long story long, we still have her and love her. Even though we didn't want another pet, she has brought love and laughter back into our home as only a furbaby can. She is a darling black mini Schnauzer about 2 years old and so well behaved we can't believe someone was not moving heaven and earth to find her. We named her Alexis, Lexi for short. After all this rambling on (thank you all for letting me share my grief) I will tell you a couple of things she does that just crack us up. When she gets up from a nap, she has a very elaborate stretching routine where she stretches her back legs out, then her front legs. Then she cross stretches--front left leg and back right, then front right and back left. She does this a few times until she gets all limbered up then goes on about her business. The other cute thing she does is washes her face like a cat by licking her paw and rubbing it over her face and whiskers. I have not ever seen a dog do this before! Sorry to be long-winded, but thanks for listening. Oh by the way, she wears a tag with our information, and we had her chipped and given all her shots so if somehow she does get out, hopefully someone will bring her home.

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