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RedGarnet222 05-15-2009 08:00 PM

I totally love reading about all the hobbies of my quilt board buddies! This is really fun reading about you all.

lgeorge 05-16-2009 08:00 AM

I thought that I was the only one that had so many projects going on at the same time:

1. Quilting
2. Sewing for Grandkids
3. Gardening
4. Woodworking
5. Painting
6. Crocheting
7. Mowing our yard and weed eat for a neighbor and Mother-in-Law
8. Help Clean at the Church
9. Help a friend with Cabins
10. Play with our 3 dogs
11. Computer, (alot)
12. Set up Communion at Church

I do a little bit of each. Some days I can't do a whole lot because of my arthritis. So it depends how I feel and how I can get along, is what I choose for that day.When I feel good watch out, I go until I drop because I never know how long it will be before I can anything again.

QuiltMania 05-16-2009 03:09 PM

1. Crochet
2. Embroidery (hand only)
3. Tatting
4. Spinning (drop spindle only -- DH won't get me a spinning wheel yet)
5. Want to try hand dying as soon as I can make a space
6. Want to learn trapunto
7. Canning
8. Baking
9. Genealogy
10. Scrapbooking

No wonder I can't get everything done!

MollieSue 05-16-2009 06:30 PM

Great post RedGarnet22!!! It's fun reading through them all!

For myself:
Gardening - the kids have teased me that soon my whole front yard will be flower gardens, it's close now. DH has also beome addicted to it too. :D
Reading - Read 1-3 books a week, of anything.
Yard sales & Estate auctions - we almost need to pull a trailor with us!
This Board - too much so sometimes! lol!!!
Canning - got back into it last summer, and want to do much more this summer.
Anything having to do with our kids & grandkids! :D
We're also quite involved with our church, and both of us are on our local AngelFood Ministries board, and are quite involved with that.
Soon to be drag racing again, as soon as my youngest son gets his car ready to go, is letting me drive it! :D
Bike riding
Walking with our dogs.....

RedGarnet222 05-18-2009 08:28 PM

:D :D :D All of the posts have been so fun to read. I loved the pictures. I do things with my church too. It sure makes you feel good to help.

Thanks everyone for sharing a little of who you are with us.

Bevanger 05-19-2009 06:08 AM

Wow! we sure have some talented people here.
I sew/quilt
cross stitch
hand embroidery
read (mostly Debbie Macomber)

kwhite 05-19-2009 06:21 AM

WOW very interesting bunch of people here. Am I the only gun totin Mama here?

gcathie 05-19-2009 06:52 AM

I like to Quilt of course and all the books I can get my hands on....:-)
cross stitch
make stuffed animals
make dolls
finding good sales on fabric....:-)
I just love to try new things it all intrests me....but mostly quilting....:-)

Catlady 05-20-2009 05:53 PM

embroidery (crewel)
tole paint (teach it also)
take pix of my 3 cats
buy lots of fabric


cjc 05-20-2009 07:08 PM

knit, crotchet
cross stitch
I'm a lapidary so I cut stones
I make wire and beaded jewelry
My husband pan and look for gold

cjc 05-20-2009 07:09 PM

Also genealogy

Nita 05-21-2009 06:40 AM

I seem to go from one "therapy" to the next, but right now I like to do:

Rubber stamping/Card making
Basket weaving
Counted Cross Stitch
Needle punch embroidery

Sew and Sew 05-21-2009 07:12 AM

Well lets see, a lot of the same hobbies as the other folks......Crocheting, quilting, baking, canning, making sour dough bread, veggy gardening, flower beds, landscaping, dried flower arranging, cross stitch, machine and hand embroidery, getting my 2 1/2 yr old grandson for about 3 or 4 days a month,.....and oh yea..........working..............(that is not a hobby, but why else would they call it WORK......and not playing.......hahahaha

Justquilting 05-21-2009 07:21 AM

Wow, so many talented people
for me,
used to cross stitch ( no time)
house decorating ( always repainting & changing)

RedGarnet222 05-21-2009 08:49 AM

:shock: Wow some of these hobbies are wonderful. It say's a lot about us that we like to do so much with our time. Life is so much more interesting when art is a big part of it. I really think that quilting falls in the art catagory, don't you?

I love all the homey things we choose to do. In a world that has lost the drive to make things instead of buy them, it really say's I can make my world better and I don't mind a little work that is involved with it. Huh?

I used to love going to school and learning. But at this stage of my life, I just want to enjoy home and family. Not that I don't learn all the time, but it is not a big priority like it used to be.

MadQuilter 05-21-2009 09:33 AM

Originally Posted by kwhite
Am I the only gun totin Mama here?

I tried to shoot skeet once because DH was part of a shootin' club. WELL, I actually hit a few but I didn't see them blow because my eyes were tightly shut. Probably not a good idea. Then the danged gun kicked me in the shoulder and I quit. ......Even though, quilting is tough on the shoulders too.

Ducky 05-21-2009 10:19 AM

I tried using a bb gun once - that's the closest to a gun I've ever gotten.

cutebuns 05-21-2009 11:25 AM

Are kids classified as a hobby? They seem to multiply around here

Garden, both flower and veg
machine embroidery
guitar hero
taking pictures
wood working
paint things
bead work
quad and dunebuggies

I do play with weapons in the back yard with the family, I have yet to shoot the new shotgun and my fav thing to play with the sling shot, though the kids recently found they work great with paintballs.

quiltnut4ever 05-21-2009 03:28 PM

Wow lots of talented people here! Mine are:
Home Decorating
Cross stitch (no time though :(
Reading lots of quilt books and quilt novels!
REading quilt magazines, from front to back
Reading crime novels, James Patterson or Ann Rule
Reading....um, ok you get the idea! :)
Going to Barnes and Noble, drink a starbux hot chocolate and read all the quilting magazines for free :)
SHOP FOR FABRIC! One can NEVER have enough of it!
Crochet (but its hot in Florida!)
the list goes on and on and on .....lol!

Quilting Aggi 05-21-2009 03:46 PM

hmm well the most obvious to start...


Scrapbooking (been away from it for 1 1/2 years.. can't wait to get started at it again once I get my sewing/scrapbook studio room set up.... it's getting there!!

Cooking/Baking and experimenting in the kitchen, collecting recipes



Lately lots of house renos.... hee hee the joys of being a new homeowner!!!

and soon.. hopefully very soon like this weekend, walking my new dog!!! I just need to get him/her!!! Waiting on two phone calls about 2 dogs. Whichever phone call I get first is the winner!!!

Chele 05-21-2009 05:34 PM

A creative and talented bunch for sure! It was great to read of all the varied hobbies and interests. We could all teach each other so much!

Besides quilting and sewing, I enjoy cooking, grilling, baking, trying new art mediums, reading blogs for inspiration, antiques, and keeping teenagers in line. It's all fun, and I enjoy every minute of it.

Joan 05-21-2009 05:48 PM

I have a few, too:

walking my dogs, they demand it (the black Labs of Pine Grove, Ca--Molly and Abby)

working out at CURVES--you would think I would be as skinny as a rail --not so LOL)



garage sales---can't go past one for the life of me, have more junk than anyone could imagine

collecting antique dolls

enjoying my grandson, Stewart

and best of all-QUILTING and buying lots of fabric!!!!

supporting my husband in his love of old cars and old radios

so many things to do---so litttle time :shock:

Jim's Gem 05-21-2009 06:40 PM

I like to quilt
cross stitch (though my shoulders have not let me lately)
collect fabric
grow my roses and flowers
I'm a mentor mom for a MOPS group (mother's of preschoolers)
collect fabric
occasionally play a game on the computer with DH and Kids
play with my 3 Labs
collect fabric
do crafts (not much time any more cause of working :( )
take care of my 100 gal freshwater aquarium
collect fabric
and of course shop for fabric and quilting supplies.

RedGarnet222 05-22-2009 08:21 AM

It is totally amazing how many hobbies some of you have. Some of those really take time and talent to perfect. I like what chele said, we could teach each other some great skills. It would be fun to get together and have a show and tell... Huh? Wow! From what I have seen on the board, it would really be something to remember.

Tippy 05-22-2009 11:05 AM

I enjoy most textile crafts, especially making dolls and teddy bears, and I know how to do most needle crafts, though there's not time enough to do everything.. I enjoy SCUBA diving, but am landlocked now.. same goes for sailing.. had to get rid of my kayaks and hobiecat when I moved. I love riding my motorcycle and I'm in the process of renovating a '72 VW bug and rebuilding the engine in my '64 Meyers Manx, I love cooking, reading and am going to try my hand at gem mining and gold panning this summer. I also like Tai Chi and TaeKwonDo. although have pretty much quit the latter.. I'm gettin old y'all......oh, and I'm an incurable collector. I've had my own radio show in the past and done a fair amount of community theatre... I'm telling you there are not enough hours in the day...lol..

Boston1954 05-22-2009 05:06 PM

I have written 199 poems and also I love photography. Two of my husband's younger brothers have said that I could make my living at it.
I also like blue glassware but have to be selective about what I get as I do not have much room here.

MissTreated 05-22-2009 08:54 PM

In addition to quilting,
I like to sew clothing (had my own business for 20 years)
Fly fishing and fly tying
Bike riding

RedGarnet222 05-23-2009 07:34 AM

See?? This group of ladies is so multi-talented!!! WOW! I never realized what some of you all can do when I posted this thread. It is beyond my understanding how some of these hobby's came to being in your lives. Kudo's to you all for stepping up the pace.

mkanderson 05-23-2009 08:23 AM

I do several things (did more when I was able!)
Read (Karen Kingsbury books…the best!)
Flowers (when I was able)
Garden (when I was able)
Scrap booking
Taking pictures (like to do wildlife and was wanting to do more with this but can’t now)

cutebuns 05-23-2009 08:33 AM

I think being creative and working with your hands translates well to other mediums, once you can work well with your hands with one thing, it is easier to pick up other things. There is a lot of photographers in the group, might make it easier to find and want to capture the beauty we see.

The odds are that we would try and do a lot more if we had the time. I need to have two or three of me running around just to do half of what I want to do.

mkanderson 05-23-2009 08:36 AM

Originally Posted by cutebuns
I think being creative and working with your hands translates well to other mediums, once you can work well with your hands with one thing, it is easier to pick up other things. There is a lot of photographers in the group, might make it easier to find and want to capture the beauty we see.

The odds are that we would try and do a lot more if we had the time. I need to have two or three of me running around just to do half of what I want to do.

I hear you there!! :lol: :lol:

RedGarnet222 05-23-2009 12:41 PM

Me too but I don't think they have kit for cloning yet>> LOL!

cutebuns 05-23-2009 01:49 PM

So Red, will you let me know when they do have cloning kits? I would like to pre order 2 right off the bat.

kwhite 05-23-2009 02:24 PM

Originally Posted by MadQuilter

Originally Posted by kwhite
Am I the only gun totin Mama here?

I tried to shoot skeet once because DH was part of a shootin' club. WELL, I actually hit a few but I didn't see them blow because my eyes were tightly shut. Probably not a good idea. Then the danged gun kicked me in the shoulder and I quit. ......Even though, quilting is tough on the shoulders too.

I find it a lot of fun and very relaxing since when you are shooting you have to block everything else from your mind. Plus you can imagine what ever is aggravating you on the target and after you put a few hundred rounds through a target with your bosses face on it you feel much better. LOL

2K 05-23-2009 03:05 PM

Hmmm, well, theres:

Riding Harley
Stained Glass
Rug Making
Classical Piano
Sign Language
Polymer Clay

Think I'll stop. I'm pooped.

Oh, and nagging DH! I just LOVE nagging DH. Really, there's just no hobby as fulfilling as nagging DH. Sorry, I almost forgot that one!

Yes, I use to LOVE skeet shooting. Don't do it anymore because of MS.

kd124 05-31-2009 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by Baren*eh*ked_canadian
Other than quilting...

-I love to dance, I take ballroom, and I'm doing a triple swing in a show in a month.

-I paint and draw, mostly watercolor portraits, I find it challenging because it has to be so precise to look like the person it's supposed to look like. Plus, with watercolor you have to be careful not to mess up because you can't just paint over it. No erasing, no covering, it's hard but I love it.

-I play the guitar. I have 7 guitars, although one is in need of a new bridge, and an other (electric) is in pieces after I took it apart to give it a lovely new paint job ( I used metallic blue, left over from a car I painted at work)

Let me see if I can pull up a few pics for you guys...

very nice portraits

kd124 05-31-2009 05:04 PM

Such a talented group we have here.
I kind of go through phases on some--back and forth--art stuff, sketch and paint on driftwood, pastel drawings, crochet, polymer clay stuff (right now is beads).
I love photography, camping, fishing, gardening, reading and playing computer games and I volunteer -right now it's mostly teaching juveniles to quilt.

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