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mdollar 12-29-2010 06:45 AM

Mine was a little silver cross on a chain that one of my grandsons picked out himself. I is very pretty and hangs perfectly! Love it!

Charlee 12-29-2010 08:07 AM

We made some purchases together...we got a new tv, as the old one was starting to act up, we got a WII, as we've decided that we're not going out as much this year and will have that to play with at home for no additional costs, and a GPS for the car, because I get lost, A LOT! :lol:

When we went to Idaho for Christmas, he took me "junkin' " one afternoon, and we found a Hinterberg quilting hoop in one of the second hand stores, with two additional hoops for $30! He also bought me a set of two Gingers...8" shears and 4" snips.

The best part of Christmas was seeing him interact with his family. He was so happy!

theifner 12-29-2010 08:21 AM

My grandchildren out of foster care and living with me.

Abby'smom 12-29-2010 08:26 AM

besides the quilting books, I got a mp3 player -- this is a learning experience with its touch pad and slidey controls -- I am downloading a free song a day and learning to get the thing to play -- I wonder what it would be like with one of the fancy sewing machines -- I'm not a etech or mechanical person

kat112000 12-29-2010 08:28 AM


Robinlee 12-29-2010 08:34 AM

I didn't get any "quilting/sewing" related things, but I did get a $100.00 gift card for Christopher Banks. I've lost 25 lbs since July, so I am need of some dress clothes for work when I find a job in the new area in which we live.

Then my husband bought us a big screen T.V. on Monday, so I guess that is the next thing I guess. Not my most favorite Chirstmas on my list. But moving didn't help either.

chris_quilts 12-29-2010 10:11 AM

I helped pick out most of my gifts but my DDs bnought me a book without my knowledge. That is my favorite but right after that comes the Martelli cutter with the blades that they also bought for me.

plainpat 12-29-2010 10:49 AM

That's wonderful....quite a Christmas !

Originally Posted by theifner
My grandchildren out of foster care and living with me.

seabolt22 12-29-2010 01:12 PM

My son and his wife are active in childrens little theater. He gave me a christmas cd that featured my DIL singing carols. I had never heard her sing. She has a beautiful voice. I was so moved when I heard it I cried.(glad I was alone)

plainpat 12-29-2010 02:20 PM

WOW....what a wonderful gift.

Originally Posted by seabolt22
My son and his wife are active in childrens little theater. He gave me a christmas cd that featured my DIL singing carols. I had never heard her sing. She has a beautiful voice. I was so moved when I heard it I cried.(glad I was alone)

Barbara W 12-29-2010 03:35 PM

I had the best Christmas present ever: my husband! After dinner last Saturday while we were watching TV he said he didn't feel well and kept rubbing his chest. I called 911 at 7 pm and when the FD medics came (at 7:03)they said he was having a heart attack! They rushed him to the local hospital where we learned that he had a 98% blockage in one artery which they put a stint in. He is now fine and you wouldn't know anything had happened to look at him. We feel very blessed. Thank goodness he paid attention to those ads in the media listing the symptoms and did not ignore them. My NY wish for all is health and happiness (and knowing when to get help when needed).

sewnsewer2 12-29-2010 04:35 PM

My favorite gift was having my son & DGD here!

mosquitosewgirl 12-29-2010 04:50 PM

Where do I begin....my DH listened to me and didn't go tooooo overboard for a change. The bills after Christmas take all the joy right out of it for me. He got me a wonderful ScanPan that I have wanted (but he didn't buy me the whole set. Yay! He can be trained. My DD painted me two pictures, one for my office and one for my studio. My DS who is a chef in Atlanta did chef surveys for Heinz for almost a year, getting $5 Amazon gift cards for each one he took. He saved up and bought me a Kindle and I simply love it.

We had 25 people for dinner at our house and it was simply chaotic, but when it got too overwhelming, I kicked everyone out of the kitchen except my husband and we wrapped things up quickly.

The only downside was that our oldest son and his wife could not be with us.

pinebeltquilter 12-29-2010 05:41 PM

A $100.00 gift card to Kelly's Pins and Needles, a local quilt shop. Also I got a short arm quilting machine on frame a few weeks ago, tho I have not used it yet.

cdufur 12-29-2010 06:30 PM

My favorite "gift" was having both my mom AND my dad together with my kids and grandkids for Christmas. They divorced 21 years ago when my oldest son was 6. Dad was very bitter and would not go anywhere that Mom was. My dad has changed a LOT this past year...even started going to church and studying the Bible. When I offhandedly asked him to join us, he accepted! It was a WONDERFUL day!

marlene tarzwell 12-29-2010 08:00 PM

I received two big gift cards from both my kids for Connecting threads. Boy I had fun last nite ordering all the new threads and sets that I did not have and other things I have been wanting. I love CT!! I did have a second favorite gift and that is the blessings of having healthy loving children and husband and many of Gods Blessings!!!!

marlene tarzwell 12-29-2010 08:13 PM

I received two big gift cards from both my kids for Connecting threads. Boy I had fun last nite ordering all the new threads and sets that I did not have and other things I have been wanting. I love CT!! I did have a second favorite gift and that is the blessings of having healthy loving children and husband and many of Gods Blessings!!!!

marlene tarzwell 12-29-2010 08:15 PM

Originally Posted by marlene tarzwell
I received two big gift cards from both my kids for Connecting threads. Boy I had fun last nite ordering all the new threads and sets that I did not have and other things I have been wanting. I love CT!! I did have a second favorite gift and that is the blessings of having healthy loving children and husband and many of Gods Blessings!!!!


quilt queen 12-29-2010 08:18 PM

The best gift this Christmas for me was seeing the faces and hearing the screams of my two (4 yr old) Granddaughters when bells started to ring, door opened and SANTA walks in and gave each one a special gift...things like that make Christmas...at least for me!

grandma Janice 12-29-2010 08:20 PM

my favorite was a new electric blanket. It's turning very cold and my old bones really enjoy getting into a warm bed.

wildyard 12-29-2010 08:38 PM

My favorite gift was a new boudhran (drum) from my DH. This is a man who rarely buys me a gift at all for any occasion, but this year, he surprised me with this drum I have been wanting for at least 2 years!!! Color me happy!!
I got 2 great quilting books from my DD and from my DS, a special present that also blew me away. He is a wonderful photographer, and had taken a photo of a bird that I loved, and had asked him to blow it up for me like 6 mos. ago. For Christmas, he had this photo blown up and printed on canvas so it looks like a beautiful oil painting. I didn't even know this was possible, it's just wonderful!! This is the DS I am collecting the bird fabrics to use in his quilt!! Now you see why he is worth all the trouble! Smiles. It was a wonderful and special Christmas, spending time with my children, their spouses and my grandchildren. Each made me know I was loved and that they knew they were loved in return. What more can one ask than the love of their family?

Dee 12-29-2010 09:30 PM

Being with my DH and very dear friends.

plainpat 12-30-2010 02:33 AM

That is truly a great Christmas.....nothing better in this world than having our loved ones safe & well.I'm happy it turned out good for both of you.

Originally Posted by Barbara W
I had the best Christmas present ever: my husband! After dinner last Saturday while we were watching TV he said he didn't feel well and kept rubbing his chest. I called 911 at 7 pm and when the FD medics came (at 7:03)they said he was having a heart attack! They rushed him to the local hospital where we learned that he had a 98% blockage in one artery which they put a stint in. He is now fine and you wouldn't know anything had happened to look at him. We feel very blessed. Thank goodness he paid attention to those ads in the media listing the symptoms and did not ignore them. My NY wish for all is health and happiness (and knowing when to get help when needed).

plainpat 12-30-2010 02:36 AM

Lucky you.I have no space for anything more, but the short arm machines look great....enjoy!

Originally Posted by pinebeltquilter
A $100.00 gift card to Kelly's Pins and Needles, a local quilt shop. Also I got a short arm quilting machine on frame a few weeks ago, tho I have not used it yet.

plainpat 12-30-2010 02:44 AM

I've been down that road (parents divorce),but the get together never happened.My Father lived in same town, never remarried,but we seldom saw him & never really knew him.Thankfully,Mom married my 2nd Dad & he took on the bunch of us (3kids) as his own.
Sorry, didn't mean to jabber on. I'm glad you are close to your parents & had a good day together.

Originally Posted by cdufur
My favorite "gift" was having both my mom AND my dad together with my kids and grandkids for Christmas. They divorced 21 years ago when my oldest son was 6. Dad was very bitter and would not go anywhere that Mom was. My dad has changed a LOT this past year...even started going to church and studying the Bible. When I offhandedly asked him to join us, he accepted! It was a WONDERFUL day!

drdolly 12-30-2010 06:08 AM

All of our 3 of our DDs, 2SILs, 3 GDs, where at our house for Christmas, they all are healthy and have jobs, my dh was in good health as was I, that was the greastes gift, until my husband told our children that we were taking the Alaska cruise late next summer. Can't wait.

mountain deb 12-30-2010 07:27 AM

A mantel and a grandfather clock, both about 100 to 200 years old.

Roberta 12-30-2010 08:28 AM

My favorite gift was a Kindle from my DS.

fatquarters 12-30-2010 09:28 AM

We postponed our celebration until new years eve so we could all be together, but I already know that nothing under the tree will beat the joy I had at 3a.m this morning when my family arrived. The 3dgks age 7,4,&2 came in the house and were literally bouncing, with hugs and kisses,smiles and laughter. I couldn't believe how excited they were and I knew that my bestest gift had arrived.

samifel 12-30-2010 12:22 PM

My granddaughter gave me a CD with wonderful family pictures of people who are no longer with us. The background was her singing "Angels Among Us". She is 13

kathome 12-30-2010 05:39 PM

Kindle from my son. All I've done since Christmas morning is read!

GrannieAnnie 12-31-2010 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by leatheflea
My son gave me crystals to hang in my sewing room windows, when the sunlight comes through them they make little rainbows all over my sewing room.

I've got crystals hanging in my dining room and bed room. LOVE THE LIGHT THEY THROW>

Oops, hubby took my dining room ones down a week or so ago during a windstorm. Got to restring them and have him rehang them. MIne are outside the window, they don't twist and swing here inside the house.

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