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  • Recent changes in General Chit-Chat and the Personal Announcements section

  • Recent changes in General Chit-Chat and the Personal Announcements section

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    Old 07-26-2009, 12:27 AM
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    if i win the miss america beauty pageant, is that something everyone wants to laugh at or is that confined to the personal section? if there are 8 x 10 glossies, is it in pictures?
    First of all, I would like to digress and point out that the Pictures section is only for quilt-related pictures. The Pictures section is one of the "main" themed sections of the quilting message board. All other kinds of pictures should go into either GCC or PDA.

    But I agree that often it's not clear where to post, even with non-controversial topics.

    I'm leaning towards judging by how "contagious" the topics are. If it's something that can spawn dozens of similar topics by other users, then it probably should be posted in the PDA. This way, we'll keep the GCC balanced, and not flooded by similar discussions.

    If one user creates a topic "I won Miss America pageant", it's not likely that 20 other users would post how they just won a "Miss Indiana" or "Miss Universe" or something similar.

    On the other hand, a topic of "I'm having a headache" is likely to be followed by a dozen other topics describing how each poster is having her own headache.

    The result would be the GCC section filled with a listing of topic after topic all about someone's headaches.

    In theory, it doesn't matter if it's positive or negative. But the way it seems to be working out in practice is negative topics spawn more negative topics. While positive topics don't spawn as many similar positive topics.

    Do this explain things better?
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    Old 07-26-2009, 12:45 AM
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    That's making sense, how you're saying that. So it's not if someone posts something personal, but more the nature of it, if its going to cause a domino effect. So i think i could use some examples of what you are saying, cus i know what you are saying, but dont know of the right examples for each. So could i give a couple of examples, and could you explain how each of those would best work out? I'm going to example two sensitive topics, only because i really dont know how this works. Ok, so Henry lost his grandma last week, and now lost his aunt today, and so he has been posting about that in general. Well, he's been away, so doesnt know about diaries either. But my question is, if you implement the above ideas, what is the guideline for this? Would this topic cause a domino effect, and 10 other people start threads that their grandma and aunt all died that week? I'm not being snarky, im being dumb, i really hope you can give examples, because from what you said above, it isnt clear to me where that should go. What about Shadow posted shes back now, and she had to put her cat down. Shadow has been away too, and prob doesnt know about the changes. Even if she did know, my question is, not where should she have put it, because you havent made the new rules yet, i'm asking, with the guidelines you have above, where would her post go? Would hers cause some kind of downward spiral? What about someone announcing they have quit smoking? What kind of spiral would that create, or would it? I just really dont understand and hope you can help explain this ide3a more. Thanks
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    Old 07-26-2009, 01:13 AM
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    I liked seeing the birthdays annouced in GCC cuz I am still a newbie and am getting to know everyone
    I think birthday topics are OK in GCC, but I'm not sure. Let's try and see.

    I would only ask that people don't create a bunch of topics for one person.
    If you know that today is Jane's birthday, and you already see a "Happy birthday Jane" topic in GCC created by someone else, then don't create another topic. Instead join in the existing one.

    Otherwise, we could end up with a GCC listing full of identical topics, and that wouldn't be good.

    As for actually announcing your own birthday, I think it makes sense to do it in the PDA. And I'm pretty sure the congratulations from others will follow in the GCC almost immediately.

    If we use the system of editable PDA titles that I outlined above, then Jane could update her PDA topic title with something like "Jane: Today is my birthday!"

    And I'm sure plenty of people would congratulate her both in PDA and in GCC.

    We have a very friendly group of people. So I think spreading the message won't be a problem once it appears in PDA.

    Someone is bound to open up the PDA listing and see the title :) And it will go on from there.

    but if it is buried in a diary I fear most of the board will miss it
    AHA! That's what I just posted above. People seem to not like posting in the PDA section because they think fewer people read it.

    But why should you be bothered by that? People close to you will read it. And those who are close to you but miss the announcement somehow, will probably get the news via PM or e-mail from others who've read it.

    I know many have contributed lately to sending squares to make group quilts and I think that is a VERY positive thing from this board, but again if it is buried in a diary how do we as a large group reach out to help a person(s) ?
    You see, I don't think that the fear of an important message getting lost in PDA has a solid ground. Yet, this seems to be the root of our discussion from the user's perspective.

    It's about the quality of communications not the quantity. If the cause or the message is important to enough people, then it will spread around. And if it's not important, then shoving it down on everybody won't help. It would simply serve as an annoyance to everyone without any real benefit to the cause.

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    Old 07-26-2009, 01:15 AM
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    Many people use Net Nanny or other types of web filters to keep thier children away from the adult sites that are in abundance. I would think even the word 'raunchy' would cause this site to be blocked from those computers.
    I was worried about the site losing family-safe rating and getting dropped from quilting directories. But this also adds another point I haven't considered. Thanks.
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    Old 07-26-2009, 01:50 AM
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    So what Can be posted in general? You said up above if someone wins the miss america pageant, they can post that, because that wont cause a spiral effect of other people saying i won it too. So, i have Huntington's, which is very very rare, so i can post about HD, and if im having a bad day with it, in the general section, because there wont be 20 other people that will be able to post that they have it too, but someone that has cancer cannot post that, because for sure there will be 20 other people that have had cancer. All i'm getting at, is this isnt making sense yet, unless we have some good examples of what we can post in general, cus i have no idea what, and i did ask about some situations in my post up above. If you dont feel you want to answer about those4 situations, would you be able to think of some other examples that coulod help explain what we can post? Thanks
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    Old 07-26-2009, 02:08 AM
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    Although I am still surprised/puzzled by where it seems to be a no-no to REQUEST prayers, but okay to have prayers OFFERED.
    Actually, it's the same exact issue that we are discussing now.
    Here is the rationale. Prayer requests spawn more prayer requests.

    I could see it clearly. Once a few people posted prayer requests, we saw a flood of them from others for anything from a major surgery to a son/daughter getting into college.

    And when they completely flooded the GCC section and I started deleting them, people complained because their topic was deleted while the other ones were still there.

    So prayer requests vs. offers is about new topics vs. new posts in existing topics.

    That was a long time ago, but it seems this same issue has caught up with us in the form of jokes or the other stuff we are discussing now.

    Another thought - instead of the Personal Announcement section - change it to "Lamentations" and everything that could be construed as a "downer" could go there.
    The PDA is not a section specifically for negative posts. As a matter of fact, it's just as much about positive as about negative.

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    Old 07-26-2009, 02:25 AM
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    Of course, there's the danger that EVERYONE will think their's is a 'special case' but here we have to trust in the judgement of Admin and the mods and accept their 'because I said so's'!
    That's my worry too. And if "denied", people would get really upset. So this approach might not work.
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    Old 07-26-2009, 03:52 AM
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    I guess I am one in the 'fog'!:)I had no idea...well, maybe a hint that you all were having to play recess teachers....here's my input on it...(and I am sure after 14pages, you are excited about that!LOL)

    I personally scroll each section and read by interest..and, lack of! If I see a post that someone is asking a question and there is only a few responses and I see it has moved down...waaay down, I make an effort to answer it. As we all should. That is what makes this a great forum.

    I totally agree w/making a personal section as you are doing...I have a hectic life and honestly (sorry people) don't go there. I am not looking for drama...all I have to do is open my door here at home! I do think people forget that..that we all have baggage and crisis in our personal lives and come to places such as this forum to leave it, even for a moment. Not to come here and add to our stress lists and/or lack of sleep from someone elses. If that makes me insensitive, then so be it...a person's saddle can handle only so much. And I come here for quilts, quilt topics:). I do feel if a person likes to add to their life drama, then great...if you like it, read it, want to keep up w/it...then 'bookmark' it! If you want to find it again if it was to be moved.....bingo! It will follow.

    As a parent, and prob a tougher one....I find it sad that you have to go to this level to maintain what should be going on in the first place. Talking quilts! So, do what you need to do....keep the hen pens seperate if you need to(birds of the feather do flock together)....delete as they continue to post pooh (that would be a time out!) and, if someone wants to complain and whine....kick'm out (tough love!)LOL Skeat...who loves to talk, see, help talk quilts.....the rest of me is heartless in my real world:)
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    Old 07-26-2009, 04:37 AM
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    Originally Posted by tlrnhi
    I think we as a group have put out what we are wanting.

    1. Put Chit Chat back to the way it was......Admin already said he'd probably allow Mare Stare back into Chit Chat next year and I volunteered to moderate it. I have my flyswatter ready to swat hands :)

    2. We agree that we liked being able to wish/celebrate birthdays/anniversaries in seperate threads.

    3. We agree that we like to see threads about where people live and their lives, to include pets and such in seperate threads.

    4. We agree that personal family notices ie, births, deaths, etc should be in seperate threads in Chit Chat because YES, it IS personal in nature, but we are a family and we do band together when tragedy happens to others.

    5. So, like I said in #1, we all agree to have Chit Chat back to the way it was.

    What we are NOT all in agreement on is the jokes.
    We used to have few jokes posted, but in the past few months, the jokes were just rude in my opinion. Posting a rude, raunchy, dirty joke, in my opinion has no place on this board. This is a family atmosphere.
    Even posting it with WARNING in the title is not appropriate. If it's rude/raunchy/dirty, don't post it! We've never had them posted before, so why start now? Like I said, it's only been the past few months that they have started.
    Yes, you HAVE to be 18 to join the board, but if you do a Google search for lets say a joke like one that has been posted here, IT WILL be found on the search. We don't need that on this board.
    I'm sure there are people UNDER the age of 18 that READ the board, just don't join because of their age. Does that mean that there might be someone underage on the board? Sure, there's no place that "scans" your age when you join.

    I like some dirty jokes as much as the next person. Would I post them to the board? NO! Why? Because this is a "family oriented show". Would you stand up at at PTA meeting, church meeting, or any other public meeting and tell your dirty joke? I don't think so. So, if you wouldn't do it there, then you SHOULD NOT do it here!

    Admin has ALOT of reading to do when he gets back. I sure hope his eyes hold out.
    HE will make the decision and I sure as heck don't want to be him. I appreciate what he does for the board. He puts HIS time and HIS money and HIS effort into this.
    I remember a while back when there was the thought of cancelling the board altogether because of something that happened. We are over that event now and we are carrying on.
    This is what we need to do now.
    Instead of beating the dead horse.....oh my....don't really like that saying at the moment.....
    Instead of saying the same thing over and over again, why don't we just TRY to support Admin and the Mods and do as Admin has asked in his FIRST post, because right now, that is NOT happening.
    Admin and Patrice have asked that people hold off on their postings in Chit Chat, but apparently, that request is not being adhered to. So, I'm thinking that since people are not "LISTENING" to what has been asked of them, we (as a group) may not get our wishes.

    Just my opinion.......
    Terri, I really liked your contribution here, and think it's a funny visual that you have your flyswatter ready. :lol:
    I understand what everyone says about the 100 page diaries. I have one, and can't keep up either, BUT, i do love them. I think that was a fantastic idea, and i also think since ppl moved over there, it proves that "some", were not causing all the issues on this board, bc it seems to me, that 99.9%, i'm going by comments here, haven't been on enough lately to check rest of board, but...as I was saying...I think diaries proves, that the issues are not all 'some' ppl's fault. They are over in PDA not 'bothering' anybody.
    I want to say something, since it may be might last chance.
    Even though, I was one that came to board, really am a 'real blusher'...but, after a while, got caught up in the fun, even when the 'tone', slid downhill a bit,
    1- fellow members, please don't assume, that if a person were joking, and a friend 'topped it', with something further out there, that means, both ppl have the same view on what is 'ok'.
    Sometimes i would think, "whoa"..., that's really pushing it...and yes, I would laugh.
    It's not a question of,- if I thought it was funny, but, did I think it was ok to be 'that kind of funny', on here? But ppl can't read each others minds, so the jokes would go on, and it's like guilty by association. You were there, so you all look the same, I guess.
    I am not turning on any one of my friends, by saying that. I love them all, but it's clear the 'fun', has to return to a more normal rating. I think it already has, and has for quite a while now.
    Some ppl were joining in fun, yes for a laugh, but more for the companionship. PDA has proven that, bc from what I have seen, nobody is crossing any lines, over there, and enjoying the friendships immensely.
    I do wish, ppl would stop saying things like...ppl were 'raiding', other ppl's posts. That statement, and I have no idea who said what, I forget, so not attacking anyone, but I for one, never organized a "raid". That sounds so mean-spirited.
    The intent of joking was to spread fun. It just doesn't take very long, to get comfortable in a new, 'joke zone'.
    I have a friend, and we considered ourselves, sidekicks if you will, and said so, but, we thought we were spreading laughter and sharing smiles and contributing, just having a blast, and only did that to friends. Only one person has said, she didn't really like it. Ok, I can kind of see her dilemma, but I think my addition to my tag line, let's ppl know, in future, if there is anything that needs to be brought to my attention, I have big ears, (LOL). and a big heart, and I will listen.
    I too, want the Gcc to go back to the way it was, and I believe that it can.
    I know I won't be 'playing', over there, any more. I have a place for that.
    thanks to all, for contributing, no matter what you said. You were honest, and I have a clearer understanding of everybodies positions.
    thanks, admin, and moderators, tough job, been there. don't anymore, but I wasn't on a board this size, and we just didn't have much to moderate.
    I'm done. :D
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    Old 07-26-2009, 04:43 AM
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    So, admin, when shall your final decisions be made? :wink:
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