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  • Sept 2011 Weight Loss Adventure -- Sept Winner is Katvert!

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    Old 09-22-2011, 04:14 PM
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    I saw that, too, Missy. She is so in denial about her health. How does anyone see 720 pounds as sexy - either the woman or the men who encourage her? Poor Dr Oz wanted so much to help her, but at this point, she doesn't want it. My heart goes out to her children.

    We need to keep on keepin' on. Every day ia a new chance to start over. What did MJ say? Keep on moving forward.
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    Old 09-22-2011, 04:57 PM
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    I didn't see her on tv but I read about her last week. It is a tragedy. Maybe wanting to make herself famous is a cry for attention and love.

    None of us worked towards being obese and I know from experience that some people look down on us because they think we have no will power. I've been insulted by total strangers at the grocery check outs and treated badly by salesman in the stores because of my weight. Even co workers would sometimes make fun of me.

    Getting back to the issue of will power, I don't think there is such a thing when it comes to food. If our bodies are hungry they need to be fed, it seems to be God's design. I think a big problem is in some of the foods we eat, I looked at the calories at Jack in the Box this morning and some of these burgers started at 500 and 600 calories. Another issue is stress, from what I read recently stress releases cortisol and that can make you unusually hungry. I'm not sure what was happening with me as I was gaining and gaining but I would have a meal that I thought was fairly nutritous and filling and within five minutes I would have terrible hunger pains. Believe me when I say that will power wasn't an option. I absolutely believe that it was something going on in my system, intestenal tract thqt wasn't processing the food properly.

    So what's my point? I'm a little hungry for dinner now so it's hard to concentrate. I guess my point is that none of us should feel guilty about the weight we are at and that if our bodies are not ready now to take on the challenge of weight loss we just need more time. It won't work if we're not ready. More of my two cent's later. God bless all of you cutie pies.
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    Old 09-22-2011, 05:47 PM
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    one of my favorite quotes--that i'm probably misquoting-- 'food will appease hunger, not all the food in the world will satisfy emotional hunger'. there are things in all our lives that put us in doubt or in fear, unloved, not good enough, a 1000 other blows to our egos, and we eat. it makes everything better. now we have to rewire and build better defences than an armor of fat. food does not solve all problems. in fact, it solves very few, and for us it creates so many more! plan to take alot of time to retrain, relearn and refocus. this isn't the 7 day diet and you are done. this is for the rest of my life i need to eat like this so i can be at a healthy weight and be a healthy person. the rest of all our lives which will hopefully be long and filled with love and laughter.
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    Old 09-22-2011, 09:41 PM
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    Originally Posted by MissyGirl
    Oh my goodness. I am absolutely speechless and dumbfounded. I just watched Dr Oz with the 700+ pound woman that wants to be 1800 pounds and be the fattest woman. First off...she kept this smile on her face the whole time that scared the crap out of me. Not because I think she is evil or anything but because it is the smile that hides tears. At least, that is how I saw it.

    Her numbers when he put her up on the truth tube were SHOCKING. Her BMI is 128. Doctor Oz said he has never seen another person with that BMI. My BMI when I started this whole thing was 93+. It is now 66.2. Wow. That is a number that cannot be lied away or smudged to be better. This woman kept saying she was healthy. No way no how.

    Her other numbers were just as shocking.

    I think it has affected me so much because my body structure is so much like hers. My mom was watching it with me and I look at her and said, "OMG. I look like her!" Mom said I DID but I do NOT look like that anymore. Sigh.

    My heart aches for this woman because I know what it feels like to be so big and so unhealthy. I am angry at the same time because I saw the picture of her with her two children. I have two children too. Doesn't she understand what it will be like for her sons when she dies? OMG.

    I am sorry if this upsets anyone but you guys know my journey and know how hard this journey has been for me. I do not regret a single thing I have had to do to get here either.

    *Deep Sigh*

    I pray that one day I will be in a position physically where I will look healthy and will be healthy too. I do not want to be the fattest woman in the world. I want to be healthy and happy.

    I always wonder what hurts so bad that a person has to keep it covered/hidden. Guess I should have read the other posts before I did.
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    Old 09-22-2011, 10:26 PM
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    Originally Posted by MissyGirl
    HOLY MOLY!!!! You guys I can barely contain myself as I write this!! I have been with Cathie for the last few weeks and thought that I had been doing all the wrong this food-wise. I was sooo wrong!

    I got on the scale last night (after I drank a big bottle of water) and I weighed 362.8 pounds!! Holy moly!! My goal was 370 on October 1st. I was at 380 on September 1st. So here I am 10 days early and I have exceeded my goal by 7.2 pounds for a grand total of 17.2 pounds lost for September! I am beyond excited about this!

    I know that having the lap band has been the best thing for me. I know that I will be able to come off some of my meds when I get down to 350. That is such a huge thing for me.

    When I started this whole weight loss thing I was weighing well over 500 pounds. The docs think I weighed close to 550 pounds. I was in a wheelchair. I was wearing size 6X-7X in clothes and those were even too tight. My bra size was 58GG. Yesterday I bought new bras in size 44GG. They fit perfectly! I am now able to put socks on and my tennis shoes on with no help from anyone else. (This might be a tmi but it is the truth) I can now clean my body after going to the bathroom. I can take a shower and know I have washed all my body with no help from anyone. I can go to the store and do my shopping by walking around the store instead of needed to use the riding carts. (I do still need to use one at walmart though) I am wearing a size 4X in pants and a 5X in tops (those darned boobs just get in my way! LOL). I know that I could probably go to a smaller pant size and top size but I do not like tight clothes and my arms are still very big and so the sleeves have to be on the bigger side.

    Anyway...I just had to share about my scale and non-scale victories!!

    Those of you that have been on this challenge for the last year will know how huge this is for me.

    I so love this group and I pray for all of you every day.

    Gosh it feels so good today to be alive!

    Way to go girl! Look at you! Wow! A happy dance for you.That's wonderful missy.Just think in another yr,you might be where you want to be.I'm so glad you did the lap band.I wished I could of done it yrs ago.Oh well.dream on.
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    Old 09-22-2011, 10:34 PM
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    Originally Posted by JHolm
    Just a quick check in to let everyone know I'm here but going to be real busy the next couple of days.

    Food was good yesterday, no exercise though. I have water aerobics today and then have to work at church cleaning and labeling the pantry.

    Physical therepy is going good. They cut me down to one day a wewk with exercises to do at home. The pain is much better.

    DH and I got our flu shot last week and I'm current with other shots I get. (Sounds like I'm talking about my furbabies LOL)

    DGS had to go in for an emergency dental appt yesterday and the pulled one top wisdom tooth and scheduled another appt to pull the other top wisdom tooth. The 2 bottom ones will take an oral surgeon because they are growing sideways into the roots of the other teeth. Having never hads a tooth pulled before he is suffering greatly. The dentist said he shouldn't work for two days. Please pray for him through all his dental procedures. The dentist said his mouth was to small for all his teeth which is why his wisdom teeth are coming is at such weird angles.

    Well I have to run, got things to get done before quilters this morning.

    My prayers are with all those who are ill

    I can do this One Day at a Time!
    Just checking in on the posts.I had my wisdoms pulled at 22 yrs of age.They hurt when they started coming in.So they took them out.Put me to sleep.I am having some teeth problems too.Need to have some pulled also.Heck,I need dentures,but don't think they'll do it as long as they can save a tooth.Besides,I don't have insurance,so need to get some.Only ones available in our area is Aetna and Covington.But only $6.95 a month or $76.00 a yr.And quite a savings.So,I wish him luck and you too.
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    Old 09-22-2011, 10:44 PM
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    Originally Posted by nancia
    xylie-- where were you yesterday??? i had a very bad hit and run with a box of milk duds. there were no survivors. the majority are now buried on my hips. visiting hrs are whenever.today was only marginally better as i had a lot of work to do on a doll quilt. i'm pretty excited about it! our theme is black and white with a splash. immediately i thought of calla lilies, so my black quilt has a calla lily with green stem and leaf and a sparkly gold callyx. if i remember, i'll do a pic before i mail it, usually i do forget. i have a nearly terminal case of CRS. no cure known (Can't Remember Stuff). i forget what the dr said to do. what are we talking about?? tomorrow i start my quilty project for a partner that lives in florida. guess i shouldn't make anything too heavy.
    gosh darn it, i am losing weight. i am in control. it is up to me!
    Oh,that sounds bad!I was up on a ladder cutting a tree limb up on top of my house.That was fun!NOT!I'll be glad when that bstrd is done!It had to break at the crotch and lean down on my room.It's a log,about 12 inches around.And the stupid branches were 10 ft long I swear and intertwined all through the other trees.I had to hook a rope and a big long chain on it and wench it out with the block and tackle wench tied to another tree.Part of the time I could play it like a fiddle it was so tight,then it would bust loose and fly towards me like a missle.But I kept a good distance so it wouldn't kill me.One down,and one to go.It took 2 weeks to do this one.It had 2 branches off the log part.They were 6 inches across.So,that's where I was and what I been doing,besides sweating and burning calories.I guess we're going to have to slap your hands back from the candy!You are losing weight,you will succeed,and will be a skinny B..........
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    Old 09-22-2011, 11:11 PM
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    Originally Posted by Beachbound
    Originally Posted by createfourpaws
    I may not be online much, I am in the hospital with pneumonia and a plueral effusion.
    Sending gentle hugs & get better soon wishes!
    That goes for all of us.I hope your better soon and please,get your flu and pnemonia shots,everybody.Those shots only last a few yrs.We need them too,hubby and I.Oh,and I read on several sites that fish antibiotics is the very same thing as ours.In fact they said that's what it was.Only no prescription needed.Does any body know anything about that? Several forums on it said it was.Just curious.Anyway,you get better.
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    Old 09-22-2011, 11:13 PM
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    Originally Posted by ljs317
    On the flu shots topic, the regular needle is the best way. I remember when I was little we would get shots with what looked like an air pistol. It felt like the biggest bully in the world punched you in the arm, and it was bruised for weeks.

    Still doing good on my weight loss. Down 3 pounds this month. 8 lbs total this attempt. Yeah me!
    Good for you,that's great.It does add up!Keep going!
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    Old 09-22-2011, 11:31 PM
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    Originally Posted by nancia
    i probably won't win, already have my f(skinny)q ready to go! i guess i'm sending them out with every other one late. sorry!
    food is ok, but i feel myself falling back into old habits of skipped meals. i'm either too lazy or too tired to bother!i have walked walmart twice, and marshal's once. heavy cardio--every time i see something i like my heart speeds up! and i'm in misses sizes ! woooowheeee!
    thoughts and prayers for purplemem and her sleep test. and thoughts and prayers to 4paws for her lung illness. want everyone who is feeling poorly to feel better as quick as possible! don't want you to be sick anymore!!
    nancia,did you watch Steve Turano's vids on utube?If not you should.Then you'll know that it's ok to skip meals.I know they say 6 meals,with 3 being snacks,but heck-who really is or has the time and fortitude to do that?Not many.I started eating a few more meals too,as I am a 1 meal a day eater with snacks.So started eating breakfast,mid afternoon snack,then dinner.And I gained weight!Too many calories over what I generally do.So I quite and feel better already.But in the am I do take vitamins and lots of water,that fills me up in itself.So,I say if you skip meals,that's better,less calories eaten so will lose more weight.My neighbor has lost over 60 pounds in the last 3 months since her hubby died.She's just not eating like she was.But then she cooked full meals all the time,and pies,and cakes,and cookies,etc.She looks good I think.She is down to where I am.At one time she was 295 pounds.And nor can she exercise.Just eating less.So,I want to see you at the 1 unders.If I did it,and missy did it,you can too!And nov. I would like you in the 190's.So,lets get to going!Slap those hands back,eat raisens,dates,prunes,for your candy.You can do it.I know you can!.I am losing weight,I am going to be a skinny B when I get there!
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