Quiltingboard Forums

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-   -   Hello from South West Ontario (https://www.quiltingboard.com/introduce-yourself-f3/hello-south-west-ontario-t168256.html)

GEMRM 12-22-2011 05:00 PM

Thank you to all for the warm welcomes, and the compliments on my avatar. It's the great people on this board that make it such a pleasure. There's always someone with help, a question (followed by answers) and wonderful ideas. Have to have my daily fix!

Murphy 12-22-2011 05:03 PM

Hi and welcome to the board from Iowa. You will enjoy it here.

Krisb 12-23-2011 08:37 AM

Love your quilting fairy godmother. What's her name? Welcome from, right now, sunny Tampa Bay.

MacThayer 12-23-2011 03:41 PM

I keep hearing people say they have been "lurking about" and finally join up. Well, welcome aboard from sunny Nevada! So glad you decided to join us! This is a great place where we learn a lot, share a lot, and have a lot of fun!

Merry Christmas!

GEMRM 12-24-2011 05:22 PM

My avatar is called Quilterella. Lurking is what got me started on here, but actually joining up allows so much more of the QB to be accessed, especially since the migration to the new server. Well worhwhile!!!!!

IrishNY 12-24-2011 06:02 PM

Welcome from New York and North Carolina!

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