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Chele 08-26-2010 02:40 PM

Really, Patrice? It's a fascinating and true story. If you get a minute, read the 21-page book (there are lots of pictures and references too, so it's not heavy reading). http://www.artlaflamme.com/blog/KMZ/IBOL_Book1.pdf You might get a kick out of the "impropriety" since you also served our country. But it was all for good causes! ;) I loved reading how the idea was actually hatched. Amazing.

And Art did get quite a lot of media during the process.



dphelps 08-26-2010 03:25 PM

ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS?? It just seems that every time you turn around, someone is scamming someone else. I am afraid I would have to be a wet blanket also. I would check this out further. I would not like to see any harm come from this.

Darcene 08-26-2010 04:05 PM

I contacted Kristen at the Sew Mama Sew Store with regard to IBOL and this is the reply that she sent to me....by the way, my first name is Ruby and this is the name that I used to contact her..


Yes, we did participate in the IBOL project! I'm so sad to hear that people are saying it is a scam. Hopefully you didn't see that on any blogs? If so, I'd love to write to them about my experience. Of course I wasn't there to see the bundles being donated, but I do trust they they were.

Here is what we did:


I even met Art and his family when they came to visit me in my shop:


They seem like perfectly respectable people doing a very generous thing.

Please let me know if you have any questions. You are welcome to have other people email me if they have any questions or concerns.

Kindest regards,

Kristin Link


Chele 08-26-2010 04:43 PM

What a world we've become. So pessimistic and paranoid. All because someone voices their uneducated opinion and doesn't trust the experience of their peers. Please get the facts before you pass judgment. That's only fair. We all know there are scams out there and I'd be the first to rat on any of those if I had the chance. If you think ol' Art LaFlamme is enjoying his donated 15-ton stash he hoodwinked from all of us quilters, then so be it. Just keep it to yourself so you don't appear ridiculous.

And Darcene, way to hang girl. Thanks for backing me up. I was so happy you wanted to spread the word. It made me smile!

Lostn51 08-26-2010 06:21 PM

Not to get too deep into all of the political mambo-jumbo the issue with this is that we do not know who we are really helping here.

I have had several friends over there fighting for these folks freedoms and a couple of them came home in a pine box. One of my best friends son just got back from 2 tours over there and he told me you can not tell who is the good guy and who is the bad one. Everyday is a crap shoot as to whether you are going to make it back to the base alive after putting in for your shift.

How do we know that we are not supplying the enemy here? This guy could be another Jane Fonda for all we know.

I think this is way to political for this forum.........


Chele 08-26-2010 06:48 PM

Sorry you feel that way Lostin51. This thread already got moved once and I'm sure it will be locked or deleted next. There isn't one thing political about any of this. Perhaps if you knew anything about the effort you'd have a clearer view. I can smell unwarranted propaganda from here. Let's be kind and not go there. I know you are probably joking Billy, but you kind of come off as condescending, which I'm sure is not your intent. We all have friends and family in the military. Of course we worry about them and want them safe. But that has nothing to do with this thread or the IBOL efforts. Totally different.

All I'm asking is that everyone get their facts straight before making untoward assumptions.

Lostn51 08-26-2010 07:04 PM

I am all for humanitarian relief efforts and firmly believe in mission work and would love for everyone in the world to get along with each other........... but I was not joking at all, I was being serious.

It would probably be better if this thread was locked down or deleted just because of the risk of being construed as being political and the lack of information.


patricej 08-26-2010 11:03 PM

now look.

everybody get a grip.

this is not a legitimate basis for anger or argument.

it should be obvious that i was not stating that i'm convinced it's a scam. had i thought that beyond the shadow of a doubt don't you think i would have simply deleted the topic altogether instead of posting a simple caution?

my point was, and remains, that we need to think and research first before jumping to the call of any alleged charity, relief effort, etc we find on the internet.

con artists rake in millions of dollars every year by taking a few hours to set up elaborately presented, but fake, charities.

on the other hand, small, unsung, unofficial charities do many wonderful things every year, too.

research and decide for yourself what to do.

neither decision is right or wrong because it's never "wrong" to answer a call for help. it's also not wrong to be careful when choosing which call(s) to answer.

don't criticize those who decide differently to you.

Chele 09-17-2010 03:34 AM

More information for anyone who would like to contribute: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?not...8052625&ref=mf


tooMuchFabric 09-17-2010 04:31 AM

I've read these postings, and I really don't see anyone criticizing anyone. I just see 2 things: one is being convinced of a legitimate charity, and the other is being convinced that we can be taken advantage of.
Both viewpoints are valid.
And I have my own opinion as well.
But after all that's been said, I don't think opinions are really wanted on this thread.
This sort of topic seems to be very charged in both directions.

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