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Celeste 10-12-2007 11:03 PM

Y'know, I tried this before but I do not use a PC. Our family is are Apple users.

dmackey 10-12-2007 11:42 PM

Guess I spoke too soon! :oops:

I just did an internet search and found www.brightcove.tv and I put "quilting" in the search box. It came up with over 1200 titles and many of them are full length quilting programs! AND THEY ARE FREE.

Celeste 10-13-2007 10:53 PM

Diane -

I could see it on the Apple computer! Thank you for the link! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

lucylu 05-15-2008 07:46 AM

Kaye Wood has tv programming and it's free! the site is called
it runs smooth if you have highspeed internet, dial up will be choppy.

Roben 05-15-2008 08:08 AM

I usually keep Quilters TV on in the background while I'm sewing - its free, and runs continuously so I don't have to keep going back to start another video.


Quilting Aggi 05-15-2008 09:21 AM

ooh I'm in trouble now!! LOL I tried to open them here at work, but seems I"m being blocked.. @$#(@ IT Department!! can't they see they are infringing on my fun time here!!!

I'll have to try those links when I go home...

DonnaRae 05-16-2008 07:22 AM

I have a lot of vidio sites listed in my favorites. I will list them then post them in links and let you all know when I do. Should be shortly. I also am not happy about QNN charging for thier shows now. Even if it is $ 2 a month you have to pay it at one time, and I can get a lot of fabric for $24. LOL. We poor quilters will buy fabric before bread. :D Just kidding. But really there are too many freebie vidios out there to pay. So I will be listing them, :D

DonnaRae 05-16-2008 07:54 AM

Okay I listed a bunch, I have more and lots of sewing vidios. But that will be another day. Have fun :D

joannl 05-17-2008 08:03 AM

I don't see the list! Oh,no!

Everyone thanks for these links! I love them. I just need to watch out, I spend soooo much time on the computer since I joined this group! LOL!

Never mind, I found it. Thanks for listing them!!!!

marlene 05-17-2008 11:44 AM

Wow what a nice quilting site , I'm on dial up what a slow time to get onto it but it was worth the waiting .Thanks for giving the link.

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