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carriem 01-19-2013 05:02 PM

Ok maybe this site will help with your homes and even quilting. www.flylady.net One of her sayings is "you can do anything for 15 minutes"...if you want to work on lots of quilt projects at a time, set a timer and make sure you stick with one for just 15 minutes or 30 or whatever. (I know it takes 15 minutes just to get "ready" sometimes, but if you have a plan for each project it might work in your quilting too!)

You would be surprised what you can get done in 15 minutes cleaning a room in your house. Have a laundry basket sitting there for the things that go in other rooms...don't take them there right away, then when your time is done you can spend time putting away things in the basket.

A lot of people ask me how I can get so much done in a day and I would say it was because I implemented a lot of the "Flylady's" ideas into my day...I don't follow it as closely now as I did when I first heard about the site...mainly because I have my house under control now. Try it for 30 days and see what you think.

Fraew 01-19-2013 07:13 PM

Thanks carriem. See, we can do it together. :)

asimplelife 01-19-2013 08:19 PM

LOL Fraew! Your first paragraph is so me... are you a spy in Northern MN? The only time I get anything done efficiently around the house is under extreme duress and then I get so stressed over it that I can't even enjoy the results.

I am doing a better job managing my UFOs than my household at the moment by choice. But I might change my mind later... with the next distraction!

love to sew 01-20-2013 11:07 AM

January 2013 UFO compeleted
3 Attachment(s)
Here is my January 2013 UFO quilt that was started at least 10 years ago. I finally quilted and bound it at the beginning of the year. I had scraps from a buisness that I had making "Squenchy" cool ties. The sewing company that was making them for us was cutting them wrong (unknown to us until we visited the factory) and wasting the last part costing us as you know lots of dollars in wasted fabric. I saw it and made them save them! of course we showed them how not to have so much waste! anyway I ended up with lots of strips that were just less than 4" wide. I have used them now in many, many quilts. This one was made with some of the strips cut down to 1 1/2". I only had to buy the black. I also tried the 10 minute block for the center of the stars. I didn't sew the curve down before quilting, only glue based and not very well, and what a mistake. I almost broke my LA. I had to readjust the hopping foot because it caught on it, almost ripped the fabric! Glad I finally finished it. Yay. my next post will be the UFO's I want to complete this year. Sorry the pictures are so bad. I tried to auto correct and then manually but they didn't get any better.

love to sew 01-20-2013 11:21 AM

4 Attachment(s)
here are the 2013 UFO's I want to finish! The first one I still want to make bigger by adding scrappy hearts to the top and bottom so it is not ready to quilt. 2nd- I bought the backing and pieced it together and it is ready for quilting, so this one will be my next finished quilt. 3rd - the controlled color string, will need to decide if I want to add borders and what to back it with. It will sit for awhile, I will wait until it talks to me. lol. 4th - red and blue log cabin - this one is the oldest, at least 10 years and was made with scraps like from my early post ("Squenchy" scraps). Again, still waiting for it to talk to me and tell me what backing it wants! Thanks for starting this post as it has got me going on finishing these!

PurplePassion 01-20-2013 11:30 AM

1 Attachment(s)
What is the name of this one? Where can I find the pattern for it? I have seen it before and it looks complicated and beautiful.

Fraew 01-20-2013 11:53 AM

@love to sew: love your finish and works in progress. You are certainly getting me inspired!!!!

@PurplePassion: If you are referring to the 16 patches and Xs beauty (I have it on my "gotta make" list), I've seen it called Arkansas Crossroads and Missouri Star Quilt Co. has a tutorial called "4 Patch Quilt + X’s and O’s". I'm sure there are a bazillion other names. :)

carriem 01-20-2013 11:57 AM

lovetosew--very pretty tops! Looking forward to seeing them finished this year. :)

love to sew 01-20-2013 12:06 PM

Originally Posted by Fraew (Post 5800099)
@love to sew: love your finish and works in progress. You are certainly getting me inspired!!!!

@PurplePassion: If you are referring to the 16 patches and Xs beauty (I have it on my "gotta make" list), I've seen it called Arkansas Crossroads and Missouri Star Quilt Co. has a tutorial called "4 Patch Quilt + X’s and O’s". I'm sure there are a bazillion other names. :)

I'm glad you know the names for this. And it is NOT complicated. Many of the 4 patches are made by the leader and end method by Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville. LOVE her website and free patterns and because I have so many scraps to use up it is my go to site!

kristakz 01-21-2013 05:27 AM

Does starting new projects count? I finished 2 tops on the weekend, but neither can really count as a UFO since they have not sat unloved. The first is a BOM, and I'm right on schedule. And the second I just started last week. Not that I don't have enough UFOs to keep me busy, but there's always something new to play with. I did identify my next UFO to quilt - but then ignored it in favour of more interesting projects :)

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