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schwanton 03-13-2010 10:56 AM

Originally Posted by tkhooper
You mean that isn't part of the quilting process?

I thought waking up in the middle of the night to check the pattern and make sure it is what I thought was a part of the process.

Are you trying to tell me that taking a month to choose the fabrics that go in the quilt isn't part of the process.

Is this Quilting 101? Or have I stumbled into the Quilting Zone?

I have taken up to three months to find the right fabrics - then I audition. After I start the quilt, somehow, I start looking again - back, binding - would this better?... It's an endless cycle! I wouldn't have it any other way!!!!!!

Gramma O 03-13-2010 12:00 PM

Originally Posted by Carol in Colorado
Does anyone else suffer from this disease? I study the pattern, I study the fabric, I sleep on it, I look at the pattern again............and on it goes. By the time I actually decide and get the project started, I'm worn out :) Can anyone else relate?

Thought I was the only one that was happening to!!! I'm going to be making a quilt for my grand daughter (she's 23) and I find myself waking up in the middle of the night wondering which collection of fabric to use!! I guess the decision has been made for me as I can't seem to locate the fabric from 2 of the 3 collections I was thinking of..I've searched online and at the LQS without any luck... Thank goodness most of my projects aren't this difficult.

Calico Grammy 03-13-2010 01:18 PM

I spend more time looking for the perfect pattern to go with the perfect fabric than it takes me to complete the project.! It's hopeless!!

sylvia77 03-13-2010 02:53 PM

That was well said ctquilter, I got a good laugh out of it.

CompulsiveQuilter 03-13-2010 03:14 PM

This is why I'm a scrap quilter - I don't have to overanalyze fabric purchases or be afraid to actually start cutting. I also use Electric Quilt software (novice on that, but I get by) to try out the block combinations. Mostly I use graph paper to sketch out the pattern, to see how the blocks will actually go together - and no fancy colored pencils, just lights, darks and maybe a few mediums.

zz-pd 03-13-2010 05:57 PM

yes, I've been studying the braid quilt for a while now. Penny

CRicart 03-13-2010 07:11 PM

Absolutely!! I over-analyze so many projects, trying to get the "perfect" combination, that when I get down to doing them, I am worn out too! I started doing the Downy Quilts for Kids partly because they come already matched and cut for you, no decisions necessary!

Carol in Colorado 03-13-2010 08:07 PM

Originally Posted by JanieW
While I am sorry to read that there are others who are afflicted with this problem, it's reassuring to know I'm not the only one.

I have a collection of 1930's fabric that I love, but I can't figure out the best way to showcase them. I want to make a bedspread for us, but it has been three years since I got those fabrics and I cannot settle on what to do! Ack!

Make sure you let us know what pattern you decide on. I love the fabric but don't have any yet.

JudeWill 03-14-2010 08:52 AM

Originally Posted by MadQuilter
I'm part of the Boomerang swap - 35 DIFFERENT F8s and they all want to be something special. I actually wore out the binding in my It's OK book. (Gonna get it spiral bound). So yes, it is a normal quilter's affliction.

My rule: I pull about 3 patterns into closer consideration and select one from those. When I pick one, it is FINAL and barring any unforeseen issues I stick with it.

What is an "It's OK book?"

Kolakea 03-14-2010 10:12 AM

I, too, used to have this problem. I'd audition fabrics for quilts and question how it would look.

To make things easier, I purchased Electric Quilt which has been worth every cent as I can design a quilt, then make changes in the overall coloring until I'm happy with it. I don't have the actual fabrics to show, but similar fabrics or colors give you a much closer idea as to how the finished product will look.

Try something similar and most of your choices will be a lot easier.

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