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Rachelcb80 02-10-2010 06:28 PM

I actually just got my machine back today from my dealers. They wanted to give it an overall checking just to make sure nothing else was the issue. Everything checked out except my needle height. Apparently it was off, but only by 3/10 of a mm. Not enough that they thought it should make a difference.

I've been using Mettler thread but I bought some King Tut the other day, and I think I'll try Isacord after reading this. I have some Bottom Line on the way for my bobbin as well.

Like Sara's, my machine is 100% with every foot but the BSR, and the BSR was only an issue on the pinwheel part of my quilt. I quilted the whole border without skipping a single stitch. The Bernina is such a nice machine, FMQ'ing (without the BSR) is fairly easy on it, but the BSR is like cruise control on a car. It's nice to sit back and not think about what you're doing. LoL So I hope I can have it work consistently for me. Sounds like Bernina might need to look into a possible design issue though.

Good to know about the foot pressure. I've been setting it at 0 like the manual said, but I will try setting it higher and see if that helps.

Thanks for sharing ladies!

Lisa T 02-10-2010 08:26 PM

I had a lot of problems with my Bernina 430 skipping stitches while I was quilting. I ended up switching to a denim needle and that helped a lot. I don't have the BSR, but mine did skip stitches when I was using the walking foot and just quilting.

I also found an area where I wasn't cleaning the lint. The little metal plate where the needle goes up and down (that has the seam markings on it) will pop up if you push on the corner and there was a HUGE amount of lint under there.

This is an interesting thread!

Sara 02-10-2010 08:55 PM

I can't imagine that Bernina doesn't know that the BSR has so many problems. I'm pretty unhappy that they are ignoring it. And to have an instruction in their manual that they are now saying is wrong is rediculous. I noticed that the instruction video they give with their machines also specifically says to set the presser foot tension to 0.

Jim's Gem 02-10-2010 09:24 PM

I just used mine Saturday and Sunday and forgot to adjust the presser foot. It actually sewed better than I remember it doing previously. I think I still had a few skipped stitches though.

Sara 02-12-2010 10:04 PM

I just got a call from my dealer, which is where my 630 has been for the last week. The tech. said that she changed the spring in the BSR attachment, which is what another poster said her tech. did. I didn't tell my tech. about reading that the BSR spring was possibly a problem. This tells me that Bernina knows that their BSR has major design flaws. My tech. also found that the seats for some screws in the front of the machine had cracked leaving the screws loose. They had to order parts so I won't get it back for at least a week. When I do I'll let you all know if any of this makes any difference. I also passed on to them the message that I got from Bernina saying that the manual was wrong and that the presser foot setting should be 47 and not 0. I haven't talked to the owner yet about it to see what she says, but the tech. seemed very surprised. What a wonderful tool the internet is!!

CRH 02-12-2010 11:18 PM

Originally Posted by Sara
I purchased a Bernina 630 2 1/2 years ago, and have had nothing but problems with it skipping stitches just like you all are describing. I can use the BSR for thousands of stitches of sewing, and it will work perfectly, then all of a sudden it will begin skipping, and then all of a sudden it will begin working correctly again. I never have skipped stitches when sewing with any other foot, only the BSR. I have had it back to my dealer 5 times and they always say they cannot figure out what's wrong. I have done some resesarch concerning causes of skipped stitches on any machine, and one of the things that will commonly cause skipping is improper stitch formation which can be caused by the presser foot tension being set too light. If the fabric is allowed to "tent" up when the needle comes up out of the fabric it can cause the bobbin thread to not catch properly to form the stitch. My fabric sometimes does tent up. I have also occasionally heard a "ping" sound when the needle comes up out of the fabric when sewing as if the thread tried to catch but didn't. The manual and all training I've had says to put the presser foot dial at 0 when using the BSR. I decided to send Bernina an e-mail and ask them about this setting, and just got an e-mail back saying that the manual is wrong, and that the presser foot tension dial should be left at 47. I'm wondering what those who are having this problem are putting your presser foot tension setting to? The suggestion from the dealer that there is a spring that needs replacing seems to be something to have my dealer try. It is there now waiting to be looked at, so I'll pass this on to them in hopes that it might work.

I was having a bit of a problem with inconsistent stitches with my 730E BSR, and found that adjusting the presser foot pressure solved it. The manual says pressure is to be minimal, but it works better having more pressure applied like Sara said. You may have to check with your dealer which pressure setting is best for your model.

(I was at a class and another, more experienced!! free motion quilter was using the same model I had, and I checked her settings, was how I found how to solve the problem.)

Good luck, because when it works right, it is fun to use!!

skate 03-07-2010 01:17 AM

I have had this exact problem, and honestly, I'm happy to see I'm not the only one. I needed to finish a quilt for a Christmas craft show, with noone able to help me with the BSR. I just did manual free motion quilting the old fashioned way because I was under time pressure, The result was pretty great, and I don't feel much need for bsr anymore.

That being said, I wrote an e-mail to Benina USA and the reply was that it might have to do with the spring in the actual foot being too soft. My dealer hasn't changed it for me because they say it works fine for them at the shop. (Of course they probably use it for 2 minutes, to my 3 or 4 hours...), but maybe this little note would help.

Sara 03-07-2010 10:13 AM

One of the techs. at my shop told me the same thing and said it was my fault because it didn't skip when she used it. I then contacted the owner directly and have gotten a different attitude. I saved every sample I had that showed the skipped stitches so I had proof. If they still say you are doing something wrong, set up the machine at their shop and sew in front of them and ask them what you are not doing correclty. When they say "nothing" you can then ask them to please continue to resolve the problem. They will be changing the spring on mine so I'll see if that helps. Improper stitch formation can also be the problem, so they also need to check the timing. Be sure that the shop updates your software and firmware when needed because that can also be an issue with the BSR. I was able to use the BSR perfectly for thousands of stitches, and then all of a sudden it would skip for a while, and then work fine again, so it's not something that can replicated with a few minutes of testing. This is a widespread problem with the Bernina BSR, and your dealer needs to be held accountable for fixing it. It's common for techs. who don't know how to fix a problem to just say it has to be something you are doing wrong. Having a meeting with the store owner using your "no nonsense" tone of voice might be needed. I also printed off all of the notes from people having the same problem and took them to my dealer so she knew that I knew that this is not a problem unique to only me. I also was very open with them that I was in frequent contact with Bernina directly. I also got a note recently from Bernina that said that the manual was incorrect in telling you to set the presser foot pressure to "0". They said that it needs to be left at the default which is 47. I just e-mailed them and asked them if the manual was correct and got that response, so you might want to do the same thing so you have that e-mail in hand too.

nursie76 03-07-2010 11:26 AM

Just took my Bernina in for it's 40,000 mile check up and they updated the software and added the stronger spring to my BSR, didn't give me any hassle at all. They also verified that the presser foot pressure should be kept at 47.

GwenS 03-18-2010 07:27 AM

I have had this exact same problemwith my Bernina 640 skipping stitches. Talk about frustrating! I wonder if it could be because I used a basting spray on the quilt, which I didn't use on my practice samples? I just got my machine back from the dealer, and that is 80 miles away in the city--not an easy trip for me. It worked great for a while and then started skipping again. You just never know if it is going to work or not work.

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