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MelissaK 04-14-2008 08:13 AM

I only get Simply Quilts but they knocked it down to 2 days a week here on HGTV. Wish I got more!

Elizabeth A. 04-14-2008 02:17 PM

Now I feel a little spoiled for trying to sort through the choices. I get America Quilt's Creatively at 11 pm (cable), a bit odd to be on that late, but it's only on certain days. I can also catch Nancy and Sue H. in the AM on my local broadcast from the college version of PBS.

What is this QNN and Quilter's Club of America I've never heard of them are they online and I need to search it out? I'm not sure my little laptop can process much, (she isn't a dinosaur, but she had friends who knew them).

There was one show that was a real eye roller, they had quilt in the title but I tell you what the one time I watched they made stained glass (real stained glass, complete with glass cutting) and set tile on plywood (a bad idea if you know about water and wood) and worked for like oh I'll be giving and say 5 minutes. :x I'm sure it's title wasn't listed here. A friend of mine also recommended Fons and Potter, she said locally we get it once a week around 9 am, of course that's when life takes off...

bebe 04-14-2008 04:28 PM

Check out Quilterstv.com features quilters such a Billie Lauder, Eleanor Burns and such. You can watch at your leisure and not worry about you missing the show. Check it out and tell me what you think?????


amma 04-14-2008 07:58 PM

I did join Quilters News Network and I get hours of enjoyment watching all the videos they have to offer. The kit you get when you join almost makes up for the membership fee.


I also watch Kaye Wood on her website, she has some good videos too on quilting and handbags


Patty44 04-15-2008 05:56 AM

I try to watch simply quilts too,I don't know what they are doing,sometimes it is on at 7 sometimes 6:30 sometimes not at all. It used to come on at 7 every morning,now I wonder if they are only comming on one or two days a week. I may just send them an email see what the heck is going on.

mpspeedy 04-15-2008 07:29 AM

Hi all,

Our local cable company carries Simply Quilts but they have been playing around with their whole schedule on HGTV. Some days it is not on at all and others it is at a different time.

They are no longer making new shows anyway. Fortuneately over the years I have taped as many as possible. In the last year or so I acquired a DVD burner and copies all of my quilting tapes to DVDs. I still have some of the orginal Simply Quilts shows on VHS tape in anyone would like them.
Our local PBS station carries Fons and Porter at 6:00am on saturday along with Kaye Woods and then Nancy Zinman. At least once a month they change the schedule to do their fund raising. It drives me nuts. I also taped a lot of those shows and moved them to DVDs.
Since I am still a craft, home and garment sewer I still enjoy Nancy Zinmen and have a lot of her instructional tapes. I also have an embroidery machine and instructional tapes on that subject.

I belong to a professional quilting group as I am a hand quilter for hire. They are just as worried as any quilter about the lack of quilt shops. It looks like online shopping is going to be more and more the norm. The part of the quilting industry that is growing the most is long arm quilting. I would say that more than half of the professional organization I belong to his made up of long armers for hire. Another large segment is Art quilters. While they do magnificant work and I have done some it is still not what I consider a quilt. Some of them have so much thread work and or embellishments they are stiff as a board. I like a quilt that is good for cuddling.

We can only hope the pedulum swings back to handwork, sewing and quilting in our lifetimes.

rural Maryland

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