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sandpat 08-08-2008 04:45 AM

The only thing I could think of is what Terri suggested. You might just want to sew the quilt pattern on the block itself before you sew applique it over the old one. Then you can just take some small stitches to secure it in place instead of actually quilting the whole block and haveing a double design on the back. So sorry you are having this problem. I have a lamp behind my machine too and hadn't thought of that happening. Good luck and let us know how you solve this.

jessiesmom 08-08-2008 04:51 AM

I cannot even think of replacing block, I would not know how to go about it, I am a new quilter . So I will have to come up with some sort of applique, maybe her initials.

Any ideas will be welcome.

Thanks for all the replys.


bebe 08-08-2008 04:59 AM

Janee I was thinking the exact thing applique a few random things all over the quilt. Some flowers or etc.

I used google and came up with some sites check them out maybe you can find your solution:
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1T4GGIC_enUS259US263&sa=X&oi=spel l&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=how+to+get+burn+marks+ out+of+fabric&spell=1

pocoellie 08-08-2008 05:02 AM

How about appliqueing a heart or something that your friend loves.

justme 08-08-2008 05:08 AM

I feel so bad for you. I am sure one of the ladies here can come up with a solution for you, Here are sone tips I FOUND ON THE INTERNET. DON'T KNOW IF THEY WILL HELP... good luck

Tip #1: To remove a scorch mark from linen or white cotton fabric, dip a piece of old fabric in hydrogen peroxide, lay it on the scorched portion of the fabric, and rub with a hot iron (not too hot). If it doesn't work the first time, repeat until the stain is completely removed.

Tip #2: If you scorch cotton fabric while ironing, plunge into cold water immediately and let stand 24 hours. The scorched areas will disappear.

Tip #3: To remove scorch mark from a garment, take a clean, soft cloth moistened with white vinegar and rub over discolored area. Take another clean cloth dampened with water and rub area again. Continue pressing or ironing garment.

Tip #4: To remove a scorch mark from clothing, rub the mark with a lemon and set garment out in the sun.

Tip #5: I had a turquoise all cotton camp shirt top that I found had a yellow mark near a button hole. It looked like a scorch mark even though I did not recall causing it when I ironed the shirt or even seeing it before. However I do have to iron this shirt each time it is washed and the shape of the yellow mark looked just like the point of an iron. I tried the hint I found on this website of taking a piece of fabric soaked in hydrogen peroxide and then using it as an ironing cloth with a hot (but not TOO hot) iron or the stained area. I had to do this several times and each time I tried it the scorch mark visibly lightened! It did not come completely out but has faded such a great deal that I will be able to wear that top again thanks to this great tip!

Tip #6: Just a quick note to thank you for saving my life! Well, not really, but I was SO upset when I scorched one of my honey's favorite shirts today. I went to Martha Stewart's site, thinking she would have a way to fix it, but no luck at all - when you look up "scorch" you are directed to plants being scorched by the sun! So I googled "repair scorch" and you popped up! Your fix recommendation was perfect! Now I'm using the same technique to see if it will lift collar discoloration! You are a terrific resource! Thank you!...Debi

Tip #7: I tried the tip with hydrogen peroxide and it worked beautifully! I had a brand new white jean skirt that I laid next to a hot iron...(didn't realize they were touching). I found I had a long scorch mark near waist. I figured I would be out the $$ to buy a new one. I had to do the technique about 5 times, but the stain is gone! What a God-send your tip was!...Pam

Tip #8: Your tip of placing the scorched clothing into icy water worked! I scorched my white cotton/spandex blouse. I went to the internet and saw your tips. Since the fabric also had spandex with the cotton I chose not to use the hydrogen peroxide on it. The scorch (wasn't too big but visible) was gone after an hour in the ice water...Elizabeth

Tip #9:I just tried this tip on some polyester I did hand embroidery on. While trying to iron out the residual ink from the transfer I inadvertently scorched the embroidery floss. This tip saved the fabric which will be used to create a heirloom pillow. Thanks so much for sharing...Cindy

Tip #10: Thank you for saving a very big day! I was pressing a 94-year-old heirloom baptism dress for my 9th grandchild and scorched it - panic! I found your idea for the hydrogen peroxide and it worked!!!! Thank you so very much!!! - and all my future grandchildren thank you too!!...Pat

Tip #11: THANK YOU! While staying in a friend's guest house, I kicked off the comforter and it landed up against an electric floorboard heater. I was horrified to see a large scorch mark--right in the center of the duvet cover. The hydrogen peroxide tip is fabulous! Can't thank you enough!...Linda

Tip #12: This is why I love the Internet! I scorched a pair of beige 100% cotton shorts. So I went on the Internet looking for a remedy and happened upon this site. I used the ice water method, and this is how: I got a half-gallon jug of ice water out of the refrigerator and poured it all out on the scorched area. Then I hung the shorts outside to dry. I kept checking to see if the scorch mark was still there, and it wasn't. I thought I couldn't see it because the shorts were still wet. But when they were dry, I saw that the scorch mark was completely gone. I couldn't believe it! Thanks so much!...K

Tip #13: Fantastic tip about the hydrogen peroxide - I sold an adorable 50's sundress with exquisite black embroidery on the white dress and wanted to starch and press it before mailing. Apparently, I bumped the temperature setting, and it got too hot and scorched the dress in 2 large areas. I WAS SICK!!! I looked up "Scorched" on google and found your solutions and VOILA the hydrogen peroxide eliminated ALL traces of the 2 large scorch marks. HIGHLY RECOMMEND HYDROGEN PEROXIDE !!! Thanks so much

auntluc 08-08-2008 07:18 AM

It's a shame that happened......hope you find a solution.

jessiesmom 08-08-2008 01:37 PM

Thanks to all who responded to my problem, I knew if anyone had a solution you all would. I will fool around with he peroxide and vinegar ideas and they fail, I will applique something over the spot.

I will let you know what works.


jstitch 08-08-2008 02:19 PM

I hope the peroxide thing works for you. This is a lovely quilt and your quilting...OMG.

It would be a shame to add an applique to that spot.

Good luck to you. Ill be watching to see how it turns out..

Louise C 08-08-2008 04:39 PM

I would also try the whitening liquid for teeth. It works to get the coffee stains out, which are brown.. so why not try it..

It is just an idea, like that...

jessiesmom 08-09-2008 04:12 AM

Well, I tried the peroxide and guess what I ended up with a hole. I must have put on too much. The mark started to fade but not completely, so I reapplied several times. Now what??

Well I guess I have no choice but to replace. It will not be easy and the backing is a long piece of muslin. I put it together somewhat like quilt as u go. First the middle, then top and bottom and then the sides.

This mark is on the top or bottom panel, so I can probably remove the stitches and the top block, but I will have holes in the muslin and the chances of my getting the new stitches in the same places is a million to one.

I am still considering appliqueing something.

Thanks for all your help.


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