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Nolee 02-06-2011 07:05 AM

I don't even KNOW how to do what you are talking about, so you're way ahead of me, Airwick. My Mom thinks everything I make is beautiful because she has never sewn a day in her life. If your Mom can't appreciate the beauty of what you are doing and the fact that you are creating for others, then come here..........we ALL appreciate the time it takes and the gift you were given to do it. I think you have a beautiful attitude about rising above it, but do look into that "call waiting" suggestion too. I use it with my brother; he whines a lot. LOL.

Bernie942 02-06-2011 07:06 AM

I do this but instead of bringing the backing around I allow enough of the top to fold it to the back.

steelecg 02-06-2011 07:07 AM

I am sorry she does this to you - everyone is right - just do it your way and be happy - Some people are just naturally trying to pull us down - At least you finish and you are happy with the result and that's what counts

JanetLW 02-06-2011 07:14 AM

If she isn't finishing her quilts, it sounds to me as if she is jealous of your ability to finish them! Focus on your fabric rather than on letting her push your buttons. :)))

Mizcott 02-06-2011 07:14 AM

Moms have a way of "pushing our buttons," don't they? My mom has been gone for five years, and she's STILL pushing my buttons. I'm 66 years old. You'd think that I'd be OVER this by now! So just "cowboy up," and live your own life, doing what YOU have decided is best for you.

Robinmg 02-06-2011 07:18 AM

It is hard when our mothers critize us because we so want to please them. Just remember this, even though important, your mother's opinion is just that. It is your work and if she doesn't like it just don't show it to her or tell her about it. If you want to be nasty you could remind her of all the tops she has done but hasn't completed a quilt. Maybe then she will keep her opinions to herself. I am sure that your family and friends appreciate your hard work and are very happy to recieve a quilt from you. Keep quilting.

chamby 02-06-2011 07:25 AM

Originally Posted by Airwick156
I am doing binding on my quilt. There is enough of the backing fabric that I can just fold it over on all sides and hand sew it for the binding. My mother just called me and asked what I was doing and I told her that I was doing the binding on my quilt. And she proceeded to say "How are you doing it? You cheating and just folding it over or did you make real binding for it?" in just her normal mean voice she uses with me whenever she talks to me. I told her I just folded it over, no need to waste the fabric when its already there. And I can't afford to buy the extra fabric. So I use what I am able to use. I see no problem with this but she sure does and definitely makes me will aware of that fact.
When I make a quilt, I complete the whole thing before I go onto the next one. I do have a few quilt tops, mostly lap quilts that I have not gotten the backing on. Now she has probably a hundred if not more Tops that will never get done as she only likes to make the tops. But yet she complains and tells me how to do my quilts. Most of the time I can remind myself to just "rise above it" and "this too shall pass" attitude, but this time it seems to have really upset me. Because not only did she say that she also told me that I was wasting all my time making quilts since I don't have the money to get them machine quilted. I tie all of them, but one day, I am going to be able to get one machine quilted. I don't think I am wasting my time not at all. I enjoy making them even though I am not very good at it, but I am learning maybe slowly but I am learning. Okay...that said..."this too shall pass" finally kicked in and now I'm waiting for "Rise above it". Maybe if I fix me a cup of hot tea that will help. LOL :) Thanks for letting me vent.

Please let dear ol mom know that it is not cheating. It is another method of binding a quilt. Just because it is not her way does not mean it is not right. My mom and grandmother always bond a quilt this way. If your mom does her history lesson she will find a lot of quilts were done this way in the very beginning. It is your quilt, you have the right to do it the way you want it done. Do not let anyone make you feel bad about the way you choose to make your quilts.

dls 02-06-2011 07:27 AM

It's the way many older quilts are finished. My mom did them that way in the thirties and definitely in war time. The war time quilts that were sent to Britain by the Canadian Red Cross were usually done that way.

pieces 02-06-2011 07:36 AM

These are your quilts, I think you can finish them up your way as long as the method can handle washing and wear.
Quilting is our way of expressing ourselves and using our artistic license. Every quilt you make you will learn from and you will improve. We don't improve our skills if we don't use them.
Whats that old saying -practice, practice, practice.
Keep on quilting and have fun and enjoy the process. :thumbup:

cbridges22 02-06-2011 07:36 AM

My mom was very critical of everything I did,nothing was good enough including me and I rose to the top of my profession but that was not good enough.She was an award winning quilter and I did not like quilting while she was alive.After she died I took up quilting.I bet there is a correlation to me not quilting while she was alive and her dying and it became my passion. It is your art do what makes you happy!Set boundary and tell her discussing your quilts is off limits. .What part of Oregon are you in?

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