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Pat625 12-11-2012 04:46 PM

I quilt at home to pass the time since I am disabled...There are no guilds that are easily acccesible to me, but I am hoping I can find one after I move at the end of the month!

asimplelife 12-11-2012 05:43 PM

Closet! And happy that way. I love the solitude of quilting. I'd rather have just a social outing and then come home and quilt - not combine the two. I prefer online groups and blogs in my jammies with my coffee.

happyquiltmom 12-11-2012 05:49 PM

I'm a member of this group and another online group, plus a large (70 member), county-wide guild and a small (12 member) club. I also work at a LQS, where I also teach classes.

sewingsuz 12-11-2012 05:57 PM

I belong to our local guild, but mostly in the closet quilting.

patchsamkim 12-11-2012 06:01 PM

I belong to a group of other quilters that gets together every Friday night...we have for over 20 years. Also belong to a guild. A few times a year I also go to a group that meets monthly in homes....but that one is hard for me to get to with my work schedule. I love time spent with friends sewing, and I also like the inspiration I get from guild. I also do love time spent alone sewing too...with music playing, and my dog and cat for company.

alikat110 12-11-2012 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by DebraK (Post 5713309)
I quilt alone, but don't consider myself a closet quilter. Everyone I know, knows I quilt, so I guess I'm outed.

This is me. Only time I quilt with a gruop, is twice a year when all my sisters and I get together.

Daylesewblessed 12-11-2012 07:33 PM

My closets are full of fabric, so I have to quilt elsewhere. I do belong to a guild and actively participate. I haven't done many classes, but I do work on charity quilts once/month with our guild sub-group. I enjoy the social aspect of it, but I am much more productive when I am on my own. Of course, when I get the opportunity to visit my mother, we get a lot done, and I love working with her!

quiltingme 12-11-2012 07:57 PM

Closet quilter. The local guild meets in the evenings, and I do not drive after dark.

Intrepid Niddering 12-11-2012 09:53 PM

I'm quite new to quilting (am working on my first one). The guild thing kind of confuses me. I'd like to take some classes, but the one quilt shop near me has discontinued their classes for now, and other shops I've been able to find a schedule for seem to not have many classes, but those they do have are on weeknights and I don't drive, so I can't do it. Maybe some day.

DebbieJJ 12-12-2012 01:12 AM

I mostly quilt alone, but I belong to a church quilting group that quilts for missions and the local nursing home residents. I've always liked working by myself, so I can work at my own pace and do what I want to, when I want to. I call myself a "loner" when it comes to work. ;)

lisalovesquilting 12-12-2012 03:26 AM

I belong to two guilds, one large, one small. The small one meets the third Sat. of each month and we stay to sew. Also go to my church every Tues. and sew with 3 other ladies. My LQS has "quilt therapy" every Wed. and I go when I can. I also go to three retreats a year.
I do like to quilt alone, preferably when no one else is there.

sewist2000 12-12-2012 03:57 AM

I have belonged to two guilds and they just grew so large that I felt lost and unwelcome. I did belong to two small groups and really enjoyed them and miss them but unfortunately I moved away. Another group I was asked to join did not actually quilt at their meetings. The people were wonderful, but I wanted a hands on group! I would love to find a small group in my area to quilt with!

sandy l 12-12-2012 03:59 AM

Happily quilting in my closet. And I kind of think of the QB as my "guild":)

Knitette 12-12-2012 04:20 AM

Originally Posted by Lisa_wanna_b_quilter (Post 5713333)
Me, too! I'd love to have a group of friends that got together and quilted. Of course, I have all you board folks and that counts for a lot with me.

Me three! My LQS has drop-ins and but it's quite cliquey and don't feel very comfortable most of the time. I might restart in the New Year.

Dodie 12-12-2012 04:35 AM

I am a closet quilter not a bad thing but I would like to be where I could go to a guild but they all meet at night and to far away for me to drive but I have a great sewing room and this board so keeps me happy

quilttiger 12-12-2012 04:55 AM

I started out as a closet quilter and took some classes but once I finally talked myself into joining the local guild, I got to make great friends and we share the love of quliting, too. The guild is very accommodating...if you prefer not to join in any or even all of the guild projects, etc., it's perfectly okay! It's a potpouri of demonstrations, mini-classes, workshops, show and tells, chatting and snacking, smile. I also belong to a small longarm club which I love. My wonderful SIL told me about the Quilting Board, and I have been enjoying it ever since. Because of my Bailey, I also enjoy the Bailey forum. I still love quilting at home, :o.

Plumtree 12-12-2012 05:01 AM

Can I be all 3?
I belong to the guild because there is a discount given to members from our LQS's but I have never gone to a meeting. They are held in the evenings and I am not much of a night driver so I don't go.

I have a great friend and we get together at least once a week to shop for quilting or we sew at either of our houses--lunch is almost always involved.

Mostly I just quilt at home alone. I do teach children to quilt from local homeschool groups out of my house as well.

Wanted to add that I agree with that QB has become my guild--this is where I go for inspiration and help. :-)

katesnanna 12-12-2012 05:08 AM

Very small group, just three of us. What's left of a class at LQS. We meet once a fortnight usually but haven't recently as friend whose house we meet at has been having renovations done.
Otherwise I just hang out in my new sewing room. No set hours, just when I feel like it.

coopah 12-12-2012 05:09 AM

I am so not a joiner. This Board is my main connection to the quilting world. I have been asked to join a guild this year, and I may try that as they have speakers and educational programs. My church makes blankets for unwed mothers and I support that with my time and skills. That's enough for this gal.

lovelyl 12-12-2012 05:09 AM

I would be lost without my guild!

damaquilts 12-12-2012 05:13 AM

Closet here.. I don't do well in crowds and honestly the politics of groups just makes me ill. There is always something. And really my health doesn't let me go out too much especially at night when most of the meetings are and since they are mostly in church groups around here that's not for me either.

quilter1 12-12-2012 05:26 AM

I am a lone quilter. I tried a guild as a member for 4 years, even went on 2 trips to shows, but never managed to feel accepted. Sometimes guild members are not accepting of new people, I would love to belong to a group, or even have someone else to quilt with occasionally.

kathyquilts40 12-12-2012 05:36 AM

Hi MaryAnn,

We have a group of ladies that sew at our church, First Baptist in Naples. Right now it has stopped due to Christmas but will start again in January if you are interested. It is free and we have all levels of sewing/quilting. Young and old attend. Let me know if you are interested. My email is [email protected]

lclang 12-12-2012 05:37 AM

A friend and I started a guild some 25 years ago and it is still going strong. There is room for the newbie and all kinds of free help/advice if people let us know what they want to learn. We have show and tell every month and that alone is worth the price of the membership. We have some youngsters that come with a mom or grandma and one lady who is 92 who still comes when she is able. We do a lot of charity work, quilts for the NICU, cancer hats for the cancer center, now getting quilts together to send after the hurricane in the East. We have some very experienced quilters and some very new ones. All are welcome. If you haven't tried a quilting group, please do. Sometimes you may not find a fit the first time. Check out the churches in your area, the library, community colleges, senior centers, etc for groups that meet in their facilities if you don't have a guild near you.

An Arm Long 12-12-2012 05:41 AM

I belong to a guild made up of 18 wonderful women who love to quilt. We meet twice a month and sometimes do projects together but mostly bring something to work on of our own. On alternate weeks a smaller group of us meet for hand applique or hand quilting or other hand work like finishing bindings and talking. We bring our lunches to both groups and meet from 10AM to 2PM.
I have learned so much from them and find them to be so positive - not catty remarks about other people. Just positive discussions about our quilting and our lives and families.
We meet in a room at our local library where we have free space with lots of tables and plugins for our machines. Once a year we provide some of our quilts for the library to display for their annual quilt show.
I do my machine quilting at home in my sewing room where I have my machine and longarm. I find that with other people talking around me, I am more likely to make mistakes as I am not paying attention to what I am doing!

sguillot 12-12-2012 05:51 AM

I don't belong to a guild but I love quilting with others. I take as many classes at my LQS and time and money allows also I go there the 4th Wednesday of the month for a sew in day and love it.

RV Quilter 12-12-2012 06:31 AM

I enjoy quilting by myself in our motorhome. We have a small quilting group in our RV park that meets weekly to quilt that I also enjoy the socializing and sharing ideas.

jclinganrey 12-12-2012 06:37 AM

Francie - - - I'm in too! What's for dinner? How nice of you. Wow!

I belong to a guild and a friendship group, both meet once a month. I'm BOM chair at my guild. I 'auditioned' 3 different guilds before I decided which one to join. I'm the first to say guilds can sometimes get too 'political' and become not much fun. Mostly, though, I find the guilds to be a source of inspiration, an opportunity to meet with like-minded people, classes with well-known teachers, etc. Here in Orange County CA, we have Camp Watch-a-Patcher (what a name!) every two years which is a great opportunity to really delve into quilting. I do my sewing/quilting at home, as others have said, where I have my things where I want them.

Definitely not a 'closet' quilter as all my family & friends know I'm a quilter and/or have received a quilt from me.


WMD926 12-12-2012 06:53 AM

I'm a closet quilter. I got back into sewing after I got cancer and my treatments remove my immunities - soo - can't be to social but sewing and reading have helped me pass the time plus they are fun for me - opens up my creative side.

grummy2393 12-12-2012 07:02 AM

For years I was a closet quilter, then when we moved to Florida, I joined a guild and haven't looked back.
I love all the ladies and their incredible work.
Diane Perry

WMUTeach 12-12-2012 07:03 AM

Guild and I so appreciate the opportunity to meet new folks and learn little tips and outright tutorials from the members. They are not all my buddies but they are all gals that I can call on when I have a question or a problem with a project. They are also good encouragers when I get bogged down with a project that is sticky.

Amythyst02 12-12-2012 07:19 AM

Closet quilter here, and that is perfect for me, I do things at my pace, in my time frame.

skjack 12-12-2012 07:29 AM

I belong to a guild, and 2 sewing groups. the guild provides opportunity to take classes from national teachers and programs at the meetings. the smaller sewing goups provide friendship and sewing time with other and we ca help each other. I teach classs at three LQS and am a long arm quilter. I also host retreats in my home for up to 8 people. They are so much fun get to meet wonderful people.

catsnchina 12-12-2012 07:38 AM

I belong to 2 quilt guilds and attend meetings when I have time.

Milli 12-12-2012 07:52 AM

Closet ere not confident enough to show my work!

Rann 12-12-2012 08:18 AM

I am a "plan to" quilter. Many patterns and fabric but just getting started is my problem.

ahwu 12-12-2012 08:45 AM

Closet quilter also. As a newbie, the quilt guild is a bit intimidating to me. Would love to try to join a small quilting group at some point. Right now I am very happy with this board.

sunnymom 12-12-2012 08:47 AM

I belong to a guild. I am also a professional longarmer! I LOVE IT!!!! :)

linhawk 12-12-2012 09:12 AM


wendiq 12-12-2012 09:27 AM

I'm a closet quilter, but only because I was never able to find "my niche" in a Guild. The ones I tried were all very clickish....not truly open to newcomers. Everyone was nice on the surface, but that was as far as it went. So, I do my own thing.......certainly takes any pressures off of me. I do try to get together with a friend often to have our own little "sew in".

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