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sewjoyce 02-25-2010 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by maryb119
Machine quilting is not cheating and this is comming form someone who hand quilts most of her quilts. I think that there are many different methods out there and hand quilting is one and so is machine quilting. Doing things different ways is what keeps life interesting,


katiebear1 02-25-2010 05:53 PM

Originally Posted by Blockhead
Hmmm - if you don't quilt your tops, how can you call yourself a quilter? A piecer, a patchworker yes, but a quilter no.

That is the cheating part - those who call themselves quilters, who never actually quilt.

I guess that is what I was trying to say .when I started this thread. I did not mean to offend anyone, like someone else said, if you enjoy it, go for it. I used to paint and draw when I was young and a year or so ago I got an art studio program for my computer. I still considerd it my work since I am moving the mouse and doing my own drawing and painting . The computer is not doing it. It just makes it easier to correct your mistakes and mix colors. Even though it is "virtiul" (sp?) I am the one doing the drawing or painting.

rivka 02-25-2010 06:08 PM

Honestly -- and I will likely get lambasted for this -- but I have to agree with Blockhead to some extent. Anyone who hand quilts or does machine quilting without the assistance of a computer is quilting -- you're the one controlling the output of the needle, and the result is wholly up to you. But if you're using a computer that does all the quilting for you, well you're not really quilting, are you? You're creating a quilt, yes, but you're not actually quilting...the computer is.

To take katiebear's drawing analogy a little further:

a) If I draw a picture on a piece of paper, then I can say that I'm an artist.
b) If I draw a picture on the computer using a graphics program, then I would still call myself an artist. It was my mouse (or graphic pen) strokes that caused the image to be created.
c) If I click a single button within a program, and it draws the picture for me -- am I still an artist? That, to me, is the equivalent of using a computer to do your quilting.

That's just my own opinion, and I hope I won't get too badly stomped on for it. Really, when it comes down to it, if you're enjoying what you're doing and producing, who cares what others think?

Oklahoma Suzie 02-26-2010 01:58 AM

Originally Posted by MNQuilter
the one thing I will say is that the top still had to be pieced. Would you think that you didn't "make" the quilt if you sent it to a long armer to quilt? Someone still put all the work into making the top and a LOT of people send their tops out to be quilted. I'm not one of them (too cheap) but I don't think it's cheating.

I agree

Jshep 02-26-2010 01:21 PM

Shaverg would you care to share how you design your labels on the computer?

quiltsRfun 02-26-2010 02:03 PM

I just think when a machine does it all by itself it's cheating.
I got the same kind of argument when I started digital scrapbooking instead of paper and scissors. But it takes a lot of talent to use the computer and I imagine a lot to set up the quilt correctly. I don't think it's cheating :)

Jshep 02-26-2010 04:05 PM

If you enjoy what you're doing what differece does it make? That's like making a cake. How many people do you know these days who make a cake from scratch? It is so much easier to start with a mix. That's my opinion (we all have one).

bj 02-26-2010 04:31 PM

I think it is just taking advantage of the advancements in quilting. There are those who think machine pieced isn't real quilting. Still others, machine quilted isn't real quilting. I say if the technology is out there, use it if you want to. I've never tried a long arm machine. I don't have access to one to borrow or room for one of my own. But I certainly take advantage of technology whenever I can...computers are my case in point. We didn't have them when I first started teaching, but I sure liked 'em when we did get them. I got pretty good at averaging grades in my head, but still had to use a calculator to be sure. Then had to "bubble" my grades (for 125 kids)in to submit to the ad bldg for report cards. Lots easier to just press the button for submit and be done with it! Yea!!

shaverg 02-26-2010 08:02 PM

Originally Posted by Jshep
Shaverg would you care to share how you design your labels on the computer?

I use a microsoft publisher program. I pick the style, size and color of the font I want to use, add clip art, photo or take a copy of the quilt block used from Eq6 and add that. I have the HP quilt label program, but most of the labels are way too large and can't be adjusted down by much. Then I print it on the ink jet printer sheets I get from JoAnns. I try to design 2-3 labels per sheet, because the sheets can be expensive. I use the sheets that have to be sewn on, which I fold under the edge and sew on by hand.

Dodie 02-27-2010 06:28 AM

I never enter quilt shows anymore for that reason Imay have the wrong idea but I think the catagorys are all wrong there should be a place for the hand quilters as well as the people who quilt their own I do all my own work or otherwise I do not feel it would totaly be my quilt so I do my thing and forget the quilt shows that is even the fairs
sorry my idea Dodie

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