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bluadept 10-02-2012 09:23 AM

Usually when I go out to quilt with groups, I am doing it for charity. And so I not only don't feel guilty despite my DH but I get lots done with all the encouragement. We tend to stand up to stretch and walk around. While we are up, we tend to go see what else is being made and ooh at it. And when we are finished we will stand up with our completed top and get comments on how great it is. I do try to have something planned to do especially if it is a weekend event with it all cut out. But still have not done a retreat yet. My guild is planning some short stitch until you wilt during this year and I will be able to work on my own projects then. It is almost a mini retreat for about 5-7 hours. To cut cost we will be bringing our own goodies or calling out for delivery with those involved paying for what they want. We have a nice area for takeout and delivery.

ro 10-02-2012 09:27 AM

i think you get more done when alone; but i'd rather sew w/a group. although i do not have a group at this time, i'd love to join one.

kateyb 10-02-2012 09:33 AM

I could probably be a hermit. I have a tendency to stay home for weeks on end if I don't participate in activities with others. I joined a guild to get out more. I now belong to a small quilting group. We meet twice a month. We have about 15 members but there is usually only 7 or 8 there at any given time. We sew and visit. Sometimes I get a lot done, sometimes not. I have made some good friends and have fun with them. We teach each other, get help with projects, have show and tell. There is support when we are going through life's challenges. Sometimes I take a hand project, sometimes I take my machine, depends on what I want to do.
I also enjoy sewing alone. I guess my answer is both.

QuilterMomOf3 10-02-2012 09:55 AM

All 3 of my kids are small still (3.5yr old boy, 2.5yr old girl, 2.5 month old girl) so we pretty much stay home all the time.

I also feel the same way as what you said in your post...

I feel bad if my part of the housework falls by the wayside, so I'll move dryer laundry to house, move wet laundry to dryer, and start a new load, then go sew for a bit...then stack up dishes, then sew for a bit, then empty dishwasher, start a new load, and I'm pretty much done with chores for the day...so, back to sewing...

Of course, there are always breaks to play with, watch, feed, and change the kids...

Originally Posted by Ann63 (Post 5554010)
Even when I am cooking or doing laundry, I still seem to get more sewing done. Sewing is a hobby so I justify it by doing things at home while sewing.

nhweaver 10-02-2012 10:03 AM

I do much better by my self. As I go from sewing machine, to another project, to the computer, answer real estate questions, make appointments all day long. (play facebook bingo - oh my, I am addicted, I need bingo intervention)

GladGrams 10-02-2012 11:27 AM

Alone definitely! Groups draw my attention away and I am unable to concentrate on anything that requires thought. I do like to be with people when I sew on binding or embroider.

Country1 10-02-2012 11:35 AM

I like in groups and alone. I do understand it is easy to start talking and loose track of time when in a group. But I have also learned alot of neat tips and tricks in groups.

Material Witness 10-02-2012 12:32 PM

The only problem, as I see it, is if you take your kids somewhere, start sewing, and dont remember to pick them up until after you've gone to bed...

oldtnquiltinglady 10-02-2012 01:16 PM

I find that I am learning the "stay at home" method. When I first retired, I was out and about all the time, taking lessons, joining this or that sewing group, etc. Then a heart problem interfered, and I was forced to stay at home, thus learned that I really can get a lot more done alone. But missing the visiting sometimes becomes a problem, so I just look around for a group to drop in on, and have the best of both worlds, in my estimation..... Housework and neatness was never a problem with me--I am a 'don't care one way or the other' person and so is my husband, and I have a house cleaner come in twice a month who knows me well enough that I don't have to clean the day before she comes.... But right now I have a mind chock full of ideas, and no motivation to get started on them. What an I do????

Morag 10-02-2012 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by MrsM (Post 5554143)
I only sew with others at quilt camp or as others call them retreats. I find a lot of these ladies just want to get down to sewing and save the chatting for meals or during breaks. It was hard at first for me. But now I relax and get done what I can and savor the experience. I'm off to another camp in the begining of November. I like the mini lessons they have and the chance to shop at different vendors as well as seeing the great group of women who attend. The free gifts are wonderful too!

DITTO on that MrsM.....I'm off to quilt camp the week after next for 4 days...I always work on a couple of projects and get so many great 1:1 lessons from my guild friends. I would not miss it for the world:):)

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