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Pati- in Phx 07-04-2010 11:44 AM

It looks like a feathered LeMoyne star variation. <G>
It is based on eight 45° diamonds. Each of the diamonds is sort of a "Half Log Cabin" style.
Start with the small diamond for the center. Add strips to only 2 sides. Final strips would be the HST feathers.
Sizing would need to be calculated, could do it with graph paper or with one of the EQ versions.

Great project. Love the finished look.

Pati, in Phx

Pati- in Phx 07-04-2010 11:50 AM

This is a different feathered star than the one pictured.
You can actually "feather" any star, but with the eight pointed ones you can base it on either a variable star or a LeMoyne star. If you use a variable star/sawtooth star the sides of the points are different lengths and have different numbers of "feathers" on each side.
With a LeMoyne star you are working with diamonds, not half square triangles, so there are the same number of "feathers" on each side of the point. (does that make sense?)

When using the 45° diamonds there are lots of variations you can use, each giving the center of the star a different look. Lots of fun to play with.

Have fun,
Pati, in Phx

brenda 5 07-04-2010 01:14 PM

I remember seeing a pattern like that somewhere. I will have to look in my stash and see if i have it. It looks so familiar.

greencat 07-04-2010 02:47 PM

Here's a Montana Feathered Star. Looks like a triple feathered star, but could be modified.

I sure hope someone comes up with the pattern for this! I'd certainly like to make a WH!

Alondra 07-04-2010 04:20 PM

Same here. Apparently the site is from Russia, since it ends in "ru".

quiltingfan 07-04-2010 06:39 PM

Originally Posted by btiny36
Here is what I have. does this look close to the star you are looking for I know that you want the complete pattern, but I think that one could figure out how to add the log cabin blocks to this. Hope the pic works

this looks like it would work. Now to figure out how to do that. Have you done one of these? I am not going to try to do the log cabin. Just try the star for now. I just finished the log cabin and it kicked my behind, it was a fight to the finish and I one the war but it definitely won some battles.

M.I.Late 07-04-2010 06:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by btiny36
Ok then I have this pattern also, which is made like a log cabin with strips. Might this work?

Btiny seems to have the right star - but it's not totally correct. The center is not a true star. The rest looks correct until you get to the end. The feathers are there if you just leave off the white section - see? It just doesn't end exactly the same. I would guess that they have modified Btiny's. But her pattern will certainly get you there.

Btiny what is the name of your block?

Log Cabin Featured Star Quilt

M.I.Late 07-04-2010 06:45 PM

Originally Posted by btiny36
Ok then I have this pattern also, which is made like a log cabin with strips. Might this work?

It's definately not this one - the center is the biggest problem with this one.

M.I.Late 07-04-2010 07:32 PM

O.K. I did more research too. This is definately a "feathered lone star". I cannot find specifically that pattern, but if you make the lone star there are many places you can pick up the final feathering. You can find instructions for both the lone star and the feathered modification. Good luck!

Pati- in Phx 07-04-2010 07:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Let's see if I can post a picture here.
This is a simple 3 round half log cabin diamonds for the centers and 3 HST feathers on the sides. It could be done with whatever number you want, of course.

Have fun,
Pati, in Phx

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