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omak 05-22-2009 06:14 PM

Originally Posted by Quiltgranny
Hi Omak,

I really appreciate your reply to both of us. Something I should've said in my original post that would've clarified some thing is, no, this isn't the worst thing we've had to deal with in our 24+ years, obviously. In fact, we are both permanently disabled with a variety of things. Mine involve cognitive problems a lot, to the point that I forget which faucet is hot and which is cold. MS, and some of the other auto immune diseases I have make many things I do on a daily basis difficult sometimes, but not all the time. Understand conceptual ideas is one of my toughest ones. For me, trying to figure out how to put all the pieces together of the boot was as difficult as
rocket science in my brain, unfortunately.

Dear hubby and I are together 24 x 7, and have been for the last several years, so yes, we are learning how to do some things together that we never did before. I knew he had this talent for art, but his own expectations are so high for himself, that he hasn't painted for eons. I think that's sad, as he is a very talented artist. We are on this earth for a relatively short time, and believe me, we usually do make the best of our time. I probably should not have posted this today as I am having a difficult time. Please do not think ill of me for typing some things that may sound so superficial to others not in our situation. Again, thanks for your comments and encouragement.


Absolutely no ill thoughts at all! I know what it feels like to try to do something right that is in someone else's mind - - rhetorical living, to say the least!
I remember Jean Wells, from Sisters Oregon quilt show fame telling the story about the guy who does the graphics for the show. He has seen some posters she was carrying, early on in the process, and being an artist, and being new in town, he told her he could make a better poster. And, he did! Of course <g> not being a quilter ... you can only imagine what happened when someone saw the poster and wanted the pattern for that WONDERFUL quilt - - which was a figment of someone's mind. Miss Jean decided that he needed to know a bit more about making a quilt.
So, she let him pick out one of the quilts he had designed and then they set out to help HIM make it.
If I remember the whole story correctly, he is now quilting, writes really neat songs about quilts, and doing great graphics as always ...
but, I see how frustrated you might become.
I am sorry if I chided too much. And, I thank you for explaining the things that, added to a difficult quilt, make the job even more challenging.

littlehud 05-22-2009 06:19 PM

So sad, but a chance criticism can crush our spirit. If you don't want to finish it don't, but remember we quilt for the joy it gives us. We can't please everyone, just try to enjoy yourself.

kluedesigns 05-22-2009 06:35 PM

don't let people crush your artistic expressions. finish this quilt exactly how you wanted it to be.

i make art quilts and most people don't like art quilts they like the traditional homey stuff but that doesn't stop me from doing my art and exploring my talents and abilities.

art is a very personal thing and what you make will not be liked by everyone because we all have different tastes.

this should never stop you from working - go back to the original design you had in mind and forget what any one else has to say about your work.

JoanneS 05-22-2009 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by 2K
New or not, I'm stepping right into the middle of this one.

PLEASE - DON'T let someone ELSE take your joy that easily! Mercy! The project is YOURS. If someone else believes my quilts are not worth my finishing, I would ask them to bring their perfect quilt so I could see how it was made and learn from it. Until then, I quilt for ME.

Besides, I happen to like black and would most likely find your quilt interesting! Pics? Could the both of you show pics?

TeeHeeHee. I'm such a rule breaker, I'd finish it and have a blast doing so.

My husband chose the colors he wanted for his quilt and asked me to make it. Said make it any way I wanted to. You should see it. When I started, I KNEW he was crazy. Now I just LOVE it and I had a BLAST making it! Colors I would never have chosen for myself! Reds, oranges, batiks, gorgeous. Named it "Hell Fire". Everyone that sees it loves it.

Please - YOU be the keeper of your emotions, eh? Make the quilt! I wanna see!

Agree with everything you say - AND WELCOME! Also, WE LOVE PICTURES - so please post 'Hell Fire' now that you have us intrigued!

Mousie 05-22-2009 06:59 PM

oh yes, been there, done that! don't know why, but it is a major reason, I don't want family seeing my stuff, while i am working on it.
Quilting is fun, but we are serious about our creations. They are an expression of our inner selves. It hurts to have someone, "critique", it, especially without being asked.
I have to be in a good mode, to be my most creative, so I don't sew when I'm not in a good mood. They just don't go together. Hubby's forget how much their comments affect us. He would take it back, if he knew how it made you feel, but that's like trying to put the feathers back on the turkey...toooo late.
I think posting a pic is a good idea. I think that would help.:D

Mousie 05-22-2009 07:08 PM

Originally Posted by 2K
Now THAT would be a fine name for that quilt..."A Burr in my Saddle". Yes, you should enter it. You've done a wonderful job.

Why not use the entire event as a reason to laugh your butt off. And IF my husband ever uses my machine and messes it up, that's great too. I'm sure I could find SOMETHING to do until my new one got here! He quilts my quilts. He purchased the quilter and the frame, he picked out and purchased my Janome 6500. (I know him well enough to know he'd rather buy another machine than a coffin.)

Men! Learn to laugh at em, and with em, they're really quite funny you know! :mrgreen:

HELLO, 2K!!!! i love your line about he'd rather by a new machine, than a coffin! lol! :wink:
sounds like you and your hubby, are a lot like, me and mine. To somebody else, we may sound like we are going at it, but to us...just exchanging jibes, and laughs.
Met him, he poked fun at me...until I learned how to poke back, now it's second nature. yup, I laugh at him all the time, bc i have become quite good at what he does!!! :lol:

cutebuns 05-22-2009 07:09 PM

It is a personal thing if you choose to continue or not. Some people can forge ahead and others have to set it aside. Some projects take longer than others do, It is a hame that a comment can make it hard for someone to have joy in what we do.
I found myself working on a lap quilt for my dad once and while putting together the one block, totally hated it at the time. But I knew that I picked the fabric for a reason and the fact that I have a really hard time pulling out perfectly good sewing, made me continue anyway. The piece sits out on the back on my dad's chair most of the time, hardly ever used as he doesn't want it wrecked, he shows anyone that comes to the house and has gathered it's fair share of compliments.

Some times you have to go with your gut no matter what others think. The quilt as a whole looks so much different that when it is in pieces.

There would also be a whole lot few quilts around if we all stopped what we were doing when someone didn't like what they saw.

Quiltgranny 05-22-2009 07:10 PM

Hi Omak,

What a wonderful story! Thanks so much for sharing it with me. :) Just goes to show ya, that you never know how things might turn out for folks down the road.

Oh, I don't feel that was chiding, just thought it might be helpful to include some pertinent info to our situation. If I was reading my post and didn't know the circumstances, I might think it seemed petty in the big scheme of things. :) Life is definitely too short, that's for sure. Just a good reminder to me to keep the big picture in focus. Thanks! :wink:


Quiltgranny 05-22-2009 07:17 PM

Thanks for your reply. Interesting topic here. I'm learning so much from everyone on this one. This seems to be one of those close to the heart matters, maybe therein lies the rub.


2K 05-22-2009 08:00 PM

Quiltgranny, I too have MS. There are days I can NOT get out of the bed. There are days I can NOT spell my own name. No, it is not dementia, it is MS.

MS is what I HAVE, not what I AM. Having MS has been of benefit to me. It has taught me to NOT be so serious with everything, like I always was before MS. It has taught me NOT to be so picky, NOT to be so stressed, NOT to be wasting my time, however much time that may be.

Wanting praise from others for what we do is a strange thing. None of us like being judged, yet we all seek the judgment of others! Ain't that a kick in the pants! When we seek praise, we just HAVE to know that praise MIGHT not be what we get!

Let's laugh at all of this and say, "Ain't no such thang as an ugly quilt!"

Edited: Here is Hell Fire


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