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Butterfli19 05-04-2009 01:55 PM

Well, you must have a fabric stash and if it's good size you can still make those gifts. If it's dwindling, how about donating? Many police and fire departments and hospitals take quilts for people, especially kids. Kids are small so they don't require full size quilts, or you could make pillows. Maybe tote bags.

You shouldn't feel bad about doing something - you should feel bad when you don't. And remember, things get better, they ALWAYS get better.

omak 05-04-2009 02:42 PM

I have been keeping you in my thoughts and I considered something else that might help all of us when things aren't going the way we would want them to go.

Obviously, we have all found that there are things in life beyond our control. We cannot avoid it, we can't even plan when it happens. The one thing we can control is our reaction to our circumstances. We can choose to sit down and give up, or we can seek out those things that we can do to make the world better, and thus help ourselves move beyond the incomprehensible. Life moves on - - sometimes faster than we can imagine, and sometimes in slow motion. By being able to turn to positive things that make us better, we are not only helping ourselves, we are able to help others around us. Because you have quilting that you CAN do, the things you cannot control become less complicated and destructive. You might be slower, but you are still moving forward. God can bless that. And your consistency in trying will be a blessing to others as well.

MadQuilter 05-04-2009 03:55 PM

Originally Posted by quiltswithdogs
Quilting now would be just for my pleasure. I'm not skilled enough to sell and anyway

The more you practice, the better you'll be and who knows, you may still add to the family budget.

I'm sorry you are in such a rough patch. Give it a little time and watch the sunshine come back. Once you'll get settled, you'll have a chance to adjust to the new digs. Just think - less square footage - less house to clean. Less time for cleaning - more time for quilting.

Honestly, as stressful as your life is right now, you really need to have time to relax or you'll be sick again. You are doing a lot of grieving right now and that has to be processed for you to emerge as a whole and happy person.

Big Hug from up the Sacramento valley.

GiGi 05-05-2009 04:14 PM

Please, please don't feel guilty! Any type of art is soothing to the soul. Whenever I need to release my stress or have had a bad day, I go into my studio and do whatever art piece I feel like working on at that moment. You too have a studio...it is wherever you decide to quilt, stitch, draw, paint, etc. I have even taken my supplies into the bathroom and worked! No one bothers you there. I empathize with you. My husbands company of 36 years walked in two months ago and told everyone that they were closing! Just like that. I have not lost my home like you; however, I feel that whenever God closes one door, He will open another. I am placing you on my prayer list and anytime you need to vent on this site, please do. We are good listeners. God Bless You and Your Husband. GiGi

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

quiltswithdogs 05-05-2009 06:01 PM

I think it's time for me to THANK YOU SO MUCH! I appreciate all your prayers and beautiful advice.

I do know that stuff, after all, I've been a nurse for 40yrs, or at least I was, and a volunteer for 30, including Hospice 12 years, or at least I was. But you know what? It's just like when you are sick... you can't see the forest for the trees and you forget all the wisdom you ever possessed so cannot help your own needs. So I need to hear kindness like yours.
The next time I have the "blues" or am feeling guilty about quilting when I should be earning an income instead of adding to medical bills or should be keeping up with our household tasks or should be packing for our upcoming move, (we still don't know when), I won't wait 5 months to quilt! I will reread all your lovely comments and feel better. My illnesses don't help matters. This morning, despite a good night sleep, I felt so bad. My husband was concerned because I wasn't my usual chatty cathy self. I finally gave up at 10:30, took a Rx pain pill and went back to bed. I awoke nearly 4 hours later, pain much less and brain functioning so was able to pay the bills. I've decided to forget tidying the kitchen and quilt instead while I still have some energy... fun! Hubby always cooks our dinner. Watch the BOM -Pioneer 09 for my photos. After I get Feb block done, I'll get DH to photograph them and help me put them for you to see. I'm just using fabric recently given my by physical therapist who has switched to working with glass (ouch to her fingers). I'm hoping it's enough to complete the sampler.
OK, here I go a-quilting...! Cathy

omak 05-05-2009 06:37 PM

Your exuberance is our blessing!
Welcome back <wave>

hpylady 05-09-2009 10:24 AM

quiltswithdogs...........I am so sorry about your hardships and especially with the loss of your dear dog (best friend) right? Wish there was something I could do to help you. I know the most important thing I can do is "PRAY" and it is free. Times are so hard for alot of us, but it has to get worse before it gets better, right? Maybe your worse is about over, and look now to the positive, just believe!

I also feel really guilty about quilting. I have so many projects and quilting is my favorite, but all my other projects are going a little lacking because quilting comes first. My husband goes to a job every day that he absolutely hates while I am at home having fun, fun, fun. :lol: Sorry, I can't help it, I am addicted to "QUILTING".

Here's a REAL BIG HUG for you! We are here for you when you need us. :thumbup:

Diamonds 05-10-2009 07:36 PM

Quiltswithdogs, I went a few months without quiting too.. I found myself getting more stressed out over even simple things :( It was not a good for myself or my family..

Right now it seems to be an outlet for you with all that is going on.. So it is a positive thing.. I understand the guilt but you also have to put that aside.. Keep up on your other obligations but when you have the time-take it..

You will be in my thoughts and prayers...

quiltswithdogs 05-10-2009 10:57 PM

Hi everybody, you all convinced me to return to quilting!
Some days I can work on it for an hour, others 20min, others not at all. But I'm having fun, even just thinking about it. My husband is happy to see me enjoying my quilting room again (while we still have our home) and he looks at my work on my wallboard with interest. What I am currently doing is this board's 09 Pioneer BOM that started in January. So far, I've done the blocks for Jan and Feb! When I get photos of them, I will post them on the BOM posts.

k3n 05-11-2009 01:11 AM

Cathy - sorry I missed this earlier but I'm glad your spirits have lifted! I can't really add anything to all the wonderful advice above - it's already been said so I just send you HUGS!

K x

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