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Flying_V_Goddess 04-16-2007 02:42 PM

Sorry to hear about your wrist. Hope it heals soon so you can get back to making beautiful quilts. :D

MCH 04-16-2007 04:01 PM

Oh, dear...when I broke my wrist 2 years ago, folks at the office would try to be encouraging with, "Well, at least it wasn't you're right wrist. You can still type." "I'm left-handed." They were bewildered for a bit, then were even more sympathetic.

I broke my wrist (3 of the 8 bones in the wrist) when I tripped on a step at home, trying to get to the phone before it stopped ringing. Reminder to self: we have caller ID and an answering machine.

I tripped on the step from the living room to the dining room and landed full force / face down on ceramic tile. Did I mention it happened in the Friday afternoon at the beginning of the Memorial Day week-end?

I tripped because I caught the lip of the orthopedic boot I was wearing on my left foot. You see, about 10 days previously, I had broken a bone in my foot.

Short version of this is that I was in such pain from my wrist injury and it had swollen to the size of a grapefruit that my DH called the paramedics to transport me to the hospital. The dr. in the emergency room put a splint on my wrist and sent me home...with my boot on my foot.

I spent the week-end with my splinted writs and arm on a pillow. I slept in my big chair in the family room.

By Tuesday, I was at the orthopedic surgeon's office...and at age 59 I got my first cast. Oh, dear...I was a basket case...and my DH was so upset that he couldn't do anything to help me.

The day-to-day "stuff" was a real challenge for about 10 days until the dr. gave me the removeable cast. That helped so much.

Ultimately, about 6 weeks later, the dr. took away the removeable cast and released me to physical therapy. That went for several weeks.

It took almost a year for me to regain the strength and flexibility in my wrist...and I couldn't sew for several months. All is fine now, but sometimes my wrist "pops" and it's sensitive to cold...but God took good care of me...and like you note, I think He was telling me to take it easy for awhile.

Take good care and be sure you go to physical therapy as soon as and for as long as the doctor authorizes it. Then, you'll be sure to have a great recovery.

I'm on my way to a San Jose, CA Sharks hockey game, now. GO SHARKS! :lol:

Barb V 04-16-2007 07:34 PM

SJaron, My thought are with you for a speedy recovery. I know what you are going through. I am back to quilting, and so will you. The main thing I learned, (the hard way)... listen to the doctor. I had the removable cast. and I had it off, more then on. That was my mistake at the time. The doctor thought he was doing me a favor, but I miss used it.

Celeste 04-16-2007 11:12 PM

My sister, Dawn, our canine "babies", Stormy and Emmalee, and I wish you a speedy recovery. (Our girls are concerned you won't be able to eat... they think with their stomachs, bless them.)

ButtercreamCakeArtist 04-17-2007 03:39 AM

Hi Sharon. I hope that you are feeling better. Just wanting to wish you well soon. Get WELL! :)

vicki reno 04-17-2007 03:40 AM

Get well soon! can't have you laid up! Too many ufo's and quilts to make! Be good and listen to what the drs say. We love you!

isnthatodd 04-21-2007 12:27 PM

Has anyone heard how it went on Friday for Sharon?

mimisharon 04-22-2007 05:20 AM

HI, sorry not to have let you know sooner. I was in surgery for more than two hours. H told me that my arm will be a little shorter and that he got all the bits and pieces out, I was on a morphine pump that didn't help at all after surgery. He allowed me to come home if I promised to hold the arm above the heart. I would have promised him anything,

supposed to get the stitches out the 27th and get a "real" cast on for 8 -12 weeks. sighhhhh I'm thinking when the stitches are out and the hand isn't on such an angle.......it will be easier pain wise??? Anyone know?

I'm off, been sitting about 30 minutes and that's to long. thanks for prayers and good wishes. I want my needle and thread back, this thing on here is not good!!!

Iris are about to open, Tim, will try to get dh to snap pic when they open.

Hugs y'all!

Yvonne 04-22-2007 11:00 AM

Sharon, it's so good to hear from you. I'm glad you were able to go home. You always sleep better in your own bed!

I wish I had some 'wise words of wisdom' for you. I don't envy you having a cast on during the summer months. Isn't it amazing all the things you "can't do"? You just don't realize until you're incapacitated!

Meanwhile, visualize all those quilts you'll be making before you know it.
I know you're checking off the days until this ordeal is over!

Take care!

Suz 04-22-2007 01:35 PM

Dear Sharon,

I am so far behind in reading this forum and when I started today I find you fell and broke your wrist. Let me add my wishes for a speedy recovery and rehab. You are already added to my prayer list.

When you are able, give us an update on your son. Praying for him also. We owe our military so much.

Blessings, Suzanne

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