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bearisgray 11-30-2017 02:56 PM

Actually, my neighbor lady told me - when I was around ten years old or so - "If you can't say anything nice (about somebody or something), don't say anything at all."

I had made some comment on some blue shoes that she had that I that I thought were extremely ugly. Actually - if I still wore heels, I might consider wearing something like them now.

So - I asked her if someone - asks - for a comment - she suggested something like "I like the color" - so unless pressed hard to the wall - try to come up with something positive/nice or neutral.

Then there is the "Interesting" - "I've never seen anything like that before" - "Oh, my" -

The one our family uses is "It's your dime." when someone wants something that we probably would not choose for ourselves.

luvspaper 11-30-2017 03:29 PM

Y’all are just reminding me why I’ve never wanted to attend quilting classes....

Tothill 11-30-2017 11:02 PM

Although I agree that not all classes are as advertised and not all instructors know how to teach, I cannot say I have ever taken a class that I did not learn something.

I rarely know anyone else at a class I take, but that does not bother me, I am there to learn and perhaps will make a new friend.

I know my taste in colour is not for everyone, but it is what I like and if I am making something for myself, I want it to be colours I love. The last class I did I struggled with the colours as I was making a gift for someone who loves pink. I am not fond of pink at all. I was happy to accept suggestions for colour placement.

I have taken classes at a store where there appears to be a group of women who take many classes together and know each other very well. Perhaps I was odd woman out, I was significantly younger than the other attendees too. but you know what? I listened to the teacher, did my work, learned a new skill and made my project.

janjanq 12-01-2017 05:15 AM

Sometimes in a class I will see someone's fabrics and think to myself yecccch! But then when I see the finished product I'm totally surprised at how beautiful it turned out! My very first class was a log cabin quilt class about 30 years ago. One lady picked navy and purple fabric that I thought looked horrible. But when all the quilts were completed hers was my favorite. I liked it much better than my own.
I don't always like other people's choices and I'm sure there are people who don't like mine either. But I do find it interesting and surprising how fabrics that I would have never picked out end up looking fantastic in a quilt. And I like being inspired by the work of others.


Onebyone 12-01-2017 05:36 AM

I think too many have thin skins when someones says something negative about our quilt choices. One guild member told me she thought my fabric choices were ugly in front of the group. I said isn't it though? but I'm using this fabric anyway besides the ugly will quilt out. Everyone laughed. Of course I didn't think my fabric was ugly but she came out looking the loser of that little snark.

bearisgray 12-01-2017 05:50 AM

I think there is a difference between

"Gosh, your choices are ugly"


"Not what I would choose for myself"

Although if that is what I am thinking, I have learned to keep the thoughts to myself.:shock: :rolleyes:

Peckish 12-01-2017 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by janjanq (Post 7954094)
Sometimes in a class I will see someone's fabrics and think to myself yecccch! But then when I see the finished product I'm totally surprised at how beautiful it turned out!

I have a friend who does this with nearly every quilt she makes. She definitely has an eye. She will take fabrics that the rest of us think are hideous, or "what was I thinking" fabric, and make something absolutely gorgeous from it. I have learned a lot from her over the years about fabric selection, value, and placement!

Jan in VA 12-04-2017 09:36 AM

Well, it certainly was obvious that one teacher had never taken a class before!!! If all these were about her, she broke nearly every rule of any shop owner I've ever known. How horrible for you to experience. I assure you, not all instructors are "teachers", and not all teachers are poor ones. Please give it another try. :)

Jan in VA

Originally Posted by EvelynB (Post 7953323)
How about similar rules for teachers? The last class I took was a nightmare. If I hadn't come with friends I would have left.
Show up on time.
Have a class supply list ahead of time.
Xerox instructions ahead of time. Proofread for errors.
Know the instructions for the supplies.
Have a completed example.
Don't bring your dog to class.
Have sufficient tables and chairs set up ahead of time.
Don't increase the cost without notice.
Phone students the day before to remind them to be ready to work at a set time.
If you plan to supply fabrics, markers, patterns, or scissors be sure there's enough. (Six of us shared nail scissors at a quilt shop because we didn't know there'd be any cutting or sewing!)
Don't gossip, especially to other employees.
Have sufficient irons. One is not enough for seven people.
Supplying some fabric is nice but proclaiming the quilt shops fabric is overpriced so you bought it at WalMart is shocking!
Proudly telling the students that you've never taken a class is insulting.
Blowing a whistle to get attention is also insulting.
I've never returned to that quilt shop much less taken a class again.

Jan in VA 12-04-2017 09:38 AM

Originally Posted by RedGarnet222 (Post 7952850)
To insure a well behaved group, perhaps a this list should be given out ahead of time. Then people are aware of the rules.

Perhaps this "Common Courtesies" list should routinely be handed out with the receipt-for-payment and supply list at registration.

Jan in VA

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